Dash and Thorchain – What’s next?
So…..Dash is going to be integrated into the Decentralized Exchange THORChain. This has many implications. From our end, anything that...
Dash unveils new ways to buy Dash in the Android Dash Wallet, thanks to a streamlined integration with Coinbase products
The option allows users to leverage payment methods linked to their Coinbase account for an easy fiat onramp, as well...
Dash Core v18.0.1 Release Announcement
Dash Core v18.0.1 is a major release and is a mandatory upgrade for all masternodes, miners, and users. Version 18.0.1,...
How Dash Is Being Integrated Into Everyday Transactions
Dash, originally sold to the world as a privacy-focused cryptocurrency, has since rebranded as a payments coin. In that regard,...
Dash and Crowdnode roll out New fractional masternode Staking Feature on mobile app
Dash, top digital currency for payments and e-commerce, and the longest working Staking cryptocurrency now has a new staking feature in...
Brown Bag Session – Platform Roadmap Reflections by Ivan Shumkov
Ivan Shumkov, the Dash Core Group Principal Engineer, recently shared his insights on the vision for Dash Platform. Here are...
Taxi toppers report: Miami
As the Dash community is aware, during the months of November and December 2021, the DCG marketing team set up...
Business Development report: Jan – April 2022
The Dash Core Group Business Development team has undergone significant change in the first 4 months of 2022; including changes...
Dash Listed on Stonoex, Brazil’s innovative Assets Exchange
Exchange partnership will feature Dash-Brazilian real and Coffee Coin as part of the integration SCOTTSDALE, ARIZ., April 17, 2022...
DashCore v18.0 Product Brief
DashCore v18.0 is a major release and will be a mandatory upgrade for all masternodes, miners, and users. Version 18.0...
DCG Support Desk Celebrates its 5th Anniversary
The history of the DCG Support Desk, a small team within Dash Core Group, mirrors the history of Dash itself....
What Is Dash InstantSend (and How Does It Work)?
The modern economy operates at the speed of “now.” In this brave new (digital) world, everything must operate fast enough...