v0.10.16.x Testing

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windows 8.1 with 64bit .. no problem using the Windows 32bit winzip file on Mainnet (never tried the installer) or using the direct windows 32bit link towards the darkcoin-qt.exe for on Testnet
I still have one client hung. Notably it was the one that started working after I shut down the 19 masternodes that shared one txn.
I started all 20 on .5 and it hasn't mixed since.
I can't tell since you removed the "Masternode is publishing too many free transactions" log message.
Please don't remove log info, just push it down to -debug level logging.

Hung wallet keeps showing: "Darksend request incomplete: Last darksend was too recent. Will retry..." even though it hasn't mixed for half an hour.
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Evan : how do you feel about waiting a day (or night, depending where you live) so we can run the wallets a bit longer and decide tomorrow
if there needs more fixing or not ? From my point of view it looks solid but a bit more testing could not hurt either...
Looking good over here.

updating to v10.16.5 now


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v10.16.5 is the 1st version where Denomination seems to finally be running correctly for me.
Mac 10.9.5
I was getting a lot of error messages in the log and darksend idle from all earlier versions today. I'll let it keep running of course and see how it goes.
Same here, and its happening in testnet too.

I know this will be addressed in a future release, just wanted to confirm Ive been having sync issues on mainnet for the past couple of weeks it gets stuck. I am using Ubuntu 14.04 64bits.
Anything pre-existing I'll deal with next release, I'm just looking to fix Darksend right now. With that said, I'm going to go ahead and release. Thanks everyone!
Ok, dont forget JIRA's 30 todo issues.
Evan : how do you feel about waiting a day (or night, depending where you live) so we can run the wallets a bit longer and decide tomorrow
if there needs more fixing or not ? From my point of view it looks solid but a bit more testing could not hurt either...

This may be testnet related but three of my wallets stuck at the same block ~63137 had to close them and restart for it to move on.

i also added addnode=darkcoin.io:19999 before I opened the wallets or got to that block, should that be left in or taken out of darkcoin.conf?
At that point, none.

"Create Normal Transaction" will only take non-denom inputs that have nothing to do with Darksend. So if you've even started denominating, that setting won't work. You'd have to use no-pref to spend the denominated rounds that haven't met the rounds minimum.

So yeah, this is confusing and needs to be removed. Someone suggested just removing it entirely and spending inputs by prioritizing anonymity, then it'll popup and say HOW anonymous the transaction is going to be and ask you if you want to continue. That's prob the best bet.
"Create Normal Transaction" will only take non-denom inputs that have nothing to do with Darksend. So if you've even started denominating, that setting won't work. You'd have to use no-pref to spend the denominated rounds that haven't met the rounds minimum.

So yeah, this is confusing and needs to be removed. Someone suggested just removing it entirely and spending inputs by prioritizing anonymity, then it'll popup and say HOW anonymous the transaction is going to be and ask you if you want to continue. That's prob the best bet.

I'm for removing it. I justed wanted to see if I could duplicate his issue. If I am sending anything, I either use from darksend transaction or no preference so the normal seems out of place, especially if it will go bust the second the DS process is started.
Benefit of leaving fund preferences in: User is able to do a non-private funds transaction without using up private funds.

May be a bit annoying having to redenominate funds.

Although.. without the fees I imagine people will just anonymize everything anyway..

*edit* Maybe private and no preference options only?
difficulty is rising on testnet 20 min from .9 to 2.9

"blocks" : 63424,
"currentblocksize" : 1000,
"currentblocktx" : 0,
"difficulty" : 0.96693520,
"errors" : "",
"generate" : false,
"genproclimit" : -1,
"hashespersec" : 0,
"networkhashps" : 30616028,
"pooledtx" : 1,
"testnet" : true

"version" : 101605,
"protocolversion" : 70045,
"walletversion" : 60001,
"balance" : 158.13588474,
"darksend_balance" : 0.00000000,
"blocks" : 63437,
"timeoffset" : -2,
"connections" : 11,
"proxy" : "",
"difficulty" : 2.95644463,
"testnet" : true,
"keypoololdest" : 1413539175,
"keypoolsize" : 1001,
"paytxfee" : 0.00000000,
"mininput" : 0.00001000,
"errors" : ""
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