Introducing Dash Evolution
Platform chain
Data contracts
Data storage
Platform Chain
The main differences between Tenderdash and Tendermint are that Dash’s version has same-block execution, meaning you don’t have to wait for the next block after writing new data in order to query it. It also uses a rotating quorum, or subset, of validators (Scalable Byzantine Fault Tolerance or sBFT) instead of using all the validators concurrently (Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance or pBFT). Users register identities on Platform in order to use the chain, which are then associated with their private keys on the Core chain. They use these to receive and use Credits, which are Dash equivalents on the Platform chain. Credits are minted when they’re bridged from the main Dash chain. The Dash is locked via an asset lock in order to mint the equivalent amount of Credits, and then burned when the Dash on the main chain is redeemed. The chain is validated by EvoNodes, with quorum signatures being written to the Core chain, thereby benefiting from the security of the Core chain as well. Users use credits to pay fees to process state transitions, as well as store data.
Data Contracts
Data Storage
Drive essentially tells the network to insert/store a given document, while GroveDB sorts it into a particular reference/subtree/etc., and RocksDB stores the key-value mapping (i.e. “name = evan”). It’s a much more thoroughly-developed data storage solution than many alternatives, and is optimized to be indexed and able to be quickly queried in a decentralized and provable way. This is an abbreviated version, and more in-depth information on the subject can be found in the developer documentation.
What Can You Do With Dash Evolution?
Why Use Dash Evolution?