• Forum has been upgraded, all links, images, etc are as they were. Please see Official Announcements for more information

Dash Branding on Race and Acrobatic airplanes (How I'll promote Dash to 200,000 people per month)

Amazing! The benefit and responsibility is not taken lightly. Thank you to all that have supported us! Now, time to get to work. Everyday... we build the DASH Brand. If you have 2 dash or several MNs... we will all gain and benefit as a group, as a community! Update video within 24 hours. We have deliverables and goals set that I did not want to appear as trying to manipulate interest to sway the vote in "promises". I wanted the vote to pass on it's own merits. Now that we have a "Yes" time to do what we do at DASH AeroSports #dash_aerosports and deliver in excess of our original proposal. Thank you, Scott Farnsworth - The Pilot of DASH Force One
Amazing! The benefit and responsibility is not taken lightly. Thank you to all that have supported us! Now, time to get to work. Everyday... we build the DASH Brand. If you have 2 dash or several MNs... we will all gain and benefit as a group, as a community! Update video within 24 hours. We have deliverables and goals set that I did not want to appear as trying to manipulate interest to sway the vote in "promises". I wanted the vote to pass on it's own merits. Now that we have a "Yes" time to do what we do at DASH AeroSports #dash_aerosports and deliver in excess of our original proposal. Thank you, Scott Farnsworth - The Pilot of DASH Force One
Congratulations and good luck!
The promotional video for the plane was a work of genius. They tease you for a while, and when they finally reveal this sexy, marvelous airplane emblazoned with the DASH logo it's like a bolt of lightning hits you. I had to stop the video because I was on the verge of shedding tears of joy.

Thank you for your kind words. Your statements are what fills my days with happiness. I try to create exactly what you talk about... internalized reactions that bring you into our would. I truly think the DAO's yes vote is life-changing for my team. We have supported projects in the past that we truly enjoy. Dash combined with our flight team is our ultimate sponsorship. We all believe in dash, but also believe that dash will change the world for the better. My team is working before sunrise and till late into the night right now! We are transitioning the team already on the faith that the vote finishes still in our favor. To make contact with as many individuals during each show day is our focus. Please come to a show or race and watch me dance the skies in the DASH XtremeAir or race to victory in DASH Force ONE racing jet! Then come to our display and event setup and let us talk dash. Thank you to the dash nation for the support and kindness.
Its official:

We will be shooting a “pilot” episode for Dash AeroSports - The Flight Team Powered by DASH.

The episode will be produced during the Reno National Air Races. Plenty of drama between a bunch of Type A race pilots and the stresses of running a race team during such a high profile event.

This is not a “hope” or “maybe it will happen”. This will happen. This sponsorship is a great storyline to be shared.

Once Cash Alternative TV can have me on again. I would love to discuss the details and overall “pitch” we provided to various content providers and the reason why we choose to go with our selection.

Dash deserves this spotlight.

Thank you to all that came before us. All levels of development, marketing, branding, etc.


Scott Farnsworth

Well it's Friday. Productive week. Answering another dash member we inadvertently posted what we've been up to. Here is a "Pre-funded" Friday update.

<non update material removed>

We are several shows in the US, 2 in China, 1 in Portugal, 2 more in Europe that the Air Race Championships has not released yet (still in negotiations). This is before we received funding. As funding goes up... we add shows and add exposure level.

3 hours of FOX Sports covering the air races. Pilot profile interview alone is 2 minutes. Equivalent ad spot in a non-sporting event is $120,000 per 30 second spot.

DASH AeroSport Reality TV "Pilot" to be filmed during the Reno National AIr Races.

Film crew that specializes in Motor Sport Social Media filming. Booked within our budget.

Location for DASH pavilion area in Reno negotiated (Not easy) to be placed directly between the elevated location FOX film crew and the jet pits. (Anytime they want to have an image to the racing jets from a higher angle... they have to include our DASH logos on our planes and equipment.

Professional Photographer during Reno: Booked within our budget.

Manua Loa Helicopters in Hawaii integrating DASH into their system.

Strong Parachutes agrees to exclusive DASH payment for their aviation parachutes. Magazine article announcing this relationship.

We also have provided photos and media stories recounting our pavilion setup in which we (4-5 person crew) engage and educate spectators about our sponsor's products. Do to masterminds suggestion, we believe that we can have an ATM present too.

I believe dash is digital cash. Therefore everyone will be using dash. Everyone is a qualified audience by the term "Dash is Digital Cash".

I have provided ICAS statistics indicating a better than 80% sponsor recognition and a 63% try/adoption rate of spectators at an airshow or air race.

I and my director of operations will fly anywhere that the dash core team will meet with us. We would enjoy their direction in how they want us to represent the dash nation. Brand protection and recognition go hand and hand. We are only promoting what the developers are responsible for... this amazing dash.

*We are not funded yet. I have paid everyone out of my own personal dash. Our inter-team relationship will be in dash. (Exception is aircraft designs and studio use was in from my USD)

I think it's very clear based on locations, outlay, planning, resources, the level of aircraft, I will be self-funding a portion of this. I'm sure that is clear given what I've presented? Yes, I want my personal dash to go up in value. However, I want dash in the #1 spot of the marketcap more. Time to get to work.

I am taking my kids flying tomorrow, but my 888 number will be active on sunday between 10am-2pm EST in the US.

Please call if you would like to discuss more. It would be a pleasure. The last call session provided several conversations of support.

It even got us a public statement on the forum from one of our coversations:

"I just got off the phone with Scott Farnsworth of AircraftWraps.com and he is indeed @DashRacer. He said he would also post something on his facebook account.

He sounds like a good guy!"


Scott Farnsworth
Sunday's call in session rescheduled:

1pm - 4pm EST US

Sorry for the slight shift. I'll be flying and unable to personally speak until back on the ground.

Thank you,

Scott Farnsworth
We have a lot of projects currently underway for DASH and decided not to wait to transition contact info. We believe it is better to transition early and bring clarity to our purpose when addressing involved parties to our projects outside of the dash ecosystem.

New DASH AeroSports contact INFO:

[email protected]

For general email contact. This email will forward to Keith(Operations Director), Cody(Crypto Specific Marketing) and Scott (Me). Remaining team individual contacts to be added.

(802) DASH-FLY

DASH AeroSports Contact Phone# (Open communications and finding us during Shows/Races)
Thank you to the Dash community! It's a true honor to "FLY" the DASH colors! I am personally inspired everyday by the positive and supportive group that is dash. Thank you again, Scott Farnsworth @DashRacer Air Show and Race Pilot for Dash AeroSports #dash_aerosports
Good morning. If anyone from the Dash Core Team is viewing this message: Dash AeroSports pilot and operations lead would enjoy meeting at any location available and at your earliest convenience. Our team would like to ensure our vision is aligned with the Core Team's branding and representation requirements. We can be reached via email [email protected] or our contact number (802) DASH-FLY Regards, Scott @DashRacer , Keith @race_ops #dash_aerosports
Good morning. If anyone from the Dash Core Team is viewing this message: Dash AeroSports pilot and operations lead would enjoy meeting at any location available and at your earliest convenience. Our team would like to ensure our vision is aligned with the Core Team's branding and representation requirements. We can be reached via email [email protected] or our contact number (802) DASH-FLY Regards, Scott @DashRacer , Keith @race_ops #dash_aerosports
Hi Scott, i ping some core members for you.
@Ryan Taylor @flare @tungfa @fernando @kot
Hi Scott, what a positive energy you have when I read all your messages. This is what dash needs because people want to be a part of a community with positive and nice people. I like to meet you in the future but I am living in the Netherlands so when you are in Europe I will certainly visit one of your shows. Bossie
Hi Scott, what a positive energy you have when I read all your messages. This is what dash needs because people want to be a part of a community with positive and nice people. I like to meet you in the future but I am living in the Netherlands so when you are in Europe I will certainly visit one of your shows. Bossie
That is great and thank you for your compliments. I look forward to meeting you in Europe during one of our races.
Good morning. If anyone from the Dash Core Team is viewing this message: Dash AeroSports pilot and operations lead would enjoy meeting at any location available and at your earliest convenience. Our team would like to ensure our vision is aligned with the Core Team's branding and representation requirements. We can be reached via email [email protected] or our contact number (802) DASH-FLY Regards, Scott @DashRacer , Keith @race_ops #dash_aerosports

Hong Kong flights are welcome anytime :D
tx for the message , feel free to reach out anytime
[email protected]

it would definately help if dash.org is on the plane - dash by itself is a bit too early i believe (as nobody knows what it is )
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Hong Kong flights are welcome anytime :D
tx for the message , feel free to reach out anytime
[email protected]

it would definately help if dash.org is on the plane - dash by itself is a bit too early i believe (as nobody knows what it is )
We will incorporate Dash.org into the wrap. We till also be adding Dash Force News leads to drive spectators to their content and information on Dash.
#dash_aerosports brought our retired L29 (not the L39) jet from Reno to LA California today. Drop off the L29 with the new owner. We followed this flight with a meeting with our Chinese airshow colleagues. @DashRacer will be traveling to China this Month to negotiate dash_aerosports participation in 3 events throughout China. The discussion of promoting Dash - Digital Cash and its benefits over "WeChat Pay" within China has begun. We will insist upon Dash representation within our event marketing efforts.