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Dash Branding on Race and Acrobatic airplanes (How I'll promote Dash to 200,000 people per month)

So what ammp seems to be saying, is: would it be more appropriate to define funding in $US rather than in Dash? If I understand correctly.
So what ammp seems to be saying, is: would it be more appropriate to define funding in $US rather than in Dash? If I understand correctly.

Well if we are going to talk about it up front...
It would not be fair to the OP to have him assume the risk of currency depreciation (the proposal would have less chance of passing if it needs to consume a higher percentage of the budget), but not assume the reward if the currency appreciates in value. However, that being said, I believe that the chances of Dash doubling, quadrupling, 10X-ing over the course of the next 6 months are substantially higher than the chances that it will go down 50%, 75%, 90% -- and such an extreme price differential is very possible in this booming/volatile market. If the 287 Dash turns out to be worth $150,000 or $287,000 instead of $28,700 halfway through the 6-month duration, the masternodes might balk and then it gets awkward. I guess it depends on how intent Scott and the masternodes are about keeping it denominated in Dash. Just how much should we reasonably expect to pay in USD over and above $28,700 in a given month if the price explodes -- some? Most? All?

Maybe the best way is just trial and error, if the proposal starts getting voted down because the masternodes have price appreciation sticker shock, then he can try submitting a new proposal if he is willing to go lower to win more votes. I don't expect this to really be an issue unless the price more than triples.
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Well if we are going to talk about it up front...
It would not be fair to the OP to have him assume the risk of currency depreciation (the proposal would have less chance of passing if it needs to consume a higher percentage of the budget), but not assume the reward if the currency appreciates in value. However, that being said, I believe that the chances of Dash doubling, quadrupling, 10X-ing over the course of the next 6 months are substantially higher than the chances that it will go down 50%, 75%, 90% -- and such an extreme price differential is very possible in this booming/volatile market. If the 287 Dash turns out to be worth $150,000 or $287,000 instead of $28,700 halfway through the 6-month duration, the masternodes might balk and then it gets awkward. I guess it depends on how intent Scott and the masternodes are about keeping it denominated in Dash. Just how much should we reasonably expect to pay in USD over and above $28,700 in a given month if the price explodes -- some? Most? All?

Maybe the best way is just trial and error, if the proposal starts getting voted down because the masternodes have price appreciation sticker shock, then he can try submitting a new proposal if he is willing to go lower to win more votes. I don't expect this to really be an issue unless the price more than triples.
I like your optimism re: price appreciation.

But this raises a fundamental question regarding all dash proposals, how to adequately manage exchange risk. Especially with longer term proposals.

Not sure what the answer is.
The thing about downside risk is really about how much you need to sell, if you have enough cash on hand to hold dash long term then you will probably ride through the lower price. You would probably not be here making a proposal if you didn't believe the price would go up. The best way to do a proposal like this is to do a all up front payment. But the proposal owner wants to increase the chances of funding by spreading it out. Also, if it's a good proposal there is really no risk in tossing in 6 1 month proposals. Normal sponsorships would be a contract that you sign in USD for X months. Dash cannot do that. I would be fine if the owner said, well i'll devote like X0% of the additional price towards additional sponsorship.

Let's say the price rapidly rose after this month and he comes back after 6 months wanting another $150k~. The estimated payout of the original proposal was $350k, does the community risk another 6 months, is there resentment? I just like this sort of thing to get clarified. It is why 6 month proposals rarely get funded.
I like your optimism re: price appreciation.

But this raises a fundamental question regarding all dash proposals, how to adequately manage exchange risk. Especially with longer term proposals.

Not sure what the answer is.

Thank you for your input. Yes, rising value is great, but I have to personally fund the team's events if the value of dash drops :( Fortunately, I am in a position to do that if needed. Events are planned months ahead of time, based on the performers or racers. Once I commit to an event, I'll always meet our team's obligations.
If there is extra room in the budgets for this month or the next two months, and if the first proposal looks like it is definitely going to get funded, then he could try frontloading some of it in order to effectively reduce the funding window without reducing the sponsorship duration.
Voting on this proposal is now active. Thank you all for the great response! I hope to be successful with the vote and begin representing our community.

Please Vote YES. Unite the fastest digital currency with the fastest sport on the planet.
I do like the proposal, out-flys the doge bobsled by a mile. Just want to know what kind of value add we get if the price goes up. And that should go with the territory of 6 month proposals.

Could airdrop paper wallets etc.
Some sort of prize or competition funding.
Additional Months of sponsorship.
Voting on this proposal is now active. Thank you all for the great response! I hope to be successful with the vote and begin representing our community.

Please Vote YES. Unite the fastest digital currency with the fastest sport on the planet.
Remember to cross link your proposal to the forums and vice versa.
Well, if there's serious concerns about the possible price in 6 months, wouldn't it be possible to do an escrow account with the help of the core team, that releases a number of DASH every month depending on the price of DASH? That way the DASH network gets responsibility for both appreciation and devaluation of the currency.

Or if the price goes up you could do +20% of the appreciation, but none of the devaluation. That way Scott gets value for his work, but the network won't be paying $200.000 a month if the price goes up a lot in those 6 months.

Isn't programmable money great? :D
Voting on this proposal is now active. Thank you all for the great response! I hope to be successful with the vote and begin representing our community.

Please Vote YES. Unite the fastest digital currency with the fastest sport on the planet.
I voted yes. Now make sure you win those races!!
This is a really cool idea overall, and you seem quite credible. Typically, the biggest risk to Dash is an 'all promise, low delivery' situation, but that seems less likely with you.

Do you use any printed literature to promote your shows? It would be really great if you would include a Dash logo or 'sponsored by Dash' with a QR code linking to the Dash homepage in your show literature. What do you think?
If you are going to represent Dash, I'd like to know a whole lot more. Do a Skype with ABJ please.
we really really need a team that can confirm all the fact in the proposal. i dont even know anything about airplanes race stuff.
DashAerosports (proposal owner) 0 points,less than 1 second ago
I'm very sorry. Reviewing my proposal, it appears I understated my total role as the DASH Racer and airshow pilot (Under promise and over deliver has always ensured lasting relationships). This is not only for the team, my piloting, advertising, etc. The race or airshow weekend ends and my team and I begin calling our contacts to market the benefits of DASH and how these operations would benefit from digital currency specific to DASH. When we are not developing business realtions for DASH we are contacting next weeks local area media. I completely wrap myself and ALL my resources into the marketing and business development for DASH. 7 days a week and dealing around the world on a 24 hour clock. I pride myself more on what I do for my sponsor's outside of the cockpit than the 1st place finishes on the race course.

Videos to follow soon as I wrap up DASH exclusive deals from China Air Racing DASH Prize money, to a Parachute company accepting exclusively DASH for digital currency purchases.

Largest Helicopter tour company in Hawaii allowing DASH purchases and tipping of the helicopter pilot in DASH.

If you voted No, please come back and visit our videos that will be published soon. I don't want to tell you what I'll be doing, I want to show you before I even receive a single DASH.

This just finalized while I was typing:

Update: I just completed negotiations with the premium aviation manufacturer of Parachutes. Social media press release and magazine article submitted. I was able to convince Strong Parachutes to accept the digital currency system as payment. I then negotiated the exclusive use of DASH within their aviation and emergency division to enjoy the comarketing benefits joining the DASH AeroSports team.
If you are going to represent Dash, I'd like to know a whole lot more. Do a Skype with ABJ please.
That would truly be my honor. ABJ inspired me and I hope to drive many future users to her channel where she describes and teaches in detail what/why DASH is so unique in this market.

This is a great idea! Thank you