:wink:Yeah everybody remember to copy Udjin example EXACTLY so he gets alot of payments!Just Kidding Udjin.
Actually since you brought this up, is there any docs for the whole run from the command line thing? I am sort of working on a payment module for osCommerce to accept DASH. I want to design it first and then hire some people to write it. I would need to create a payment address per order, etc....so looking for some NOOB docs on getting this layed out.
For task like you mentioned you would need RPC calls and I guess most of them would be the same as for bitcoin https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Original_Bitcoin_client/API_calls_list
You can also open console in qt-wallet and type "help" to get the list or "help somecommand" to get description (and sometimes examples) on specific somecommand command.
Wondering why you need to write smth at all to accept Dash on osCommerce btw... Have you seen https://www.coinpayments.net/ and their https://www.coinpayments.net/merchant-tools-plugins ?
PS. Btw we are slightly off topic, better start another thread if you want long discussion with everybody on that topic.