The August payment cycle has seen quite a bit of late-cycle movement over the past week, but appears to have largely settled into a stable position for a day or two. Below, I have outlined August’s funding requests for the core team and community sponsored proposals as they stand right now. The next superblock is scheduled for block 515096, which should occur at approximately 5-6pm (UTC) on Friday, August 5th.
If you have not already reviewed and voted on the proposals submitted throughout the month, there is still time to vote. Remember that votes must be submitted by the time the budgets finalize 24 hours before the payment cycle, so make sure to vote no later than ~5pm tomorrow.
V12.1 reminder
12.1 is now in testing. When 12.1 is released, the budget system will be “reset” and we will need to add each budget proposal manually. For this reason, all new core team budget proposals are single month proposals until the new system is operational on mainnet.
Ongoing Core Team Budget Items:
Core Team Budget - 1,176 Dash (ongoing)
Dash-Lamassu ATM Integration - 610.26 DASH (payment #8 of 12)
Core Team Budget Items:
Conferences & Travel (August)
This proposal funds a number of items, including conference materials, and transporting and repairing the soda machine - 199.75 Dash
Business Development
This proposal funds our ongoing integration costs for Mycelium and other business development efforts underway - 651.41 Dash
Evolution Development Subcontractors
Funds sub-contracted developers to accelerate the Evolution development timeline - 1293.99 Dash
Core Development - 12.2 DashDrive
Funds sub-contracted developers to accelerate 12.2 DashDrive development - 430.37 Dash
Infrastructure - Datacenter (August)
Provides continued funding for cloud infrastructure and server hosting services - 57.85 Dash
Marketing - International Outreach & Promotion
Ongoing funding for our international outreach and translation services in key markets - 288.58 Dash
Provides one-time funding for Google Apps for Work and Quickbooks for one year - 444.33 Dash
PR Fall Campaign
Provides funding for a new public relations contract expected to last 4 months in duration - 651.41
Infrastructure - Liquidity Providers
Ongoing funding for our PrivateSend liquidity providers to speed mixing - 43.67 Dash
Dash Foundation Donation (NOT YET FUNDED)
Would donate residual balance toward the Dash Foundation to save toward addressing a number of specific legal questions requiring resolution - 124.17 Dash
Other Community Sponsored Proposals Currently Slated to Fund:
Dash's Very Own YouTube Show
123.00 Dash (payment #2 of 3)
HCPP Conference in Prague
80.00 Dash
Dash Across America
700.00 Dash
Jackalope Freedom Festival
350.00 Dash
Slack TipBot & Community Engagement
225.00 Dash (payment #1 of 3)
Complete Budget (as of current voting rank):
Note: USD conversion in the table assumes conversion rates noted in the new budget proposals (at the time they were submitted to the network). Core team budgets with durations over 12 months assume a USD exchange rate of $9.750 as of August 2nd. Existing fixed-duration budgets use the exchange rate at the time of creation / approval. Exchange rate risk is carried only by the proposer of these budget proposals and not by the network unless otherwise noted in the proposal
If you have not already reviewed and voted on the proposals submitted throughout the month, there is still time to vote. Remember that votes must be submitted by the time the budgets finalize 24 hours before the payment cycle, so make sure to vote no later than ~5pm tomorrow.
V12.1 reminder
12.1 is now in testing. When 12.1 is released, the budget system will be “reset” and we will need to add each budget proposal manually. For this reason, all new core team budget proposals are single month proposals until the new system is operational on mainnet.
Ongoing Core Team Budget Items:
Core Team Budget - 1,176 Dash (ongoing)
Dash-Lamassu ATM Integration - 610.26 DASH (payment #8 of 12)
Core Team Budget Items:
Conferences & Travel (August)
This proposal funds a number of items, including conference materials, and transporting and repairing the soda machine - 199.75 Dash
Business Development
This proposal funds our ongoing integration costs for Mycelium and other business development efforts underway - 651.41 Dash
Evolution Development Subcontractors
Funds sub-contracted developers to accelerate the Evolution development timeline - 1293.99 Dash
Core Development - 12.2 DashDrive
Funds sub-contracted developers to accelerate 12.2 DashDrive development - 430.37 Dash
Infrastructure - Datacenter (August)
Provides continued funding for cloud infrastructure and server hosting services - 57.85 Dash
Marketing - International Outreach & Promotion
Ongoing funding for our international outreach and translation services in key markets - 288.58 Dash
Provides one-time funding for Google Apps for Work and Quickbooks for one year - 444.33 Dash
PR Fall Campaign
Provides funding for a new public relations contract expected to last 4 months in duration - 651.41
Infrastructure - Liquidity Providers
Ongoing funding for our PrivateSend liquidity providers to speed mixing - 43.67 Dash
Dash Foundation Donation (NOT YET FUNDED)
Would donate residual balance toward the Dash Foundation to save toward addressing a number of specific legal questions requiring resolution - 124.17 Dash
Other Community Sponsored Proposals Currently Slated to Fund:
Dash's Very Own YouTube Show
123.00 Dash (payment #2 of 3)
HCPP Conference in Prague
80.00 Dash
Dash Across America
700.00 Dash
Jackalope Freedom Festival
350.00 Dash
Slack TipBot & Community Engagement
225.00 Dash (payment #1 of 3)
Complete Budget (as of current voting rank):

Note: USD conversion in the table assumes conversion rates noted in the new budget proposals (at the time they were submitted to the network). Core team budgets with durations over 12 months assume a USD exchange rate of $9.750 as of August 2nd. Existing fixed-duration budgets use the exchange rate at the time of creation / approval. Exchange rate risk is carried only by the proposer of these budget proposals and not by the network unless otherwise noted in the proposal