UPDATE: We may be travelling with the Dash Soda Machine during our tour! This will enable us to demonstrate the quickness and potential of Dash at our stops and meetups! SUB-UPDATE - At this point, this is a big maybe.
UPDATE #2: Evan Duffield, founder of Dash, will be joining us at JackFest. We will do a one on one in depth interview and also see about putting on a talk about Dash with him!!!
UPDATE #3: I have started compiling responses to concerns I am hearing from community members at the bottom of the proposal.
UPDATE #4: The Dash decals for the bus have been sent to the printer. We are excited to put them on the bus and will send pictures as soon as they are up!
UPDATE #5: We are looking to hire someone to help produce, upload, and publish our SovereignBTC podcasts on Lets Talk Bitcoin while we are on the road. Our intention is to pay that person one Dash for every podcast they upload. If you know anyone that might be interested let us know! This will be a great way to get some Dash commerce flowing during our tour and demonstrate it's ease of use!
UPDATE #6: We will be using Dash to pay the person who is managing Brave New Books in our stead! This will allow us to use the currency often and will give us an example of the how quick and reliable Dash truly is. Plus it will create a new Dash user and proponent.
Cross post from:
Hello Dash community, my name is John Bush and I'm asking for your YES vote on the proposal below.
Who are we?
I'm the host of the SovereignBTC podcast on the LetsTalkBitcoin Network and Partner and General Manager of Brave New Books, the first brick and mortar in the State of Texas to accept bitcoin and as far as we know, the first brick and mortar in the country to accept Dash. We will also soon be hosting a Dash accepting soda machine!!! I am a big fan of Dash because of it's focus on privacy and it's innovative take on decentralized and autonomous governance.
My wife, Catherine Bleish (AKA The Bit Mom who is a former writer for Bitcoin Magazine, Coin Telegraph, and Money & Tech) and I, along with our two kids are embarking on our fourth crypto only cross country promotional road trip. On this trip we are traveling in our converted school bus, known as the bus. This time around, in addition to using bitcoin, we will also be using and promoting Dash.
Where are we going?
On this tour, which begins on July 27th and ends September 7th, 2016, we will depart from Austin, TX and head to Arizona's Jackalope Freedom Festival, an event which is in it's fifth year and regularly attracts hundreds of crypto and liberty enthusiasts. From there we will head to San Diego, then Los Angeles, back through Las Vegas and on to Denver, Colorado. We'll then stop through Kansas City and then head to Alabama for the Rethinking Everything Conference, a gathering of conscious and unschooling families, many of whom are familiar with crypto cureency due to previous exposure and speeches my wife and I have given at previous RE conferences. After RE, we will return to Austin, TX and get back to work at Brave New Books.
How will Dash benefit?
In each city we visit we will be attending bitcoin meetups and hosting events of our own. We expect 20 to 50 people will be at each meetup and around 500 people will be at Jackalope and 200 or more at Rethinking Everything. At the meetups and conferences we will be handing out literature, swag, and talking with attendees one on one. Our goal is to have over 100 people setup their first Dash wallet and we will supply them with a small amount of Dash to get them started. We will also be reaching out to business owners along the way and encourage them to begin accepting Dash in exchange for goods and services. By engaging in one on one discourse with meetup and conference attendees we will be able to thoroughly share the benefits and innovations that Dash brings to the table.
How will we get the word out?
The tour will be documented on various crypto media outlets and through my SovereignBTC podcast on which reaches tens of thousands of listeners. On my podcast I will also document my experience with the Masternode Budget process. Additionally, we will be writing articles for and will be featured in a number of bitcoin and liberty related media. We will also publish press releases and reach out to traditional media contacts to garner earned media about crypto currency and Dash specifically.
We have reserved a prominent space on the back of our bus for the Dash logo and URL where it will be seen by tens of thousands people as we travel over 4800 miles through 13 states.
After our tour is completed, Dash will be used and recognized by many more people and adoption will have increased immensely.
We are asking for 700 Dash.
Monies will be used for travel expenses (Gas, Food, Campground Stays), podcast production, and some Dash will be given to enthusiastic people who setup their first wallet. We will also use Dash with businesses and vendors who agree to begin accepting the currency or who already do.
John Bush
Manually vote YES on this proposal:
dash-cli mnbudget vote-many 07442bd0a8272d408401a8275eeca752034fb1d5e1424a6dfd2f539b6fd528e5 yes
OR from the qt console:
mnbudget vote-many 07442bd0a8272d408401a8275eeca752034fb1d5e1424a6dfd2f539b6fd528e5 yes
Manually vote NO on this proposal:
dash-cli mnbudget vote-many 07442bd0a8272d408401a8275eeca752034fb1d5e1424a6dfd2f539b6fd528e5 no
OR from the qt console:
mnbudget vote-many 07442bd0a8272d408401a8275eeca752034fb1d5e1424a6dfd2f539b6fd528e5 no
Our Itinerary:
Episode of SovereignBTC with Daniel Diaz on the decentralized governance infrastructure behind Dash:
SovereignBTC podcasts:
Podcast Playlist from our last trip out West (over 118k listens!):
Brave New Books Now Accepts Dash:
First Dash Transaction at Brave New Books:
Highlights of media coverage our previous crypto only road trips have garnered:
This Family is Road Tripping Using Only Bitcoin
Bitcoin Boulevard becomes a popular stop in Bitcoin tourism
US Family Embarks on 3rd ‘Uncoinventional’ Bitcoin-Only Tour
“Uncoinventional” Family of Four Begins Bitcoin-Only Holiday Road Trip
Bitcoin Bus Tour Launches from Keene!
Driving Bitcoin Adoption: Family Documents Second BTC-Only Road Trip
Family Goes on Vacation with Only Bitcoin as Funds
Family Puts Bitcoin to the Test by Touring the US With Only Bitcoin to Spend
Family to Travel Across the US, Spending Only Bitcoin
“Uncoinventional Living Tour” Takes Activist Family from Texas to New Hampshire Using Only Bitcoin
There have been some concerns raised that we are seeking Dash funds while also promoting bitcoin and ether. I would like to address that concern with the following five points:
1. The vision for our uncoinventional crypto only road trips is an empowered general public and liberty/crypto community that incorporates crypto currency and decentralized technology in to their daily lives. As activists we have always been about furthering the overall goal of building a free society through voluntary decentralized means. As such, we support most all crypto currencies be they Dash, Bitcoin, or Ether.
2. We chose to call this trip, our fourth, Dash Across America, as we focused exclusively on bitcoin on previous trips and want to educate people already aware of bitcoin about Dash. We also want to promote Dash on this tour as the Masternode budgeting system is an excellent example of decentralized voluntary governance in action, and it works!
3. We travel using crypto only and at this point in Dash's development it would be next to impossible to travel using Dash only as the businesses and servicea accepting Dash are minimal at this time, especially when it comes to travel. This is why we feel the need to promote Dash im depth on this go around as there is a demand for Dash acceptance and we want to help further adoption by encouraging business to consider accepting it in exchane for goods and services. On our very first bitcoin only tour it was much harder than our last. We'd like to think our activism played a role in highlighting market needs that entrepreneurs later filled.
4. We have received donations from Roger Ver's and other crypto and decentralized tech companies. Dash will not be footing the bill to promote other currencies.
5. What better audience to communicate the benefits of Dash to than people already using crypto! By using and promoting bitcoin, we are attracting an audience ripe for Dash adoption. We are making it a point to setup at least 100 people with their first Dash wallet. Many of these people will already be bitcoin users.
I hope these four points alleviate some of the community concerns. Please comment below if you have any more questions or concerns.
UPDATE #2: Evan Duffield, founder of Dash, will be joining us at JackFest. We will do a one on one in depth interview and also see about putting on a talk about Dash with him!!!
UPDATE #3: I have started compiling responses to concerns I am hearing from community members at the bottom of the proposal.
UPDATE #4: The Dash decals for the bus have been sent to the printer. We are excited to put them on the bus and will send pictures as soon as they are up!
UPDATE #5: We are looking to hire someone to help produce, upload, and publish our SovereignBTC podcasts on Lets Talk Bitcoin while we are on the road. Our intention is to pay that person one Dash for every podcast they upload. If you know anyone that might be interested let us know! This will be a great way to get some Dash commerce flowing during our tour and demonstrate it's ease of use!
UPDATE #6: We will be using Dash to pay the person who is managing Brave New Books in our stead! This will allow us to use the currency often and will give us an example of the how quick and reliable Dash truly is. Plus it will create a new Dash user and proponent.
Cross post from:
Hello Dash community, my name is John Bush and I'm asking for your YES vote on the proposal below.
Who are we?
I'm the host of the SovereignBTC podcast on the LetsTalkBitcoin Network and Partner and General Manager of Brave New Books, the first brick and mortar in the State of Texas to accept bitcoin and as far as we know, the first brick and mortar in the country to accept Dash. We will also soon be hosting a Dash accepting soda machine!!! I am a big fan of Dash because of it's focus on privacy and it's innovative take on decentralized and autonomous governance.
My wife, Catherine Bleish (AKA The Bit Mom who is a former writer for Bitcoin Magazine, Coin Telegraph, and Money & Tech) and I, along with our two kids are embarking on our fourth crypto only cross country promotional road trip. On this trip we are traveling in our converted school bus, known as the bus. This time around, in addition to using bitcoin, we will also be using and promoting Dash.
Where are we going?
On this tour, which begins on July 27th and ends September 7th, 2016, we will depart from Austin, TX and head to Arizona's Jackalope Freedom Festival, an event which is in it's fifth year and regularly attracts hundreds of crypto and liberty enthusiasts. From there we will head to San Diego, then Los Angeles, back through Las Vegas and on to Denver, Colorado. We'll then stop through Kansas City and then head to Alabama for the Rethinking Everything Conference, a gathering of conscious and unschooling families, many of whom are familiar with crypto cureency due to previous exposure and speeches my wife and I have given at previous RE conferences. After RE, we will return to Austin, TX and get back to work at Brave New Books.
How will Dash benefit?
In each city we visit we will be attending bitcoin meetups and hosting events of our own. We expect 20 to 50 people will be at each meetup and around 500 people will be at Jackalope and 200 or more at Rethinking Everything. At the meetups and conferences we will be handing out literature, swag, and talking with attendees one on one. Our goal is to have over 100 people setup their first Dash wallet and we will supply them with a small amount of Dash to get them started. We will also be reaching out to business owners along the way and encourage them to begin accepting Dash in exchange for goods and services. By engaging in one on one discourse with meetup and conference attendees we will be able to thoroughly share the benefits and innovations that Dash brings to the table.
How will we get the word out?
The tour will be documented on various crypto media outlets and through my SovereignBTC podcast on which reaches tens of thousands of listeners. On my podcast I will also document my experience with the Masternode Budget process. Additionally, we will be writing articles for and will be featured in a number of bitcoin and liberty related media. We will also publish press releases and reach out to traditional media contacts to garner earned media about crypto currency and Dash specifically.
We have reserved a prominent space on the back of our bus for the Dash logo and URL where it will be seen by tens of thousands people as we travel over 4800 miles through 13 states.
After our tour is completed, Dash will be used and recognized by many more people and adoption will have increased immensely.
We are asking for 700 Dash.
Monies will be used for travel expenses (Gas, Food, Campground Stays), podcast production, and some Dash will be given to enthusiastic people who setup their first wallet. We will also use Dash with businesses and vendors who agree to begin accepting the currency or who already do.
John Bush
Manually vote YES on this proposal:
dash-cli mnbudget vote-many 07442bd0a8272d408401a8275eeca752034fb1d5e1424a6dfd2f539b6fd528e5 yes
OR from the qt console:
mnbudget vote-many 07442bd0a8272d408401a8275eeca752034fb1d5e1424a6dfd2f539b6fd528e5 yes
Manually vote NO on this proposal:
dash-cli mnbudget vote-many 07442bd0a8272d408401a8275eeca752034fb1d5e1424a6dfd2f539b6fd528e5 no
OR from the qt console:
mnbudget vote-many 07442bd0a8272d408401a8275eeca752034fb1d5e1424a6dfd2f539b6fd528e5 no
Our Itinerary:

Episode of SovereignBTC with Daniel Diaz on the decentralized governance infrastructure behind Dash:
SovereignBTC podcasts:
Podcast Playlist from our last trip out West (over 118k listens!):
Brave New Books Now Accepts Dash:
First Dash Transaction at Brave New Books:
Highlights of media coverage our previous crypto only road trips have garnered:
This Family is Road Tripping Using Only Bitcoin
Bitcoin Boulevard becomes a popular stop in Bitcoin tourism
US Family Embarks on 3rd ‘Uncoinventional’ Bitcoin-Only Tour
“Uncoinventional” Family of Four Begins Bitcoin-Only Holiday Road Trip
Bitcoin Bus Tour Launches from Keene!
Driving Bitcoin Adoption: Family Documents Second BTC-Only Road Trip
Family Goes on Vacation with Only Bitcoin as Funds
Family Puts Bitcoin to the Test by Touring the US With Only Bitcoin to Spend
Family to Travel Across the US, Spending Only Bitcoin
“Uncoinventional Living Tour” Takes Activist Family from Texas to New Hampshire Using Only Bitcoin
There have been some concerns raised that we are seeking Dash funds while also promoting bitcoin and ether. I would like to address that concern with the following five points:
1. The vision for our uncoinventional crypto only road trips is an empowered general public and liberty/crypto community that incorporates crypto currency and decentralized technology in to their daily lives. As activists we have always been about furthering the overall goal of building a free society through voluntary decentralized means. As such, we support most all crypto currencies be they Dash, Bitcoin, or Ether.
2. We chose to call this trip, our fourth, Dash Across America, as we focused exclusively on bitcoin on previous trips and want to educate people already aware of bitcoin about Dash. We also want to promote Dash on this tour as the Masternode budgeting system is an excellent example of decentralized voluntary governance in action, and it works!
3. We travel using crypto only and at this point in Dash's development it would be next to impossible to travel using Dash only as the businesses and servicea accepting Dash are minimal at this time, especially when it comes to travel. This is why we feel the need to promote Dash im depth on this go around as there is a demand for Dash acceptance and we want to help further adoption by encouraging business to consider accepting it in exchane for goods and services. On our very first bitcoin only tour it was much harder than our last. We'd like to think our activism played a role in highlighting market needs that entrepreneurs later filled.
4. We have received donations from Roger Ver's and other crypto and decentralized tech companies. Dash will not be footing the bill to promote other currencies.
5. What better audience to communicate the benefits of Dash to than people already using crypto! By using and promoting bitcoin, we are attracting an audience ripe for Dash adoption. We are making it a point to setup at least 100 people with their first Dash wallet. Many of these people will already be bitcoin users.
I hope these four points alleviate some of the community concerns. Please comment below if you have any more questions or concerns.
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