What's Going on at Dash?

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This is something I've pointed out before as well. Delivering updates in image or PowerPoint formats makes them inaccessible to search engines, and difficult to quickly or legibly access on most mobile devices. Even PDF is borderline annoying. The content is TEXT and should be presented in an appropriate text format, like HTML on the blog/Medium.
There is really no excuse for these Dash updates to not be on Medium - this is what many credible projects do as the website looks professional and has quickly become a hub of the broader crypto community. The Dash Medium account can easily be organized into Progress Reports, Developer Updates, Partnership Announcements, etc.
Hello Dash Community,

In the spirit of radical transparency: area updates from our bi-weekly management meetings. In this way, you can follow the evolution of our organization and decision-making, as well as our product development. We hope you use this information to hold us accountable to our plans, learn with us, and contribute to growth of the Dash decentralized autonomous organization.

Yes - we know you hate the PDF; we do, too. Expect changes to what and how we report after next quarterly.



  • 7_23_18 What's Going on at DCG.pdf
    300.2 KB · Views: 335
Hello Dash Community,

In the spirit of radical transparency: area updates from our bi-weekly management meetings. In this way, you can follow the evolution of our organization and decision-making, as well as our product development. We hope you use this information to hold us accountable to our plans, learn with us, and contribute to growth of the Dash decentralized autonomous organization.

Yes - we know you hate the PDF; we do, too. Expect changes to what and how we report after next quarterly.


So I compared your previous report in June with this one just released....

June: Roadmap "Validating Estimates"
July: Roadmap "Awaiting Estimates"

Care to explain why we have gone backwards from validating to now waiting again?
The fall has stopped. It's about time to hide the nuts for the winter ;)
1. Where is the DIP for blockchain users (referenced under DAPI)?

2. Dashpay wallet capabilities, please share prototypes. If it includes FIAT values, then I hope it displays the values in both the sender and receiver currency e.g. US dollars amount sent, UK Sterling amount received. Important because when you look at past transactions, you need to see you paid XX UK Sterling, though your local currency was YY US dollars.

3. What is "VZN country manager"? - Venezuela? - the ISO code for them is VEN

Haven't heard about Dash for a while, any recent developments, updates and new features?

Last report was on July 31st, there was no bi-weekly update in the past month of August. Would be good if anyone can count the biweekly's that have been covered and missed.
The last bi-weekly update was July 31st 2018.

The last evolution Demo was April 25th 2018.

The Dash website suggests a release date for Evolution to be scheduled for Alpha release towards the end of 2018.


Can we please have an update on where the Core team is up to with Evolution. An up to date Road Map with realistic time scales would be ideal.
The Dash Medium account can easily be organized...

As you've pointed out, it should barely impact your life to go ahead and do this. Then you can submit the proposal to be re-reimbursed for the minor inconvenience. 0.5 DASH should suffice...

...oh, wait. Nevermind.

The notion of using online "platforms" is disturbing. Once you put all your eggs into someone else's basket, it usually goes to their head and they start getting abusive. See Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, PayPal, Stripe, Patreon, etc... Once you become dependent, they put the screws to you.

Solution: Don't become dependent.

I'd prefer DASH stick with it own capabilities, and if these need be improved, do so.

Not that my $0.02 ever mattered around here...
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