Active member
@TheBigCat what is this creepy link????
I guess since that is from the UK it was sending a warning. It's a guide for how to use the word "whom" here's a good one: grammatical use of the word whom@TheBigCat what is this creepy link????
Hello fellow MNO's -
After a couple months of discovery and development, we are ready to launch, a site which aims to vastly increase the benefit Dash derives from its treasury fund. The treasury system is Dash's engine for growth that will give it the power to blast to #1. We believe that if the treasury fund is spent professionally, aggressively, and wisely, that Dash will continue to overstep its competition until Dash is accepted as the transactional currency of choice around the world.
We have all witnessed missteps that the treasury board has taken, but we consider those to be growing pains and learning experiences. Going forward, it is our goal that the treasury funds be used to increase the price of Dash in an aggressive, strategic manner. While Dash's retail product, Evolution, is not yet here, the cryptocurrency market is in a land-grab funding stage. It is in this stage that we need to garner as much funding and positive attention as possible.
At this time, we are not asking for any funding, except to reimburse us for this 5 Dash fee. In the future, as we add features and staffing, we will post separate proposals for funding as needed. This proposal is to gauge support and accept suggestions for additional features. aims to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the Dash treasury fund by accomplishing several goals:
-Holding past proposal owners accountable. Following up to make sure services are provided and goals are met.
-Increasing the amount of high quality pre-proposals received. Let's see a bigger slice of what's for sale, then pick from the very best.
-Subsidizing "Open Bounties" which have specific strategic benefit to Dash.
-Collecting expert analysis of specific Dash proposals.
-Publicizing Dash Success Stories to win mainstream press attention.
-Proactively soliciting updates from funded proposal owners and offering professional assistance when needed.
-Helping to launch "micro proposals" for small jobs with high ROI.
-Thorough vetting of new proposals to help separate the wheat from the chaff.
Thanks very much for your support. We are completely open to any suggestions that this community has to offer. If you would like to contribute to these goals, please contact us. We're building a team.
We will not stop until Dash is #1. You can count on that.
We still don't know who you are which is kind of ironic.-Thorough vetting of new proposals to help separate the wheat from the chaff.
I'm a new member to the DASH community and even I can tell this is shooting red flags like 4th of July beach bananza.. @abob54 you can't just assume everyone is going to be ok with you not revealing your identity when you are proposing the opposite to everyone else. Even if your site is the bee's knees, it's truly nothing without the reassurance and accountability of knowing who runs it and who to point the finger at if things go sour. If you want this proposal taken seriously by anyone here (MNO or not) I suggest you show some transparency and let the poking and investigating begin. Otherwise what ever you have invested so far into this project will be as washed up as Bitcoin will be when DASH takes over.
I had the same criticism, although for what it's worth, unless I am mistaken I do not think we know the real-world identity of @rango, the longtime dash community member and operator of, either.