I understand your concerns. Honest I do, however one must remember that the real value of a coin is when it is being used by people. It's usefulness is what is important, the rest is just for us nerds and investors that run the thing. I'm a capitalist in the old sense (I hear some kids calling it anarchist, LOL, but that means something entirely different to me). From following the threads on BTC since the early days, I feel positive that most of the masternodes, that is well over 50% of the funds invested in them, were bought, not mined. I'd guess, and this is pulled out of my ass, that 70+% of them were created with bought coins rather than mined. So my opinion is that anyone who is willing to invest good money into an iffy proposition that is crypto coins, deserves the rewards if it works. Without people to invest, there is no coin. This is the same for any venture. All ventures are for businesses and darkcoin is a decentralized business. Money is and was needed to make it happen, if it wasn't direct, via purchasing the coin, it was indirectly via mining and buying the hardware and electricity to mine it.
My point is "outsiders" won't give a damn in the end, because they will just be looking at what the coin can
do for them. That's it.
So the real question you raise is, will investors continue to invest if the coin's operations are already mostly owned/controlled by others? My opinion is yes. When there is profit to be made, they will come. Die hard hag-fans like myself are irrelevant and inconsequential. Look at miners, they don't give a hoot which coin they're mining, only that they're making money. They sell it right away for fiat or BTC. Real investors don't look at what is "fair" they look at what is profitable. And in my opinion, that's all that matters, as it should be.
Real life isn't fair, it's not the nature of the beast. If you are a person that can't compete physically or mentally, and I include myself in this as I've got arthritis so bad now I can't even take a job at retail level anymore, then you're at the mercy of those who take pity on you. And, despite camosoul

, most people have love and will care for those in need. But they'll usually cut off those who leach. Much healthier than a soulless Guv who can't tell the difference. Sigh, that's going to far... and not to the point, LOL.