DashMiner.com multipool

Tuppy, can you post a screen shot of your hash speeds and everything please?

Sure Sub! hope all is well man!, I'm in the middle of an electrical storm here now, hopefully I can finish this email.
Keep in mind, just for the heck of it, I started mining BTC today with it just to see how much I could get in 24hrs, since I've never mined it before; I'll give you what I got so far and check out the miners; the graphs are cool!, (scroll down on the attached BTC link). Also, check out the dash mining info for the last 4 days or so.. It was kick ass when it was double bonus at .4, now they have toned it way down, I think you still get some sort of pool bonus. You use their miner, which is very power intensive, so be careful and make sure you have enough power, I blew a few circuits with their version on SGminer. And remember, everything is done in percentages. There is no "hashrate", I tried to get an answer out of them regarding this, but they never explained it....Anyway, let me know what you think, I think it works pretty good, no fees, and no jacking around with grinos' bs and config files etc But looks like they are not paying out all that much more like they did in the past, not sure why. Just that they can't seem to stabilize their payouts (everyday it's a different pay scale,wish this was a stabilized and predictable), I think after a while, that will settle down so that they make money on it too once they gather more data since they just started a few weeks ago. As a side note, you can still use trixx, and overclock, etc. I=19 seems to work great though.

This was last weeks earnings.(keep in mind that the miners are not showing up here for Dash because I'm mining bitcoin at the moment), but these totals for the 24 hour period don't reflect the 100% bonus I had for each .4Dash a few days ago. (I wish they still had that promotion!):. Note that in SGminer,everything is in Dash, but this number changes everyday, so you really can't predict what you will receive everyday.

DASH mining for the last week:

BTC (today note miners at bottom)

I'm going to stick with them, unless the base goes too low and or no bonus, then back to x. Hopefully they are not a fly by nighter, as they have some great ideas, just got to work a few kinks out....


Tuppy, can you post a screen shot of your hash speeds and everything please?


  • screenshot.png
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I'm going to stick with them, unless the base goes too low and or no bonus, then back to x. Hopefully they are not a fly by nighter, as they have some great ideas, just got to work a few kinks out....


thanks for fast response, Tuppy, seems I missed the fruity bonus week!
I am testing them out, I see what you mean about heavy on the cards, I backed the intensity down a little, I will let you know how it goes in a few days ..
Please join the pool. Current payout is pretty good. Setup is very simple.

AMD GPUs only.


I am wondering, it looks like you have optimized the binary files for a number of graphics cards, have you optimized for anything earlier than a 7950 chipset such as the AMD 6950 or AMD 5850 etc ?
There are a lot of these old cards still out there, and it may be worth while speeding them up if you can ...
thanks for fast response, Tuppy, seems I missed the fruity bonus week!
I am testing them out, I see what you mean about heavy on the cards, I backed the intensity down a little, I will let you know how it goes in a few days ..
Anytime Sub, I was looking at another forum board, (not sure if I supposed to add external links, mods please take down if not appropriate). There is a forum that others are using, and many are getting good results, please see this::


I knew a lot of the problems stem in the software, and not the hardware. I would love to keep all of the mining at the GPU level, and not go onto the ASIC level, otherwise, I'm out. No sense in buying the latest ASIC machine, then 2 months later, you have to throw it away for the next faster ASIC machine. Not going to do that, I'll get into trading after that......Tuppy
I am wondering, it looks like you have optimized the binary files for a number of graphics cards, have you optimized for anything earlier than a 7950 chipset such as the AMD 6950 or AMD 5850 etc ?
There are a lot of these old cards still out there, and it may be worth while speeding them up if you can ...


Yes, of course. There are BINs for all chipsets. Including 6950 and 5850 and ones before them. However, the speed is pretty bad. And I think you can find a better algorithm to mine with those cards.

I am going to post my speeds soon.

Hi guys!

First of all, thank you for mining at dashminer.com.

I thought of sharing my hardware speeds (see screenshots below).

Please share your results if you have time.

Thank you!


AMD R9 280X - 85%
AMD 6770 - 8%
Windows 7, 15.7 driver, no overclocking.
sgminer.exe -o sf -u XXX_test -p [email protected] -I 22,20


AMD 6950 - 25%
AMD R9 7950 - 58%
AMD R9 290 - 100%
Windows 7, 15.7 driver, no overclocking.
sgminer.exe -o sf -u XXX_test -p [email protected] -I 20,22,22
Thanks for sharing Dashminer! I had a question regarding temperature, 92C for R9 280x is pushing it isn't it? (that's mostly the cards I use). I mean I usually shut the whole rig down if it approaches 87C, or it shuts itself down. Is it safe to run at that temp? I noted that you are at I=22, which I usually run at 19 or 20, just because of the intense heat. Also, is there anyway to estimate "hashrate", I know you are doing everything in percent, but is there a way to say that "i'm getting x hashrate for this card, or is this not possible? Anyway, love the software great progress man!!
I am not mining on this computer and it has R9 280X' fans set to 10% for super quiet operation. The second GPU in that computer (AMD 6770) is GV-R677SL-1GD, and that's a fanless model. So this computer is almost inaudible. As for the 2nd screenshot... that's a mining rig in a garage, open case with 3 extra fans. So you can see the temps are a lot lower.

PS: I would recommend to set a temp cutoff to at least 90 degrees and target to 85 or less.

> is there a way to say that "i'm getting x hashrate for this card

No, everything is in percent.

Interesting thing... You can sort of see how the overall DASH payout on dashminer.com is progressing by looking at the donation address, as we pay 1% of total DASH income there:


Do you have any recommendations on how to bring more miners to the pool?

Would you be interested in some kind of "referral bonus" for bringing more miners?

Any recommendations are greatly appreciated.

Dear miners!

We have just released dashminer software version 1.1. The links are on official website.
This is a mandatory update, please update as soon as possible. Update includes Fiji bins (probably quite slow now, but better than nothing) and updated GCN bins.

We've also increased the base rate from 0.25 to 0.26 DASH.

Just installed, working great so far! Thanks for the information on this. I wish I did know more miners, we are a very strange breed haha
Speed comparison of AMD 6950, R9 290 tri X and the R9 280X
So, the R9 290 tri X is 1.2 times faster than the R9 280X and 3.9 times faster than the AMD 6950

AMD 6950 (slight overclocking, any further results in crashing)


R9 290 tri X (slight underclocking, overwise crashes)


R9 280X (slight underclocking, again crashes overwise, not tried under/over volting, suspect old mobo can not handle the extra power)

Just installed, working great so far! Thanks for the information on this. I wish I did know more miners, we are a very strange breed haha
Slightly faster with the version 11 and heavy on the juice, my wattmeter has gone wappy, will post some readings when its sorted ..
It's going to take me a while to post, but overall it looks like things are running faster (no overclock or tweaking on my stuff yet). I will post each worker soon with the new software...
It's going to take me a while to post, but overall it looks like things are running faster (no overclock or tweaking on my stuff yet). I will post each worker soon with the new software...
Am thinking my mobo is not upto the job, what models do you find don't crash often ?