I totally understand where you're coming from. Please note that there are about 5 people on this forum who has done the transactions with me. 1 person has left a trading feedback on my profile and here are the other 4 people's tracking number for their Giant orders.I figured that but you said you had five availible. Thanks I would buy them but it's very difficult to just send that much $ backed by good faith. Thanks they are hard to find.
What is big order for you, Jason? I'm looking to buy more, but quick delivery. Ping me if...*** UPDATE *** for big orders, I will personally fly to your location to make the deal happen in your local area to make sure everything is processed professionally without any problems. So, if you're a dealer of some sort or wanting to make a big order let me know. Thank you.
It's minimum 20+ but at the moment, we only have about 10~12 and I already have buyers who are interested in buying more than what I have =/ I think these will all be sold by tonight.What is big order for you, Jason? I'm looking to buy more, but quick delivery. Ping me if...
As promised here is my review, I already left positive feedback in JasonHan's profile.
First of all: The miners arrived exactly 1 week later (7 days, with Easter in between), but that was mostly because they were stuck at customs for 2 days until things got sorted out. Jason was always helpful in the process and provided me with updates when my tracking info was not showing anything new. Communication with Jason was always quick and painless, he is a nice guy to talk to.
The Giant miners are working nicely after playing around with the settings. One miner worked out of the box, the other one was not configured and I could not connect to it, it never got an IP address. Anyway, I just connected them both together and they work fine now. The only real annoyance is the incredible loud fans, which you can hear 2 rooms away. The new Baikal cube miner fans can be adjusted (40-50% works out good for me, stays at around 38 degrees), but the Giants have no such setting, so I guess I have to put some other fans on them to reduce the noise a bit. Another thing is: They are definitively used miners, which is fine by me, but Jason should mention this when selling them. You can clearly see on the left one the marks and the other one also does not look new, but they work fine.
I am now a happy miner and things are going well so far (switched from suprnova, which always reported way too little hashrate to MiningPoolHub.com, which has a fee of 0.9%, but works very good for me). And here is the picture of the 2 Giants arriving today from Jason:
Oh don't worry about this, I often repair PC parts and random hardware (like you do or did in the past), so I will find a solution for the fans. I read someone else replaced them or lowered the speed, but I can't find the thread (was on https://bitcointalk.org/ I think).
They are just very loud compared to the cube miners, which are really nice and customizable. But they always are 31-33 degrees celcius in a room that is around 23-24 degrees anyway, way too much cooling, half the speed should be more than enough. I was aware of the loud fans before and already have a bunch of fans to try outMaybe I post pics when I am done.
Trolls are everywhere lol, who are you referring though?Do some very wise Lostlnspace ... someone here writes their opinion and must be trolling ???