I sense a lot of "artificial gravity" sucking or trying to suck us off into a realm of meaningless tangents.
All that really matters here is that we're being asked to invest 300 Dash to add Dash to a credit card in the short term.
Will we get this Dash back any time soon - in other words, is it worth it to get Dash added now and not 6-9 months later? Probably yes, as 300 Dash seems to be a reasonable cost compared with previous projects. Also, action in this realm sooner rather than later will give another "use" for Dash - and will help people new to Dash see activity - meaningful activity - and thus people might see more "value" for Dash in general (i.e. it really is moving toward real use, toward implementation - here is another company using it - might actually help get other companies to see the light and actually use Dash).
Is there any potential negative fallout or blowback? Probably not. These people seem to have a track record. They seem to be credible. They seem to be good at this. Emotional blowback is tangential - don't get suckered away by that false gravity. If you see some real or actual potential blowback here, please state it.
Really, the question is: is it worth 300 Dash to have some action or use for Dash (a new company offering a way to actually use Dash to buy things) within a few weeks, rather than waiting 6-9 months?
For me, the main negative is this: if this company is "bluffing" us then we're wasting 300 Dash. By "bluffing" I mean the possibility that they're going to add Dash to their credit card much sooner than the 6-9 months they're saying, but they're trying us out for now to see if we'll pay for it or not. It cost them 5 Dash, however, to do this - so it's not a "cheap bluff" if indeed it is one. Even if it is a bluff, if we get more than 300 Dash value for the Dash Community as a whole by agreeing and having Dash added to their card very quickly, it doesn't really matter if we're being "used" - because we are still winning. As long as a short term addition of Dash to this card somehow "pays us back" by overall improving Dash's image (as usable now or soon rather than later, perhaps), then it's a win-win situation for us. In that case it doesn't really matter if they were bluffing and "using" us, because either way we still win. Well, it would be an "emotional butt-hurt issue" for some, to have not guessed the bluff correctly - but that only matters over in the tangential world of false-gravity. Not here in reality.