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Pre-Proposal: Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

  • Total voters
At the end of the budget cycle in Dash, here you are the new results for the encointerUBI proposal. The money to be given as monthly UBI increased (in case the mean average method is hopefully selected) and could be defined to 5.8X9.3~=54 dash. We increased the voting participation to 7,77% but we are still below the 10% participation threshold.


[voting results]
Electorate = 3741 potential votes (Regular and Evo MNOs)
ValidVotes = 291
Voting participation = 7.77 %

—VOTING RESULTS (depends on which among the below election methods you prefer.)—

—Divisive election methods—
mostVotedNumber method = 0 (or 000 base3) was voted by 186 votes ( 63.91 % of the valid votes )

—Inclusive election methods—
medianAverage method = 0 (or 000 base3)
meanAverage method = 5.80
Time Splitting method = Not coded yet

Note: Multiply the result of your favorite method by the appropriate chunk as defined by the proposal owner.

[/voting results]

Being below 10% participation it remains risky to add a proposal and claim 54 dash to be given as monthly UBI to the Encointer Community.

Shall we try though? What do you think?
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In order to understand how different to Dash the Encointer community is, in Encointer when you hodl your Encointer money not only you dont get any benefit or interest, but you loose your money! The Encointer Stake holders not only are not incentivized to hodl, but also they are forced to spend and this helps the money circulation. Because money that does not circulate it is not money, it is a pathetic store of value.


Encointer currencies feature nominal demurrage: All balances get devalued over time. The funds you’re holding lose 7% of their nominal value every month. Think of this devaluation like a payment to a solidarity fund that pays for the UBI. This way, Encointer can issue monthly UBI and still maintain stable money supply as shown by the simulation in the figure below. Another advantage of demurrage has been described by Silvio Gesell when he proposed Freigeld in 1916: Demurrage increases money velocity, which in turn fuels the local economy."


The current demurrage for each Encointer community (in case you would like to join any or all of them) is:

Green Bay Dollar: 11.5% per month
Leu Zurich : 0.82% per month
Nyota: 1.91% per month
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After the end of the October budget cycle in Dash, here you are the new results for the encointerUBI proposal. The money to be given as monthly UBI decreased and could be defined to 4.49X9.3~=41.7 dash (in case of course the mean average method is hopefully selected by the masternodes, which is under question). We increased the voting participation to 9,03% but we are still below the 10% participation threshold.

[voting results]
Electorate = 3686 potential votes (Regular and Evo MNOs)
ValidVotes = 333
Voting participation = 9.03 %

—VOTING RESULTS (depends on which among the below election methods you prefer.)—

—Divisive election methods—
mostVotedNumber method = 0 (or 000 base3) was voted by 232 votes ( 69.66 % of the valid votes )

—Inclusive election methods—
medianAverage method = 0 (or 000 base3)
meanAverage method = 4.49
Time Splitting method = Not coded yet

Note: Multiply the result of your favorite method by the appropriate chunk as defined by the proposal owner.
[/voting results]

Being below 10% participation it remains risky to add a proposal and claim 41.7 dash to be given as monthly UBI to the Encointer Communities.

Shall we try though? What do you think?
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The polkadot validators (masternodes) recently rejected the Encointer Idea. As expected, the masternodes(validators) idea is meant to be a self absorbed population of scum, full of agents and stupid. We know very well here in Dash how much stupid and agent driven the masternodes are.

Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God. When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?”, Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

This is a big opportunity for Dash, to adopt the orphaned Encointer community. Bring them to Dash, make Encointer stronger (which is my primary goal) and of course make Dash stronger, make it pass through the eye of a needle, make it live for ever.

wrrichter@polkadot said:
With the backdrop of the dystopian implementation of retinal scanning proof of personhood, projects like Encointer brings back "humanity" to the space. As a common good, it is unfortunate that funding for these utilities is neglected without the promise of profit or depraved ROI. As far as I can tell, real-world applications are already live thanks to Encointer, which is more than can be said for many other projects with much higher funding. After meeting Malik from Encointer in the Polkadot Safari and witnessing the support that, despite the financial situation, the team is happy to provide to help empower and bring communities together, it reflects what Web3 should be. I support Encointer and their proposal and hope they can continue building and demonstrating that predatory profit is not the status quo, and there is still some space for the real "common good."


Vote for Encointer ! https://mnowatch.org/encointerUBI .

<graphic content>FUCK MONARCHY, FUCK OLIGARCHY, FUCK REPUBLIC! LONG LIVE DIRECT DEMOCRACY! NEVER VOTE HUMANS AS YOUR REPRESENTATIVES, BE WISE AND CALCULATE/VOTE THE NUMBERS BY YOUR OWN! "Here is wisdom, and whoever has a mind in him, let him vote/calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a human."</graphic content>
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After the end of the November Budget cycle in Dash, here you are the new results for the encointerUBI proposal.
  • The money to be given as monthly UBI increased and could be defined to 5.23X9.3~=48.6 dash (in case of course the mean average method is hopefully selected by the masternodes, which is under question).
  • The voting participation decreased to 8.04% , mainly because many regular masternodes have been sold and new type high collateral masternodes have been bought, causing the loss of some votes. So we are still below the 10% participation threshold.

[voting results]
Selected BASE3 type proposals
Digit1: encointerUBI-Digit1 - Digit2: encointerUBI-Digit2 - Digit3: encointerUBI-Range-0-242-Digit3 -
Report = the_results_dashd_2023-11-22-15-30-22.html.csv

Electorate = 3656 potential votes (Regular and Evo MNOs)
ValidVotes = 294
Voting participation = 8.04 %

---VOTING RESULTS (depends on which among the below election methods you prefer.)---
---Divisive Election Methods---

  • Most Voted Number = 0 (or 000 base3) was voted by 197 votes ( 67.00 % of the valid votes )
---Inclusive Election Methods---
Note: Multiply the number of your favorite election method by the appropriate Chunk (it is defined by the proposal owner) to discover the voting outcome.
[/voting results]

Being below 10% participation it remains risky to add a proposal and claim 48.6 dash to be given as monthly UBI to the Encointer Communities.
Shall we try though? What do you think?
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FYI , here follows an alternative proof of individuality solution (a gitcoin allience with brightID)
🔆 BrightID – an open source Sybil-resistant identity lego.
No sketchy Orbs required. 👁️
We are thrilled to be working with Gitcoin to reduce the impact of Sybil accounts. With your help, we added over 73,000 verified BrightID users. Thank you for the amazing support so far! Let's keep the momentum going!

See? other coins are already moving towards various proof of individuality schemes.
But the bastard masternodes keep ignoring the importance of the concept.
"He who swallows a pestle will sleep standing up."

Vote for Encointer ! https://mnowatch.org/encointerUBI .
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<vote history>

Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

  • Total voters 31
</vote history>

<vote history>

Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

  • Total voters 32
</vote history>

"Look at Hecate, standing guard at the crossroads, one face looking in each direction." - Ovid

Vote for Encointer ! - vazaki3
<vote history>

Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

  • Total voters 32
</vote history>

"Look at Hecate, standing guard at the crossroads, one face looking in each direction." - Ovid

Vote for Encointer ! - vazaki3

The two names demo & vazaki3 under the Yes votes, are the same person !! What a joke these so called 'polls' really are. Of course demo/vazaki3 knows about this, as it is not the first time this is mentioned to him.

See : https://www.dash.org/forum/index.ph...-system-in-gobject-command.17739/#post-236188

This just shows how little he cares about fair voting / fair polls. Just let this poll


and stop using both your dash.org/forum accounts in polls, demo/vazaki3. Just out of curiousity, are there any other dash.org/forum polls you corrupted by voting twice ? Maybe now is a good time to come clean.

Note to readers : once someone votes twice, those two votes remain present in the poll at the top (above all the comments), leading to corruption of the poll. This occurred in two polls from demo/vazaki3. Adjusting votes in a later comment / post, does nothing to the poll vote results at the top.

You can verify this with the following poll : https://www.dash.org/forum/index.ph...-system-in-gobject-command.17739/#post-236188

Poll vote results :


Comment / Post with correction :


Same problem with the poll of this thread (if demo/vazaki3 decide to post a correction).
Basically demo/vazaki3 has been corrupting his own polls.
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The two names demo & vazaki3 under the Yes votes, are the same person !! What a joke these so called 'polls' really are. Of course demo/vazaki3 knows about this, as it is not the first time this is mentioned to him.

Agree, not a good look. But then again, this kind of makes his point though, proof of individuality would solve this!
The two names demo & vazaki3 under the Yes votes, are the same person !! What a joke these so called 'polls' really are. Of course demo/vazaki3 knows about this, as it is not the first time this is mentioned to him.

See : https://www.dash.org/forum/index.ph...-system-in-gobject-command.17739/#post-236188

This just shows how little he cares about fair voting / fair polls. Just let this poll

View attachment 12194

and stop using both your dash.org/forum accounts in polls, demo/vazaki3. Just out of curiousity, are there any other dash.org/forum polls you corrupted by voting twice ? Maybe now is a good time to come clean.

Note to readers : once someone votes twice, those two votes remain present in the poll at the top (above all the comments), leading to corruption of the poll. This occurred in two polls from demo/vazaki3. Adjusting votes in a later comment / post, does nothing to the poll vote results at the top.

You can verify this with the following poll : https://www.dash.org/forum/index.ph...-system-in-gobject-command.17739/#post-236188

Poll vote results :

View attachment 12195

Comment / Post with correction :

View attachment 12196

Same problem with the poll of this thread (if demo/vazaki3 decide to post a correction).
Basically demo/vazaki3 has been corrupting his own polls.

I am not corrupting anything. I already told you. Demo is banned by the forum admins (thus he is dead), so his vote does not count. The same applies to all the other voters in this very poll, who are numerous, thus I dont know who is banned/dead and who is not. So why striking demo's name only, and not other dead people's names? It would be unfair. The corrupted voting outcome is not my fault, it is an admin's issue. Admins should mark whatever votes of banned or abandoned accounts that reside into the polls with a different color, and fix the voting outcome accordingly.

Demo's vote does not count, but my vazaki3 vote counts, and more important than that, I am an alive person so by voting I send to everyone a double message, both that I am alive and that I always preserve my right to change my vote. As long as demo cannot change his opinion, his vote does not represent me anymore. And this applies to the rest dead/banned persons, they cannot change their opinion too.

Beware @qwizzie. In case you die, pray for you to preserve your voting rights, as I do. And you will be allowed by the admins to preserve your voting rights only in case you voted wisely while being alive. Otherwise you will be lost in Hell.

"Look at Hecate, standing guard at the crossroads, one face looking in each direction." - Ovid
Vote for Encointer ! - @vazaki3
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Agree, not a good look. But then again, this kind of makes his point though, proof of individuality would solve this!
It is not my fault this bad look, it is an admin's issue.
Admins should mark whatever votes of banned or abandoned accounts that reside into the polls with a different color.

So you should blame @Monotoko admin, rather than me.

"Look at Hecate, standing guard at the crossroads, one face looking in each direction." - Ovid
Vote for Encointer ! - @vazaki3
Encointer is proud to present its research report about building a global web-of-trust among Encointer communities' proof-of-personhood:


Problem: Today, Encointer PoP is only trustable within each community, but not easily trustable by outsiders or other communities.

Solution: We use DEXes among communities to measure inter-community trust and then apply a seeded page-rank algo to obtain a global trust metric.

References: https://forum.duniter.org/t/objection-in-the-model-of-the-web-of-trust-of-ucoin/764

Vote for Encointer !
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It may look like "eyes wide shut" but it may also look like this.

It may also look like this:

.... pour "Épater la bourgeoisie" .....

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<vote history>

Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?

  • Total voters 32
</vote history>

<vote history>

Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?​

  • Total voters 33
</vote history>

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<vote history>

Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?​

  • Total voters 33
</vote history>
<vote history>

Would you like this proof of individuality to be implemented in Dash?​

  • Total voters 34
</vote history>

"After fulfilling its ritual role, which is to restore order, the survachka is not preserved, but it is also not simply thrown away," says Plamena Kirova.
“Its destruction after the holiday is done in a figurative and magical manner which again stimulates growth, health and fertility. After walking around the houses, the children used to throw the survachkas on the roof, on a tall tree or in the river so as not to trample them. In itself, the survachka does not have magical qualities, it acquires them in the hands of the survakari. It is then that it becomes magical. That is why it is very important that the survakari themselves are healthy, have a pure heart and pure thoughts.”


For the new year, Vote for Encointer !
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Regarding the vote for Encointer that is about to give a Dash dividend to every Dash member (look at Encointer Basic Income Numerical Vote. ) , I noticed that it is hard to reach the 10% threshold. We are stuck for months to about 8% participation.

POLL: Do you think I should narrow the voting range from 0 to 242 Dash and reset the vote to something like 0 to 100 Dash, in order to attract more voters and in hope that we will finally reach the desired 10% participation threshold?

  1. If you think I should narrow the voting range (for example 0-100 Dash, 0-50 Dash, 0-1 Dash at min), cast a like in this post(y)
  2. If you think the voting range should remain 0-242 Dash, cast a love :love: in this post.
  3. If you think the voting range should be wider (for example 0-1020 Dash, 0-4000 Dash, 0-8528 Dash at max), cast an angry.:mad:
  4. Cast anything else to point that there is as alternative option, and describe that option below. 💙:ROFLMAO:😲☹️
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Encointer prepared a retroactive KSM treasury proposal: https://kusama.polkassembly.io/post/2625

Your review and supportive comment would be greatly appreciated.

There we go: https://kusama.polkassembly.io/referenda/335

We need all your KSM votes with maximal conviction you can bear! Thank you!

<kusama vote history for Encointer>
Ayes (197 votes) - 31.2K KSM
Nays (29 votes) - 58.4K KSM
Current Result: 34.8% Aye - 65.2% Nay
<end kusama vote history for Encointer>
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<kusama vote history for Encointer>
Ayes (197 votes) - 31.2K KSM
Nays (29 votes) - 58.4K KSM
Current Result: 34.8% Aye - 65.2% Nay
<end kusama vote history for Encointer>
<kusama vote history for Encointer>
Ayes(274 votes) - 97.6K KSM
Nays(243 votes) - 126.2K KSM
Current Result: 43.6% Aye - 56.4% Nay
<end kusama vote history for Encointer>

Vote for kusama Encointer!
We need all your KSM votes with maximal conviction you can bear! Thank you!

Also vote for Dash-Encointer ! Finnaly vote at this poll too.
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