How will Dash (or any other cryptocoin) arrive in the hands of the Venezuelan people? Well, mostly they will simply BUY Dash with their hyper-inflated fiat currency. Many of the really smart ones have already done so, and will probably continue to do so, and their example will certainly influence others to do so. Of course, because their fiat IS hyper-inflated they will be able to buy less crypto today than they could yesterday, but more than they would be able to tomorrow. Buying crypto (or gold, for that matter, or ANY other "scarce collectible item") which maintains its value much better than hyperinflationary Venezuelan fiat would therefore be a fantastic hedge against inflation, and would actually serve to counteract it.
Let's say someone in Venezuela buys enough Dash for a loaf of bread. Tomorrow, if they had kept their fiat, inflation would have made that loaf cost more in terms of fiat - but they would find that the Dash they bought is still enough for the loaf. Buying Dash would be VERY wise for any Venezuelan at this time.
So, again, to answer your question of HOW the Venezuelans would acquire Dash: they would BUY it, just like I did.
My "retarded brain" (as you so unnecessarily and rudely put it - which says far more about YOU than me, by the way) has not been "brainwashed" in any way. That is why I, as an individual, without government assistance or charity, made the conscious choice to exchange my fiat money for Dash. I saw the value, and decided that in the long run Dash would be far more valuable to me and others than the fiat I paid for it. And I DON'T live in a hyperinflationary economy.
You are correct, however, when you assert that the name does not matter, but that the essence matters. But you do so in the context of comparing Dash (instant, anonymous, practically free transactions, plus an amazing development team which makes Dash extremely agile and adaptable as need be) with "stamps, or paintings of Van Gogh, or the underwears of Princess Diana or of Elvis Presley." If you see these things as "essentially equivalent," put it nicely, perhaps you're a bit over your head here. (In reality, though, I suspect you aren't as foolish as you seem to be; your transparent anti-Dash agenda is simply indefensible and non-reality-based, and essentially forces you into ridiculous arguments and assertions. I actually wonder if you're being paid to sow discord here....)
And yes, the IP addresses of the Masternodes are public, and could be blocked by the Venezuelan government. But all that would do is temporarily prevent the instant and private features of Dash. The Venezuelan people running normal Dash nodes (i.e., not Masternodes) would still be able to communicate with other normal Dash nodes, and the currency could therefore still be exchanged, albeit a bit slower. Of course, it is rather trivial to run a VPN (Vritual Private Network) on one's computer or even one's phone, completely bypassing any attempts to block access to the Masternodes, meaning any such attempts would ultimately be ineffective and temporary at best.
Furthermore, what reason would there even be for the government to make such ineffective attempts? Despite political corruption, the citizens can vote for their president and all other politicians. It is a democratic republic. If the people want Dash enough (or any other crypto) then they will simply vote for politicians who support Dash. Besides, the increased financial health and stability which would be experienced by the citizens and the nation as a whole would certainly be viewed as positive by the government, and would help those in power (who support the use of Dash) to get reelected.
And I didn't say that Dash was "the" coin of the international community. I said it was "a" coin of the international community - and it IS. It's also, by the way, the BEST if one wants a coin for transacting in real-world brick-and-mortar stores. Using Dash "enslaves" (your word) no one: it frees them from the shackles of government fiat, and the very real world threat of out of control fiat printing and the ensuing inflation.
Lastly, your assertions regarding the "greedy Dash generation of 2014-2016" (as well as your sill avatar) are, again, simply designed to produce discord. ALL normal, healthy people want what is good for themselves and their loved ones, and that includes financial well-being. Anyone who had the foresight to take the very real RISK and purchase whatever amount of Dash they could afford in 2014-2016 wasn't being "greedy," they were simply looking after their own financial welfare, to the best of their ability. Good for them!