• Forum has been upgraded, all links, images, etc are as they were. Please see Official Announcements for more information

DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

@German stAr New wallets were created but you did not tip them any dash. I cannot include this in the meet up program. Please make sure that you review the rules on Page 1, here is the URL for your convenience https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/dashforce-meetup-presentation-program.12802/page-16
Thanks For viewing my report, because this was my first meetup that was why I couldn't tip any dash into the wallets and promised that this month meetup will be of your interest, thank you.
None of these addresses received a tip.







Make sure in the future that everyone gets Dash at your meet up.
OK sir.
This month I noticed that a lot of the rules were NOT followed or completed, this slightly impacted rewards that will be given out. I am bringing this to everyones attention because the rules are in place to help the overall meet up experience great for attendees as well as to help us give a greater reward where it is deserved. This post is not target to one or multiple individuals. This post is here to bring it to everyones attention that the rules need to be followed. Below is a list of the things that I noticed this month and I hope that they do not press forward in the upcoming months.
  • Tipping quantity was very low for many meet ups. Most tipping came no where near the minimum threshold.
  • Sharing addresses that never received funds but tried to pass them off as if they did to get a higher reward.
  • No event link was shared publicly or even created.
  • No multi crypto meet up, the meet up must be 100% Dash focused. No talk about Bitcoin, Ethereum, Smartcash or any other Altcoin.
  • New Dash wallets should be set up at the meet ups on Official Dash Wallets. No multi crypto wallets.
  • Tipping should only be done on newly installed wallets.


This announcement is primarily for teams or "Dash {country} team". I would like to encourage teams to work together within this meet up program in order to meet the threshold for wallet set ups and wallet tipping. If teams chose to keep there meet ups separate then the rewards will be impacted.

Please review the rules again prior to your next meet up. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me any time and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

Thank you everyone for your continued support of DASH!


PS. I will be reaching out to people Directly in order to get there receiving addresses :)
Hi, I'm Megas. A Dash hub Africa ambassador. I will be organising a meet up on 15th Juna,2018. This meet up turns to educate participants (outgoing national service personnel in the Ejisu Juabeng district (Ghana) on Dash digital cash, what Dash offers, why Dash should be used as payment system, how to use Dash and where to use Dash. Participants will go through the processes of downloading and securing their wallets. This meet up is estimated to have about 30 participants or more and the first 15 participants will be tip $5 worth of Dash.
Thank you!


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Everyone, please make sure that you review my latest notice and announcement regarding the meet up program.

This month I noticed that a lot of the rules were NOT followed or completed, this slightly impacted rewards that will be given out. I am bringing this to everyones attention because the rules are in place to help the overall meet up experience great for attendees as well as to help us give a greater reward where it is deserved. This post is not target to one or multiple individuals. This post is here to bring it to everyones attention that the rules need to be followed. Below is a list of the things that I noticed this month and I hope that they do not press forward in the upcoming months.
  • Tipping quantity was very low for many meet ups. Most tipping came no where near the minimum threshold.
  • Sharing addresses that never received funds but tried to pass them off as if they did to get a higher reward.
  • No event link was shared publicly or even created.
  • No multi crypto meet up, the meet up must be 100% Dash focused. No talk about Bitcoin, Ethereum, Smartcash or any other Altcoin.
  • New Dash wallets should be set up at the meet ups on Official Dash Wallets. No multi crypto wallets.
  • Tipping should only be done on newly installed wallets.


This announcement is primarily for teams or "Dash {country} team". I would like to encourage teams to work together within this meet up program in order to meet the threshold for wallet set ups and wallet tipping. If teams chose to keep there meet ups separate then the rewards will be impacted.

Please review the rules again prior to your next meet up. If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to me any time and I will get back to you as soon as possible!

Thank you everyone for your continued support of DASH!


PS. I will be reaching out to people Directly in order to get there receiving addresses :)
Thank you for the update. I created event for my meet up but forgot to add the link for registration.
You can check it out.
hello everyone ..
Team Dash Cameroon - group 1, will be having a meet-up.
: 13th June 2018
Time: 5pm WAT.
location: University of Buea Campus. South West Region - Cameroon.

We plan to introduce final year engineering students of the University of Buea to the Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and most especially Dash ( Digital Cash). During this meetup we'll discuss the benefits of using Dash among other cryptocurrencies. Also talk on the features of Dash that makes it unique. Lastly we will do creating and managing of wallets and of course tipping of newly created wallets.

Link to the event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dash-cameroon-group-1-meet-up-tickets-46969924308


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hello everyone ..
Team Dash Cameroon - group 1, will be having a meet-up.
: 13th June 2018
Time: 5pm WAT.
location: University of Buea Campus. South West Region - Cameroon.

We plan to introduce final year engineering students of the University of Buea to the Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and most especially Dash ( Digital Cash). During this meetup we'll discuss the benefits of using Dash among other cryptocurrencies. Also talk on the features of Dash that makes it unique. Lastly we will do creating and managing of wallets and of course tipping of newly created wallets.

Link to the event: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/dash-cameroon-group-1-meet-up-tickets-46969924308

I hope you saw my announcement.

This announcement is primarily for teams or "Dash {country} team". I would like to encourage teams to work together within this meet up program in order to meet the threshold for wallet set ups and wallet tipping. If teams chose to keep there meet ups separate then the rewards will be impacted.
Dash Cameroon meet-up Report.

Hello everyone, here is a report of my second meet-up.
The event was held at the University of Buea, south west region - Cameroon.
On the 13th June 2018, 5pm CAT

The aim of the meet up was to introduce the engineering students of the University of Buea to Dash and its potentials.
There were 27 participants and a total of 18 wallets (9 participants had no smartphone) were created and tipped with $2 worth of dash each.
Below is a list of the various point that we talked about:

- What is Cryptocurrency and the Blockchain
- What is Dash and how it’s different from other Cryptocurrencies.
- Benefits of using Dash as a medium of exchange in daily transactions.
- Features of Dash (such as InstandSend, PrivateSend, masternodes)
- Creation of new wallets
- Where to buy and sell Dash
- How to secure and Backup wallets.

List of wallets created and tipped:



















Attached are pictures of the event.


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Hi! Dashforce
I am organizing another dash digital cash meetup scheduled to come off in Wulensi township to bring together about 30 to 50 youth and business men within the Wulensi district to enlighten them about Crypto-currency specifically DASH DIGITAL CASH, the basic aim of this meetup is to take the participants through the main advantages/benefits of using dash digital cash as a medium of exchange, the significant/unique features of dash digital cash among all cryptocurrencies such as instantsend, privatesend, Masternodes, cheap transaction charges among others and Participants will also be taken through the process of how to download and install dash wallet as well as how to purchase or buy dash from local and international exchanges via CoinExchange, Cryptobridge, HitBTC etc.

*Link to event published* :


Hello Dash Friends!

We held a meetup in Sacramento last Monday. Here is our meetup link:

We had over people 30 come. I gave an overview about what Dash was, and got most of the folks to download the wallet. Also we had the founder of LocalDashtrade.com
a website that allows people to meetup in person and exchange Dash. Also we had a speaker that has a couple crypto ATM's around town that sells Dash!

We gave $10 in Dash to almost everyone that came.


my (now empty) dash wallet:

Might do another Dash night next month to spread the word even more I had a great time learning about and speaking to my group about dash!
I extend my greetings to the entire dash force. Another dash meet up held in Cameroon on the 15th on june with the goal or extending dash to the entire Cameroon community was successful. We had 14 participants of which 2 were phoneless so couldn't have wallets to receive tips. Bollow are the wallets we created during the meetup.


Bellow you find the Facebook link where the event was advertised

Pictures of the meetup are found in the link bellow

The link Below are some screenshots of the wallets that received dash
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Hi dashforce
I had a successful Dash digital Cash meetup in Wulensi-Nanumba south district Within Northern part of Ghana 2018.The main purpose of this meetup was to bring together the Some of the youth of Wulensi township to enlighten them about Cryptocurrency specifically DASH DIGITAL CASH and it's unique features Which makes me to stand tall among all cryptocurrencies and to also explain to participants how dash has elimated the disadvantages of Bitcoin and it is the first electronic currency operating as cash.

During the meetup session I took my time to elaborate on the following:
The general overview of cryptocurrency
The meaning of dash digital cash as a subset of cryptocurrency
The main advantages/benefits of using dash digital cash as a medium of exchange
The significant/unique features of dash digital cash among all cryptocurrencies such as instantsend, privatesend, Masternodes, cheap transaction charges among others.
I also took Participants through the process of how to download and install dash wallet as well as how to purchase or buy dash from local and international exchanges via ebitcoinics.com, Dashghana.net, uniquecoin.net, CoinExchange, Cryptobridge, HitBTC etc.




25 people attended the meetup And 21 out of the 25 were newbies hence 21 new Dash digital Cash wallets were created and I sent $5 worth of dash to each of the 21 new wallets created.



Below are list of addresses of the 21 new wallets that received $5 worth of Dash as a startup:






















Thanks to @aarellanes and @mastermined for the guide
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I extend my greetings to the entire dash force. Another dash meet up held in Cameroon on the 15th on May with the goal or extending dash to the entire Cameroon community was successful. We had 14 participants of which 2 were phoneless so couldn't have wallets to receive tips. Bollow are the wallets we created during the meetup.


Bellow you find the Facebook link where the event was advertised

Pictures of the meetup are found in the link bellow

The link Below are some screenshots of the wallets that received dash

As I shared with you in our DM May meet up program is over. Please make sure that posts are shared to the correct thread by they deadline. 11 of your fellow Meet up contestants posted there meet ups prior to the deadline and were included in the May meet up program.
Another dash meet up held in Cameroon on the 15th on May with the goal or extending dash to the entire Cameroon community was successful.

Must be a typo because you said May.

Also, are you a member of the Cameroon team?

Some things I would like to point out:
The dash addresses you shared, most received funds on 30 of May, and a few received funds on June 10. All which were about 0.006 or 0.009 Dash or $1.50 or $2.50 at a Dash Price of $250.

I do not appreciate the dishonesty of trying using old dash addresses and trying to pass them off in a recent meet up.

My Current Thoughts on the situation

I also remember looking at your posts on your profile that you made about past meet ups. I was going to look at the addresses you shared but it seems like they were edited so I cannot go back and compare them.

I think this was the thread that you edited when you posted your meet up in the wrong spot, because another team member (assuming) posted theirs under your thread as well. https://www.dash.org/forum/threads/dash-meetup-in-cameroon.38366/
Some dash wallets I tip in May most of the people attended the June meetup. Treason why their wallets were added since you didn't consider my meetup in May. For the little rewards, the reason is because I had no funds to tip the required amount in the wallets so I had to manage with the Dash I had to tip the wallets