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If this is too much for you, and you keep having trouble with setting up your MN, I am willing to do it for you. Tomorrow masternodes go live with payments, so hurry up! First come, first serve!

I need teamviewer access to your windows pc (the one with 1000 drk wallet) - i will need ssh access to your vultr ubuntu14 64bit instance (putty from your windows, so you see what i do).
We communicate via skype (text chat).

Setup fee is 20DRK per MN.
I guarantee setup time below 1 hour /MN, or drks back (rebuilding transactions index, or waiting for DRK payments to propagate are excluded from this time).

If you are interested, let me know.

Hi, been trying to set up MN now for a couple of days struggling on a few points towards the end of your tutorial due to my lack of experience with Linux. I would be happy to pay you 20 DRK for your help setting up, especially if you can do it in under an hour!

Please get back to me as soon as you can. :smile:
Hi, been trying to set up MN now for a couple of days struggling on a few points towards the end of your tutorial due to my lack of experience with Linux. I would be happy to pay you 20 DRK for your help setting up, especially if you can do it in under an hour!

Please get back to me as soon as you can. :smile:

Serviced in 57min.
And DRK community is ritcher for one more MN.
Thank you for your trust.
First, thanks for this guide. If somebody get access to the key that was created with
enter: "masternode genkey" and press enter.
Is he able to steal the coins ?
Question is because of the key is stored onto the online server and there could be security issues
First, thanks for this guide. If somebody get access to the key that was created with
enter: "masternode genkey" and press enter.
Is he able to steal the coins ?
Question is because of the key is stored onto the online server and there could be security issues
No, this is a new private key which does not hold any coins.
weirdgod - can you post the command to update to the new binaries ? They did a softfork so just hoping you can put the commands needed to update here on the forum...please :)
so i must have done something wrong - not showing up as a masternode anymore :(

i made a backup directory - moved the old version of darkciond there, then did a wget for the new version.
did a chmod
then ran ./darkcoind

it seems to be running ok - it showup green in the list here for a little bit - then it went away and is now not listed anymore on the masternode list page.

Wonder if anyone can tell me if there is anything additional i need to do.....

get info returns -
"version" : 101104,
"protocolversion" : 70018,
"walletversion" : 60000,
"balance" : 0.00000000,
"blocks" : 91860,
"timeoffset" : 0,
"connections" : 11,
"proxy" : "",
"difficulty" : 3516.82239027,
"testnet" : false,
"keypoololdest" : 1403324385,
"keypoolsize" : 101,
"paytxfee" : 0.00000000,
"mininput" : 0.00001000,
"errors" : ""
At minimum, use IPTABLES to close inbound ports with exception of 22 and 9999. To do this, paste the following to the firewall.sh file:
IIP=`/sbin/ifconfig eth0 |sed --silent 's/.*inet addr:\(.*\) \ Bcast.*/\1/p'`
echo "Activating firewall for $IIP"
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
$IPTABLES -t nat -F
$IPTABLES -t mangle -F
$IPTABLES -t nat -X
$IPTABLES -t mangle -X


$IPTABLES -A INPUT -d $IIP/32 -m multiport -p tcp --ports "22,9999" -j ACCEPT
$IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -s $IIP/32 -m multiport -p tcp --ports "22,9999" -j ACCEPT


If you have static IP, you can leave port 22 (ssh) open only for your static IP.


Hi wierdgod, thanks for the guide, it was very helpful. Just one question,

How do you block access to all IPs except your static IP address on Port 22?
Hi wierdgod, thanks for the guide, it was very helpful. Just one question,

How do you block access to all IPs except your static IP address on Port 22?
Are you still here ? Want to thank you very much for your guide.
I am completly noob and get it running. My IP is shown on active Masternodelist.
Will share my first payout to donate :)
Great guide but I got a few questions:
enter: "masternode genkey" and press enter.
You should see a long string, copy it to notepad, as you will need it later when putting together darkcoin.conf (referenced as XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX in there).
Is this the private key that translates to the zero address and allows spending from that address?
If yes, then:
Create .darkcoin/darkcoin.conf file and paste the following in it:

But substitute the long XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX string, with your privkey (obtained from windows local machine.
Then this would be totally unsafe since you just hand over the private key to someone else (the company hosting your VPS). Since they have direct access to the server they can always steal your coins that way (again, only if the "masternode genkey" shows the private key translating to the zero address, which is why that was my first question.

In case this is true, why is it done like this in the first place? There could be a simple standard message that has to be signed with the key in order to prove the 1000DRK wallet without handing over the private key.

Sorry if my question is stupid, I am new in the Darkcoin world :)
hi guys, sorry for late reply, i am away from home atm - currently on 3G from Africa :)

Aswan - no, your privkey is not your wallet address, neither secret key used for encoding wallet (also sometimes called private key (as contrasted to public key)... So in this case privkey holds no DRKs, nor no pathway to it... Reread my guide from start, if you are still unsure of the procedure. dotnetmin - hopefully this also answers your questions (but i saw, that you got indepth reply in other threads).

all + bgaer - for updating the darkcoind see next post.

dotnetmin darklord1981 for ssh unlocked to one IP only use this below, just substitute the fictious 555.555.555.555 ip with your own. also note that port 22 is no longer on list of generally allowed ports:

IIP=`/sbin/ifconfig eth0 |sed --silent 's/.*inet addr:\(.*\) \ Bcast.*/\1/p'`
echo "Activating firewall for $IIP"
echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
$IPTABLES -t nat -F
$IPTABLES -t mangle -F
$IPTABLES -t nat -X
$IPTABLES -t mangle -X


$IPTABLES -A INPUT -d $IIP/32 -s 555.555.555.555/32 -j ACCEPT
$IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -s $IIP/32 -d 555.555.555.555/32 -j ACCEPT

$IPTABLES -A INPUT -d $IIP/32 -m multiport -p tcp --ports "9999" -j ACCEPT
$IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -s $IIP/32 -m multiport -p tcp --ports "9999" -j ACCEPT
Great guide but I got a few questions:

Is this the private key that translates to the zero address and allows spending from that address?
If yes, then:

Then this would be totally unsafe since you just hand over the private key to someone else (the company hosting your VPS). Since they have direct access to the server they can always steal your coins that way (again, only if the "masternode genkey" shows the private key translating to the zero address, which is why that was my first question.

In case this is true, why is it done like this in the first place? There could be a simple standard message that has to be signed with the key in order to prove the 1000DRK wallet without handing over the private key.

Sorry if my question is stupid, I am new in the Darkcoin world :)
i believe you need the private key and wallet file together to access the coins, as wallet.dat file is at different location means coins are safe, i could be incorrect on this but that is my understanding.

Thanks for the guide, works lovely will donate my first pay-out to you!

I just enabled my win-lnx combos for new softfork that enables MN payments...

All you need to do, is to update linux. If you did not touch the windows darkcoin's 1000 drks, your linux darkcoin daemon is still activated, and should work with out the need to reactivate it again from windows.

1. login to linux/vultr with putty...
2. stop darkcoind server, and move binary file to different name (.old):
./darkcoind stop
mv darkcoind darkcoind.old

3. now you can download the new binary, and make it executable, and run it:
wget http://www.darkcoin.io/downloads/rc/darkcoind
chmod +x darkcoind

thats it.
check the log to see if it runs "cat ./darkcoin/debug.log | grep Cold" or "./darkcoind masternode list | grep YOURIP" to see if you are listed as active (with :1 at end of IP).

And regarding mining (for those who used my service) - that remains unchanged. I double checked and the pool we use is already upgraded to .4, so it supports payments. so that is ok. Leave it as it is.

thanks for donations! :)
If you need help debugging/setting up masternode combo, my service is still on - i have time at evenings, as 3G is powerfull enough to do it (just upgraded my MNs that way) :D
timeout for removal of misbehaving/dead masternode from list is 35 minutes... so check a bit later...

preliminary results (couldnt sleep :) ):
but "trick" with -datadir seems to help.... i did remove everything except wallet.dat on my windows machine and resynced client... and removed everything on linux side, and resynec again...
also i changed rpcpass/user on all sides.
weirdgod or flare: can either of you expand on the steps you took for the -datadir "trick?"

Got my first paying node set up but no I would like to set up multiple nodes from the same wallet.dat file from my local Windows PC without having to replace/remove wallet files.
weridgod thanks for the quick reply - so i did something similiar - I created a backup folder and moved the old version there then got the new version. I then started the new version.

HOWEVER - I am not showing as a masternode now ....I was for a little bit after the update....but then it disapperd.

I checked my wallet - and for some reason I now have 1001 coin....it shows 1 coin came in from "mining". I am not mining with this address that I know of...coudl someone have done this on purpose to knock me off the darknode list I wonder? Its weird to get a 1 coin transactoin...but I suspect thats what caused me to stop being a masternode....I am not sure.

Will redo the upgrade following your instructions and see what happens....
Congrats, you received your first MN payment!

I checked my wallet - and for some reason I now have 1001 coin....it shows 1 coin came in from "mining". I am not mining with this address that I know of...coudl someone have done this on purpose to knock me off the darknode list I wonder? Its weird to get a 1 coin transactoin...but I suspect thats what caused me to stop being a masternode....I am not sure.
is there a way to have it send the payouts from masternode to a different wallet address? I would like to have the payments from the darkcoin masternode go to my non "masternode" wallet if thats possible.