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Helper Dash



Still waiting, moderators!

I have a list of users and projects that should no longer be funded, imo.
One of them is DashingDude who refuses to account for 82 dash and gives questionable details per witnesses. Many involved with him have not come forward to help, making the matter(s) worse. THERE IS MUCH MORE I'D LIKE TO SAY ABOUT THE SITUATION AND PROBLEMS WITH THIS DASH SYSTEM BUT AM NOT.

PLEASE DELETE DashingDude posts below. They are defamatory AND MOST LIKELY ALL UNTRUE! Thank you.
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Re: @John Reed

Hello, All! :)

Hope all is well with you! ;)

I've been helping the Dash Community and a serious situation has come up! :(

One of the participants in a funded proposal (Dash Africa) is EXTREMELY despondent for not getting paid as expected by the proposal owner.

He is now in extreme debt, had to remove his child from school, is about to be homeless having no rent money, and he and his staff haven't been paid in 2 months.

He is under great duress being harassed on a daily basis for project and living money, and in great distress knowing his reputation has been ruined with no relief in sight.

I am awaiting more details, such as:

1) If the dash programs funded are still active and on-going;
2) total funds needed - backpay and future (22 dash right NOW)
3) his dash address

I can comprehend his situation and wish him to live on and not do anything drastic.

He has great plans to continue helping and expanding Dash. What he needs is his own proposal where HE is in charge of the funds.

I am not set up yet to help with proposals and funding, but hope to be soon.

Can one or more of you help him financially NOW, AND help him post and pay for a proposal, please?

Every spare moment I have is spent helping dash for free plus at my own expense. I have no more to donate until I get my websites up and running for you, masternodes and proposal owners. (Hopefully 1-2 weeks or sooner.)

All help and suggestions appreciated!
Thank you very much.

-Helper Dash :)
Hi Helper Dash
Please find see my dash address, thanks
John Reed:
Hello community,

@John Reed (and his alter-ego, @Helper Dash) is a con-man. I refuse to engage in public debate with him, but for what it is worth - he is too scared to return to our local community because he stole all the money from the Dash Leopards.

If anybody has any queries regarding his claims in this thread and others, then please feel free to contact me directly and I'll answer any questions. I have nothing to hide.

But I will not engage in public debate. That wouldn't help Dash. The best thing I can think of, is to simply ignore John Reed.

I can't be more Boolean about this. John Reed is not OK. He is doing damage to my reputation, to that of Dash, and that of the Dash Leopards.

We will continue our constructive activities, without John Reed in future.

Cheers guys.
Good day Dash Community

I feel utterly disgusted by DashingDude reply.
1) Just to get one thing clear.. it not our community, Its my community- You are the outsider and the only reason why you are there because you work in your girlfriend's bar and think you know people.The thing that DD does best, is always attack my integrity and to defame me as this is a mechanism he uses to shift responsiblity or not to account for anything. The question remain, once again, what DD has done with the 92 dash allocated to him, still no explaination or any proof of expenditure. You, are submitting proposals under Dash Leopards and my Waterfront Office, to steal money from the Dash Community and you say I'm the conman. If you are so innocent, please proof to the regulated bodies , what you have done with the dashes that was paid out to you? Does this mean that your past and future proposal are all scams?
I only know DD for a few months but the other partners of Dash Africa have known me for more than 15 years.. Please ask Roger Toms and Ricardo Phillips or any of my Khoisan community about my character(google my name attach with Hout bay).. [email protected] (I known Roger, as the local editor in the Hout Bay community, and we have been fighting together the corruption in the fishing industry in Hout Bay) or [email protected](Brenda have been working for the Dash Leopards for a few months and even taking out a personal loan with a friend to assist the Leopards and still up to today await for the funds to be repaid. DD fired her about a month ago without paying her a single cent,while he promise to pay her after he fired her... and [email protected] (this is our video guy that did the videos for Dash Leopards and still await payment up until today) and please contact Professor Marcos Rodriguez Pascal at [email protected] concerning my reputation ..He knows DD for a few years and he will verify my character in my community , as he is currently my business associate. Please also note that DD is not working with the Dash Leopards, Waterfront office or the Cape Town Ambassodor Programs. I dont want to make this a public debate, but someone needs to be held accountable, as you are the one that received the dashes on behalf of the programs while I need to pay the price.. Would really appreciate it if the regulatory bodies of Dash can step in on the situation please or are we going to allow people to scam money out of Dash and persecute others for their crimes.
Very disappointed at this mess Africa is in again. I'd however suggest an investigation into the claims of both parties. The community should reach the end of this issue.

Thank you very much for coming forward. I have deleted all the posts I was able, but kept copies.
Please tell me the previous Africa problems. Thank you!
What are you hoping to accomplish by deleting your own posts?

Also what does it accomplish to tell us that you have more you would like to say but you won't say it?
we do not delete thread
we can only lock them if needed
they are part of the history and are there to stay
For the permanent record:


Archive comment from Helper Dash:

You gave John Reed 10 Dash, he so says.
YOU received possession of 82 additional dash. WHERE IS IT?!

You are using John Reed's office, as said here:

Should you get it for FREE?

Funds to be allocated to John Reed:
R40 000. ($2850) : 2 benefit concerts for soccer schools overseas trip
The Waterfront office 10 dashes
Ambassador Programme 10 dashes
Management fee of 2 dashes
Funding Approved: Feb 2018

Itemization of back pay:
  1. According to Dash Watch monthly report Feb 2018 for the Dash Leopards Soccer Africa the following is still outstanding that was approved on 01/01/18
  • tables and chairs for the Ambassador - 1 dash
  • kit-bags, branded footballs, cones, goalpost,stopwatches - 3 dash
  • Dash Swag and promotional materials - 2 dash
  • Ambassador training and funding meetups - 2 dash
  • Miscellaneous covering depreciation loss - 1 dash
Amsterdam accommodation cost for the two teams and not cancelling in time- 7 dash
  • Our dash leopards team would have also visit Barcelona Nou Camp (Messi Foundation) for free, arranged my good friend of the Dash Leopards ,Professor Marcos Pascal, after there Amsterdam tournament. - 2 dash
  • Brenda our nutritional coach and secretary at the dash waterfront office - 2 dash (two months salary)
  • Professional coach Reggie Mentor 2 month salary - 2.5 dash
  • 4 local community coaches salary for 2 months - 3 dash
  • Temble our video guy as per contract - 1 dash
  • Rent at the waterfront office for 3 month until end April - 1 dash
  • Wifi at the office - 0.5 dash
  • Loans from friends of dash leopards - 7 dash
  • Salary for Ricardo (manager) since incorporation until today for 7 months - 8 dash
  • Compensation for myself for 7 month(Waterfront office CEO) - 16 dash
View This Th
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Deleted comment from John Reed / Dash Helper, for the record:

I feel utterly disgusted by DashingDude reply.
1) Just to get one thing clear.. it not our community, Its my community- You are the outsider and the only reason why you are there because you work in your girlfriend's bar and think you know people.The thing that DD does best, is always attack my integrity and to defame me as this is a mechanism he uses to shift responsiblity or not to account for anything. The question remain, once again, what DD has done with the 92 dash allocated to him, still no explaination or any proof of expenditure. You, are submitting proposals under Dash Leopards and my Waterfront Office, to steal money from the Dash Community and you say I'm the conman. If you are so innocent, please proof to the regulated bodies , what you have done with the dashes that was paid out to you? Does this mean that your past and future proposal are all scams?
I only know DD for a few months but the other partners of Dash Africa have known me for more than 15 years.. Please ask Roger Toms and Ricardo Phillips or any of my Khoisan community about my character(google my name attach with Hout bay).. [email protected] (I known Roger, as the local editor in the Hout Bay community, and we have been fighting together the corruption in the fishing industry in Hout Bay) or [email protected](Brenda have been working for the Dash Leopards for a few months and even taking out a personal loan with a friend to assist the Leopards and still up to today await for the funds to be repaid. DD fired her about a month ago without paying her a single cent,while he promise to pay her after he fired her... and [email protected] (this is our video guy that did the videos for Dash Leopards and still await payment up until today) and please contact Professor Marcos Rodriguez Pascal at [email protected]concerning my reputation ..He knows DD for a few years and he will verify my character in my community , as he is currently my business associate. Please also note that DD is not working with the Dash Leopards, Waterfront office or the Cape Town Ambassodor Programs. I dont want to make this a public debate, but someone needs to be held accountable, as you are the one that received the dashes on behalf of the programs while I need to pay the price.. Would really appreciate it if the regulatory bodies of Dash can step in on the situation please or are we going to allow people to scam money out of Dash and persecute others for their crimes.
More from John Reed's deleted messages:

Dear Masternodes,
This issue is going to take hundreds of hours+ to resolve. People involved are not coming forward to help but are only down-voting me. The newest one being @Teague who has been helping DD.
This thread is very enlightening:

It's been a week and DD has not provided requested information regarding 92 dash; other than confirming John Reed received 10 dash of it. JR has provided more info.

If it were me, I would unfund all involved proposals until people came forward to resolve. That would be 5, presently.
I don't have any comment, but for anyone else --
From my memory, I can vouch for the authenticity of the deleted messages posted by @DashingDude -- what he posted is indeed what I remember was previously posted by John Reed.
I don't have any comment, but for anyone else --
From my memory, I can vouch for the authenticity of the deleted messages posted by @DashingDude -- what he posted is indeed what I remember was previously posted by John Reed.

Hello TroyDASH,
I decided to write you because you have been one of my favorite dash people, and now every time I see you instead of joy I feel sad and upset. :(

I cannot answer your questions presently, because I am trying to protect the innocent from harm.

This whole DD episode has used up much of my precious time and energy, much of it I have been giving to Dash and its people for free or at my expense. And now I'm 2 weeks behind on tools and services I was creating for Dash and MNs free-of-charge, for no good reason other than trying to prevent the misuse and abuse of the treasury as MNOs and Dash Community wanted/requested.

So now I'm struggling with whether to continue with all of this or not, and I'll tell you and everyone else reading why.

I don't want to help (or be involved with) people who:
harm or cheat others
don't appreciate the honest and hard work of others
don't help when help is needed
don't do the right thing
don't take action to help stop wrong-doing, or worse - help perpetuate it or cheer it on (and I've seen a lot of this the past 2 months by many of the most active and well-known people)
are too apathetic to know or care

So, TroyDASH, I'm putting a lot of weight on your reply.

When you are 'vouching for the authenticity of DashingDude'
are you saying you believe:
I am John Reed
That John Reed did make that post
or both?

You seem to think this situation is pretty funny. I do not. Lots of people have been harmed - including me ... and you (...and the Dash Community and especially the people in S. Africa). You because unfortunately your intelligence is in question, and it highly upsets me with you being one of my favorite people.

So in my best effort to protect you, please tell me how you could think or believe either of those things :( when NEITHER ARE TRUE! I AM NOT JOHN REED, AND "I" AM THE AUTHOR OF THAT POST, NOT JOHN REED.

I regret
DashingDude's 're-post' above makes it sound like "I" said John Reed stole money when that defamatory remark was made by DashingDude
That all moderators failed to act upon my multiple requests to save the reputations of myself, John Reed, Dash and Dash Forums - and therefore have created liabilities...

....and most of all I regret that for over 45+ years I have been unable to fix 'stupid'.

I try to remain respectful and professional, especially in public. My apologies that my best this time wasn't good enough. :(

For more 'stupid', please see:

[I labeled this 'dumb' because it was never deleted. Scroll up the page to see the original post. DashingDude seems to be enjoying: 1) trying to deflect people's attention from accounting for the 82 Dash (in his possession as 'funded proposal owner') that he failed to distribute (thus, John Reed's rightful notification of and complaint); and 2) that more people aren't investigating him and taking action, especially the others involved or who helped him get the money.]

and these:



I also regret that the proposals I recommend to be unfunded for May 2018 probably won't be, just adding to the number of people failing to take action for wrong-doing and welcoming more misuse and abuse of the Dash Treasury. :(


-Helper Dash
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So, TroyDASH, I'm putting a lot of weight on your reply.

When you are 'vouching for the authenticity of DashingDude'
are you saying you believe:
I am John Reed
That John Reed did make that post
or both?

My apologies, it appears that I rushed my previous response. The *first* re-post above from DashingDude is a post from John Reed. The *second* re-post is from you, Helper Dash. We are in agreement. I don't really have an opinion on whether or not you are the same person, but my default belief would be no not the same person, unless there is evidence to show otherwise.
Really DashingDude? You delete 4 of your defamatory posts (of which I have screenshots) just to add a link of more defamatory remarks?

Why not tell us what happened to the 82 dash you were suppose to distribute?

Please tell me what it's going to take so we can move on. You said you would answer any inquiries, you have nothing to hide. And yet, it's been over a week and I don't see you have answered anyone.

I am keeping screenshots of all your posts for all legal actions against you.
So sad you keep making things worse.
John, can you account for the 10 Dash that you acknowledge that I gave you recently? (I too have copies of the postings that you deleted.) How was the budget spent? It was intended for the Dash Leopards soccer kids, not for you. Also, can you tell us where the money went, that we raised from the fund-raising concerts? 600 people at R100 covert-charge adds up. What about the Tee-shirt sales... of which I gave you 200 for free, to support the kids and Dash awareness. What about the money sponsored by our local businesses, such as Fish On The Rocks ? John, we thought that we were sponsoring the kids to go to Amsterdam, to compete internationally as they deserved. The kids never went to Amsterdam, but where did all the money go John? Please stop hassling me and demanding more Dash, just because you are desperate. You're no longer involved in Dash Leopards nor Dash Africa. And there is no money owing to you. The Dash Leopards will continue without you, as a worthy cause, as will Dash Africa. Have you gone crazy dude?
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