Masternodes gained $10,000 for each $100 contribution -- yes, just like everyone else.
Plus an additional $800. Not plus an additional $7500.
You just priced the first assumption at the current valuation of $1000/DASH, and you don't expect to do the same with the valuation of your incoming DASH as well?
At 6.9 DASH/month, you're gaining at LEAST $6800 for every
additional $100 you put in. Your valuation of an additional $800/month would assume DASH was still priced at ~$115 dollars. Is that when you got in?
Also just to be clear, the keyword here is
additional. Anyone looking to make an
additional investment would have to pay the full price of the DASH value at the time of valuation, and since we can't go back in time to buy DASH, I'm using today's valuation of ~$1,000.
Masternodes looking to make an
additional investment in return for DASH only have to pay, at most, $100/month. Your silence over this incredibly low valuation of your actual maintenance tells me I'm grossly overestimating what your actual contribution is, so I'm going to assume I hit it right on the money when I made the statement.