So, I'm using Dash Core version v0.12.0.2-dddc095 (32-bit) and have my wallet up as a masternode but have not received a payment in 24 hours. Anyone else with this problem?
Although I posted that I couldn't update when Evan posted new binaries yesterday, I actually did update before going out the door, so I believe I've been on the latest versions the whole time??
My linux tMN has been receiving payments no problem.
Is there something wrong with my masternode private key?
Well, anyway, I've generated a new key, we'll see if that helps in a few hours
More info: Masternode was started successfully, debug said it was started successfully, and when i generated a new key, and checked everything, I didn't have 1000 coins in a single address, it was down to 994 or something like that. I have no idea how that happened? I've made a new address, and sent 1000 coins to it, and hopefully that will be the end of that
And debug.log shows nothing. I'm running my testnet masternode hot with only the dash.conf file, set up the old fashion way. Do we need to do it with a masternode.conf file?