Not sure I'm the right guy to answer this question

We need
eduffield to come back from Dash European Tour :wink: and discuss/agree on some some ETA or kind of approximate roadmap or smth like that I guess. If we are to test v13 somewhere soon - I doubt we need v12.1 at all then (you might noticed that there are not so much activity on github these days). Otherwise I would launch another testing because it's getting too quiet on testnet... :grin:
Personally: while guys
having fun working hard in Europe I'm playing with bitcoin-0.12 merged into our master for a few days now. They solved few locking issues there and we might borrow same concept and fix the rest of issues in our part etc., not to mention other huge changes and refactoring happened in 1600+ commits. Some of them are quite nice, some are quite questionable though... Anyway there are also few yet non-merged pull requests in bitcoin that I'd like to get my hands on to make them work with Dash too and that's why I started this merging actually. But don't expect anything like that soon because if that would be a base for 12.1 or 12.2 or whatever version before v13 that would require a lot more extensive testing than current 12.1 for sure. I'm just purely experimenting here. :smile: