The agents attacked Uniswap in order to destroy its governance system, similarly to what they did and keep doing in Dash!


Well-known member

The agents attacked Uniswap, in order to destroy its governance system.
Similar to what they did and keep doing here in Dash, all these years!


Universal Divident and respecting future generations in Uniswap......
37.555.068 -- Against 1.280.632. Although the vast majority was in favor of the proposal, it was Rejected! Similar to Dash!
2 Retroactive Proxy Contract Airdrop — Phase One <----Defeated!!!!
This proposal brings to a formal vote the Retroactive Distribution, discussed at length in the above links.
This proposal retroactively distributes 400 UNI to 12,619 distinct addresses who interacted with Uniswap via a proxy contract. These 12,619 users are "Phase 1" of the Retroactive Distribution, encompassing users of application-integrations. All of these 12,619 addresses were excluded from the original airdrop.


Reduce the proposal fee in Uniswap...
For 39.596.759 -- Against 696.857 Although the vast majority was in favor of the proposal, it was Rejected! Similar to Dash!
1 Reduce UNI Governance Proposal & Quorum Thresholds <---Defeated!!!
Reduce UNI Governance Proposal & Quorum Thresholds
Uniswap's governance system currently has high thresholds for proposal submission and quorum relative to total delegated UNI. Since the launch of the governance system, there have been discussions on lowering these thresholds to make governance more accessible.


Uniswap is attacked by government's agents and follows Dash's fate.
In practice the bad truth is that stupids and spies bought masternodes in order to stop governance. The employers of the spies tremble with fear when they realize that a cryptocoin will occur that will have effective governance, so they want to control it and intercept it, so they buy in order to gain voting rights and vote against whatever proposal is towards the effective governance goal.

The agents and the spies have been instructed by their employers (the governements) to destroy all DAOS's governance systems, at all cost.

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Who are these agents? Qanon operatives? In the case of Dash it would seem to pre-date this propaganda group.
Who are these agents? Qanon operatives? In the case of Dash it would seem to pre-date this propaganda group.

pre-date? what do you mean?

The government's agents have their red lines.
If we cross their red lines, they attack us by skyrocketing our coin and gain control of it. They did the same to Uniswap.

One of their red lines is the cheap government proposals. They dont want a coin to have effective governance.
Another red line is the universal dividend, and a coin fair to the new generations.

Of course we are not afraid of them. We' ve got them, and we can predict all their movements, through history.
The Orphics of Olbia
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Just to inform the Dash community that Uniswap is full of government's agents. I posted this thread into their Uniswap discord channel, and they banned me in a few minutes twice . After banning me I also subscribed a puppet and tried to communicate with the honest members of their community, but the agents there censor very hard.

Revealing the truth hurts! Try it by yourself, go post this thread in Uniswap Discord channel, and I suspect you will be banned too...

Agents everywhere!!! They pump shit coins (like dogecoin), and they buy voting rights wherever there is a hope of succesfull governance.

Nowdays agents are buying Uniswap and pushing it to the 9th place, similar to what they did once upon times and made Dash 6th. And of course nowdays they also stopped buying Dash, simply because the agents fully control DCG and DIF.

So the only hope for Dash to regain its rank in coinmarketcap is to get rid of the current DCG and the current DIF and thus make the government's agents tremble in fear and buy Dash again in order to control it .
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