No problems, buddy. Unfortunately we still have no proof of payment because I have no one mining for me "yet," I'm starting (hopefully reach a level of genesis one day

kkkk), I can only say that is honest and devoted time in this project, but if someone want to test for a time I release an amount of GHs for the same at no cost, only to be sure that I am not playing with anyone, in fact, I take all my very serious project, a proof of my honesty is the site BitBol, where I was the creator and developer of the same, I ended up selling to Mr. Cassio Lucena due to problems with the time I had with my studies. In most I appreciate the answer and I'm glad that someone is interested. Just remember that this platform was made for Brazilians, unfortunately, my equipment are all in Ciudad del Este in Paraguay. This weekend I can ask someone to take some pictures of the equipment and send it to me.