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MPOS configuration help needed


New member
Hello dear fellow Darkcoiners!

I've set up my own MPOS DRK pool, with the latest darkcoind 10.11.5 and NOMP as stratum engine.
As I cannot (strangely enough!) find any guide for setting up a MPOS Darkcoin pool (all guides seem to refer to either LTC or other coins BUT DRK), I am left with a few doubts which I would kindly need your help for to resolve.

For instance, my main concern is about managing the unique DRK block reward and difficulty.
Please, could you take a look at my global_conf_inc.php file below and recommend any changes if needed (sensitive information has been ****)?
Thanks a million!!!
$defflip = (!cfip()) ? exit(header('HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized')) : 1;

* Do not edit this unless you have confirmed that your config has been updated!
* Also the URL to check for the most recent upstream versions available
*  https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-config-version
$config['version'] = '0.0.8';
$config['version_url'] = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MPOS/php-mpos/master/include/version.inc.php';

* Unless you disable this, we'll do a quick check on your config first.
*  https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-config-check
$config['skip_config_tests'] = false;

* Unless you disable this, we'll do a check for a valid coin address on registration.
*  https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#check-for-valid-wallet-address
$config['check_valid_coinaddress'] = true;

* Defines
*  Debug setting and salts for hashing passwords
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-defines--salts
$config['DEBUG'] = 0;
$config['SALTY'] ='************'';

  * Coin Algorithm
  *  Algorithm used by this coin, sha256d or scrypt
  *   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-algorithm
$config['algorithm'] = 'x11';

  * Getbalance API Calls
  *  System used for getting actual Balance from Wallet
  *   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#getbalance-api-calls
$config['getbalancewithunconfirmed'] = true;

* Database configuration
*  MySQL database configuration
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-database-configuration
$config['db']['host'] = 'localhost';
$config['db']['user'] = 'mpos';
$config['db']['pass'] = '***************';
$config['db']['port'] = 3306;
$config['db']['name'] = 'mpos';

* Local wallet RPC
*  RPC configuration for your daemon/wallet
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-local-wallet-rpc
$config['wallet']['type'] = 'http';
$config['wallet']['host'] = 'localhost:8998';
$config['wallet']['username'] = '***********';
$config['wallet']['password'] = '*****************';

* Swiftmailer configuration
*  Configure your way to send mails
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-swiftmailer
$config['swiftmailer']['type'] = 'sendmail';
$config['swiftmailer']['sendmail']['path'] = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';
$config['swiftmailer']['sendmail']['options'] = '-bs';
$config['swiftmailer']['smtp']['host'] = 'your.mail-relay.com';
$config['swiftmailer']['smtp']['port'] = '587';
$config['swiftmailer']['smtp']['encryption'] = 'tls';
$config['swiftmailer']['smtp']['username'] = '';
$config['swiftmailer']['smtp']['password'] = '';
$config['swiftmailer']['smtp']['throttle'] = 100;

* Getting Started Config
*  Shown to users in the 'Getting Started' section
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-getting-started
$config['gettingstarted']['coinname'] = 'Darkcoin';
$config['gettingstarted']['coinurl'] = 'http://www.darkcoin.io';
$config['gettingstarted']['stratumurl'] = '********';
$config['gettingstarted']['stratumport'] = '3333';

* Ticker API
*  Fetch exchange rates via an API
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-ticker-api
$config['price']['enabled'] = false;
$config['price']['url'] = 'https://btc-e.com';
$config['price']['target'] = '/api/2/ltc_usd/ticker';
$config['price']['currency'] = 'USD';

* Automatic Payout Thresholds
*  Minimum and Maximum auto payout amount
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-automatic-payout-thresholds
$config['ap_threshold']['min'] = 1;
$config['ap_threshold']['max'] = 250;

* Minimum manual Payout Threshold
*  Minimum manual payout amount
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-manual-payout-threshold
$config['mp_threshold'] = 0.1;

* Donation thresholds
*  Minimum donation amount in percent
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-donation-thresholds
$config['donate_threshold']['min'] = 0;

* Account Specific Settings
*  Settings for each user account
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-account-specific-settings
$config['accounts']['invitations']['count'] = 5;

* Currency
*  Shorthand name for the currency
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-currency
$config['currency'] = 'DRK';

* Coin Target
*  Target time for coins to be generated
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-coin-target
$config['cointarget'] = '150';

* Coin Diff Change
*  Amount of blocks between difficulty changes
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-coin-diff-change
$config['coindiffchangetarget'] = 2016;

* TX Fees
*  Fees applied to transactions
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-tx-fees
$config['txfee_auto'] = 0.01;
$config['txfee_manual'] = 0.01;

* Block & Pool Bonus
*  Bonus coins for blockfinder or a pool bonus for everyone
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-block-bonus
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-pool-bonus
$config['block_bonus'] = 0;
$config['pool_bonus'] = 0;
$config['pool_bonus_type'] = 'payout';

* Payout System
*  Payout system chosen
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-payout-system
$config['payout_system'] = 'pplns';

* Sendmany Support
*  Enable/Disable Sendmany RPC method
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-sendmany-support
$config['sendmany']['enabled'] = false;

* Transaction Limits
*  Number of transactions per payout run
$config['payout']['txlimit_manual'] = 500;
$config['payout']['txlimit_auto'] = 500;

* Round Purging
*  Round share purging configuration
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-round-purging
$config['purge']['sleep'] = 1;
$config['purge']['shares'] = 25000;

* Share Archiving
*  Share archiving configuration details
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-archiving
$config['archive']['maxrounds'] = 10;
$config['archive']['maxage'] = 60 * 24;

* Pool Fees
*  Fees applied to users
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-pool-fees
$config['fees'] = 0.25;

*  Pay Per Last N Shares
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-pplns-settings
$config['pplns']['shares']['default'] = 4000000;
$config['pplns']['shares']['type'] = 'blockavg';
$config['pplns']['blockavg']['blockcount'] = 10;
$config['pplns']['reverse_payout'] = true;
$config['pplns']['dynamic']['percent'] = 30;

* Difficulty
*  Difficulty setting for stratum/pushpool
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-pool-target-difficulty
$config['difficulty'] = 20;

* Block Reward
*  Block reward configuration details
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-reward-settings
$config['reward_type'] = 'block';
$config['reward'] = 5;

* Confirmations
*  Credit and Network confirmation settings
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-confirmations
$config['confirmations'] = 120;
$config['network_confirmations'] = 120;

*  Pay Per Share configuration details
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-pps-settings
$config['pps']['reward']['default'] = 5;
$config['pps']['reward']['type'] = 'block';
$config['pps']['blockavg']['blockcount'] = 10;

* Memcache
*  Memcache configuration details
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-memcache
$config['memcache']['enabled'] = true;
$config['memcache']['host'] = 'localhost';
$config['memcache']['port'] = 11211;
$config['memcache']['keyprefix'] = 'mpos_';
$config['memcache']['expiration'] = 90;
$config['memcache']['splay'] = 15;
$config['memcache']['force']['contrib_shares'] = false;

* Cookies
*  Cookie configuration details
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-cookies
$config['cookie']['duration'] = '1440';
$config['cookie']['domain'] = '';
$config['cookie']['path'] = '/';
$config['cookie']['httponly'] = true;
$config['cookie']['secure'] = false;

* Smarty Cache
*  Enable smarty cache and cache length
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-smarty-cache
$config['smarty']['cache'] = 0;
$config['smarty']['cache_lifetime'] = 30;

* System load
*  Disable some calls when high system load
*   https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-system-load
$config['system']['load']['max'] = 10.0;

anyone can please assist me with this? There is no information about configuring MPOS for DRK anywhere... :sad::sad:
So... a lot of users here are also pool operators with MPOS, yet no-one is willing to help with a simple configuration question that should be for the benefit of not just myself but rather the whole community.
So that I get this right: is this information about configuring MPOS for Darkcoin a secret of state or something?
I can't for the life of me believe for an instant that nobody is able to answer.
I hope to be proven wrong that someone is protecting is own interest only and intentionally discouraging what could be perceived as competition and a threat to one's own profit.
I'm fully aware that nobody owes me anything at all, I'm simply seriously puzzled that in a forum of experts nobody has helped so far.
Sorry I can't help. I'm no friend of MPOS that's why I never bothered setting one up.
Why don't you use NOMP?

Or maybe try to specify your question. What have you tried so far and what is not working yet? Maybe someone without MPOS experience (like me) could get you some technical details...
Hi, thanks for your much appreciated reply first of all.
As requested, I'll be even more specific in my question, I'll tell you what I have tried so far to no avail.

I started installing MPOS because I know that (unless that is exactly what I'm doing wrong!) a lot of pools use it as an alternative to P2Pools.
In the MPOS Quick Start Guide link here:
they seem to explain things (if I understand correctly) that MPOS is the website interface and NOMP is the replacement of the standard Stratum as NOMP supports X11 too.

Hence, my logical conclusion was that I needed both: NOMP as an engine and MPOS to sit on top of it as a GUI/Website.
I have successfully managed to configure MPOS for other coins too, but, as stated in my first post, I have doubts on what to enter in the configuration in order for things to work correctly. I guess it's technical details I need....

Mainly, my doubts are:
"my main concern is about managing the unique DRK block reward and difficulty."

In the MPOS configuration file, there is this variable:
* Coin Diff Change
* Amount of blocks between difficulty changes
* https://github.com/MPOS/php-mpos/wiki/Config-Setup#wiki-coin-diff-change
**/$config['coindiffchangetarget'] = 2016;

Yet, Darkcoin retargets the block reward and difficulty using its own algorythm, as stated on the website:

Block reward: controlled by 2222222/(((Difficulty+2600)/9)^2)
Difficulty: retargets every minute using Dark Gravity Wave

So, how do I go around that?

As per file I posted on my OP, what values would I need to enter for proper management of reward and difficulty?

Unless, I'm complicating my life here and perhaps you are trying to tell me that I should just use NOMP and dicth MPOS altogether?
Would NOMP also offer the admin panel and the user registration features as well?

Thanks, if you need any further clarification, please don't hesitate to ask me... I hope I have been clear enough.
it seems you are thinking too complicated. Please try the following settings:

coindiffchangetarget is 1
cointarget is 150
reward_type is block or blockavg
reward is 5

BTW I never set up MPOS, but are you really sure you need NOMP? As far as I understood this are two different, separate pool backends.

In addition, please read about this custom stratum config for pools http://wiki.darkcoin.eu/wiki/Important
You might have to take a look at https://github.com/darkcoinproject/darkcoin-stratum/
Or ask in #MPOS on freenode irc.

I hope that helps.
it seems you are thinking too complicated. Please try the following settings:

coindiffchangetarget is 1
cointarget is 150
reward_type is block or blockavg
reward is 5

BTW I never set up MPOS, but are you really sure you need NOMP? As far as I understood this are two different, separate pool backends.

In addition, please read about this custom stratum config for pools http://wiki.darkcoin.eu/wiki/Important
You might have to take a look at https://github.com/darkcoinproject/darkcoin-stratum/
Or ask in #MPOS on freenode irc.

I hope that helps.

Thanks so very much for your help and for pointing me in the right direction. I have decided to ditch MPOS in favour of NOMP, which seems definitely much better/easier to configure.
I did try the IRC channels fpr BOTH MPOS and NOMP, I ended up asking here because those IRC channels are the most useless thing I've ever come across with: hundreds of users connected and nobody that ever answers... that's why I had to unfortunately disturb you guys in search for help.
As for the page that you link here:
that's the very Stratum server I am using/testing with NOMP now.. it's funny that it it is in the official Darkcoin project repo, yet it is missing configuration example for the very coin that belongs to the project owners! :(
It has examples for many coins, but I believe an example of configuration for Darkcoin should definitely be added on Github (just my two cents, of course!).
To cut it short, NOMP and Stratum seem to be working, the connection occurs, I can authenticate and mine, but I am producing very very little shares.... so maybe I'm still doing something wrong!

If I understand correctly, I believe you said that you use NOMP yourself.

May I please ask you if you could share configuration files for BOTH the darkcoin.json coin file and darkcoin.json pool config file (duly obfuscated in the sensitive fileds)?

That would help immensely, perhaps also other users too.

Thanks again for all your help, seriously... I'm very grateful.
it seems you are thinking too complicated. Please try the following settings:

coindiffchangetarget is 1
cointarget is 150
reward_type is block or blockavg
reward is 5

BTW I never set up MPOS, but are you really sure you need NOMP? As far as I understood this are two different, separate pool backends.

In addition, please read about this custom stratum config for pools http://wiki.darkcoin.eu/wiki/Important
You might have to take a look at https://github.com/darkcoinproject/darkcoin-stratum/
Or ask in #MPOS on freenode irc.

I hope that helps.

Hi, I have just installed the NOMP + MPOS pool. Does the values provided ( coindiffchangetarget is 1; cointarget is 150; reward_type is block or blockavg; reward is 5 ) are absolute? or do they change every four year like Bitcoin?