
Just another concept:
The shield as a symbol is an interesting concept. Does putting a D on it make anyone else think of the word defender or defense? It does for me. I still think a lock is a more precise symbol of DRK, though.
One thing I think I'm realizing is that the logo should have little to no black in it. The color has a whole set of connotations that reinforce the very things we don't want reinforced. If one insists on using dark colors for the logo, a rich, dark blue is just more attractive anyway. I wonder, though, if a lighter color scheme (or the incorporation of a lighter color or two in an overall dark palette) might be better in that it creates a dissonance with the connotation of dark=evil/illicit, since light colors generally have the opposite effect.
Has anyone considered a theme that emphasizes dark gravity wave? I mean, it was released only a short while before some exciting scientific results about gravity waves themselves....
Raze try mixing your design with the shield. I think it would be really good.Just another concept:
Raze try mixing your design with the shield. I think it would be really good.
Nice, I like it.
I agree with you. I think Raze's shield is great but in my opinion the text probably needs a little work. The keys are coming along and when I did the last two I thought they did pop a little more, but they certainly won't do scaled down as an icon. I'm running out of time this morning but I whipped up this and will continue probing later:Raze, I love your last one with the shield, and Patrolman, I like the last one on the above post, just like the way the lettering pops a bit better there.
These are seriously good, but do they shrink well? I'm afraid Raze's would look better as just the shield. Though I really like the key
Where the heck were you guys 3 weeks ago?? eh? Now we're spending coin on a thing-a-ma-bobber... um, what the heck is it called? LOL, for designers to compete!