iBeLink™ DM384M ASIC Dash Miner Support Thread

Hi, I just bought one of these and I am wondering how you are doing with yours. I can't get it to link up with ibelink. So, is anyone mining off of these or what? The ibelink website was down for a while and now its back but you can't link to it. I have their IP address, which I never could get before, but it won't go to the miner's page seen on the videos. The videos make it look, so easy until you try to connect in Windows 10. It says go to any PC or device in the same network and you can log in. What is wrong here. I get a red light and a blue light and it stops.
Don't worry about the ibelink website you need to find the ip that the ibelink is on on your network. That's the ip you want. Go into your router and under the clients or devices list find the address for the miner and then type it in your browser.,provided you are both on the same network.
Is it only 2 lights? A red and a blue? Maybe it didn't finish booting up yet. I believe when you start up the machine, it has a red and a blue light at the start, then after 1 or 2 mins it turns 4 red lights. Each should then turn blue so you get 4 blue lights.
Only if pools are set and alive, internet connection ok etc. otherwise only 2 ligts as above
If he bought the dm384 that means must be second hand and probably his pre owner removed own pools without restoring to factory setup.
First thing and only what need to be done is connect the miner to your home network with lan cable and run small program on windows called "Angry IP scanner" lol for example from http://angryip.org/download/#windows
And this should show you easily your iBeLink IP as on example on picture below.
Helpfully the password will be still default: iBeLink
Hope this helps


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Does anyone have a copy of the SD card image? My machine is going into kernel panic on startup. I can restart it a bunch of times until it finally boots properly, but it only lasts about 2 days before it restarts and kernel panics again.

Thanks in advance!
Does anyone have a copy of the SD card image? My machine is going into kernel panic on startup. I can restart it a bunch of times until it finally boots properly, but it only lasts about 2 days before it restarts and kernel panics again.

Thanks in advance!

You can find the DM384M TF card image file by clicking here.
It seem some hardware issue in it.
Please make sure the connection line between Pi and LED lamp board is plugged in, it maybe loosed.
And double check the PI works normally, of course, do not forget check the network link is good status.
If possible, please replace the PI to test it.
Any more issue let us known, our email is [email protected]


Hi Support,

I am having the exact same issue.

Just recieved the new miner.
It turns on, cards are working. But the led lights don't light up and i can't enter the config.

I checked if the Led board is connected. How can i check if the Pi is working "normally"

Also when i look for the ip adress in my router it can't identify the type of connection. And it is set on a Static IP. Is this default ? Because i read that DCHP was the default setting. If not how can i undo this without getting in the miner ?

Appreciate any feedback.
Thnx in advance,

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Hi Oreo,

It sounds like you are having some conflicting issues going on. If you can answer some questions it would help us troubleshoot easier.

1. After turning on the miner for 5 mins, are there still no LED lights on the front of the case?
2. Can you connect to the miner and reach the web console page? If you can, please provide a screenshot of what you see.
3. If you are not able to connect at all, the image on the sd card may be damaged. You can re-image the card and try again.
Hi Oreo,

It sounds like you are having some conflicting issues going on. If you can answer some questions it would help us troubleshoot easier.

1. After turning on the miner for 5 mins, are there still no LED lights on the front of the case?
2. Can you connect to the miner and reach the web console page? If you can, please provide a screenshot of what you see.
3. If you are not able to connect at all, the image on the sd card may be damaged. You can re-image the card and try again.

Thank you for your support , i have found the problem. It had something to do with the router ports not working properly.
Again thank you very much for looking in to this.

Hello, guys!

I've downloaded the newest firmware and flashed it to the SD card. But I can't login with default password. I enter login as iBeLink and the password iBeLink, but it tells me that login or password is incorrect.

Help me please.
Hello, guys!

I've downloaded the newest firmware and flashed it to the SD card. But I can't login with default password. I enter login as iBeLink and the password iBeLink, but it tells me that login or password is incorrect.

Help me please.
Did you try the password in all lower case? I think that's what mine is.
Hello, guys!

I've downloaded the newest firmware and flashed it to the SD card. But I can't login with default password. I enter login as iBeLink and the password iBeLink, but it tells me that login or password is incorrect.

Help me please.

I just want to make sure which miner you are using. Are you trying to log into the DM384M or the newer DM11G? Make sure you grab the correct firmware. Also, the default login and password should be iBeLink/iBeLink for both machines.
hi ibelink, i've left the message to the wrong thread, this is dm11 machine

When you try to log into the miner, what browser are you using? It is recommended to use Firefox or Chrome browser. As Vincam mentioned above, try using all lower case for the password.
Connection to failed: ‘Connection refused’


Hey. Are you sure that your miner has an active Internet connection? I got that error when it wasn't online.

Also, what's the status with the LEDs?

Open te chassis up and see if there are cables or parts disconnected or such. Mine had lots of stuff that needed to be plugged in.