DashForce Meetup & Presentation Program

The winners of the March-April Dash Force Meetup and Presentation Contests are….

Meetup Winner:
Jimbursch for his relentless quest at a Los Angeles meetup - 1 Dash
3rd time's a charm buddy, keep it up, everyone's pancakes are on me!

Presentation Winner:
Alex-ru for his 27 minute moscow presentation - 3 Dash
Professional presentation with a great turnout, very impressive Alex!

Dash Force Meetup & Presentation Contest:
If the March-April Dash Force Meetup and Presentation Winners could post your public address here I will get your rewards sent out ASAP.
Great news ladies and gentlemen....

Jaxx Successfully Re-Adds Dash Into iPhone Wallet

After more than a six-month standoff with Apple, Jaxx has re-released an iOS version of its wallet including Dash support, meaning iPhone users finally have a mobile option for Dash.
Late last summer, Apple demanded that all Dash wallets be pulled from apps in the App Store, citing that Dash was not an approved cryptocurrency. This left iPhone users without a mobile option for Dash for over six months. Now, Jaxx has obtained Apple’s approval for re-inclusion of Dash, and the updated version of the wallet has hit the App Store worldwide.
This sounds like a great idea, I'll start working on planning the first DASH meetup in my area. I also think it's a wise move to consolidate all meetup activity to un-clutter the proposal space. Great work guys! :)

Hey everyone, we're going to have our first Get DASH! Meetup in Sebastopol, CA this Friday at 6:00pm!

We've gotten a few RSVPs already, and expect to see more by Friday (so far, so good!)

Anyone interested in Sponsoring this Meetup? It would include a Sponsor Mention on Meetup, with a Logo and Website Link as well. Plus, we'd be sure to talk about our sponsor(s) during the meetup..

Just email me at: [email protected] (or message me here) if you'd like to Sponsor us!
Hey everyone, we're going to have our first Get DASH! Meetup in Sebastopol, CA this Friday at 6:00pm!

We've gotten a few RSVPs already, and expect to see more by Friday (so far, so good!)

Anyone interested in Sponsoring this Meetup? It would include a Sponsor Mention on Meetup, with a Logo and Website Link as well. Plus, we'd be sure to talk about our sponsor(s) during the meetup..

Just email me at: [email protected] (or message me here) if you'd like to Sponsor us!

Hey @GDASHMoney , You held a meetup right? I thought I saw you post some pics or video in slack, right? If it was you please post your pix and/or videos here if you want to win some Dash!
Hey @mastermined, yes, absolutely - we had our first Get DASH! Northbay Meetup last Friday, it was a lot of fun and our small group got to learn more about DASH over some tasty nachos, cervezas y kombuchas at Papas & Pollos! :) We also had some other curious folks at the restaurant who came over and asked us "What's DASH?" and of course, we told them all about the future of Digital Cash with DASH! It was good stuff, and we're looking forward to our next Meetup event!

Speaking of our next Meetup, Get DASH! Northbay has a new Meetup Location & Time!

Overview, Directions & More:

Get DASH! Northbay Pics:

We've changed our venue to a more central location in Santa Rosa, CA (about one hour North of S.F.) where we think more people will be able to make it out to learn about DASH over a great local micro-brew! So if you're in the Northbay area, come on out to Fogbelt Brewing Co. on Mondays from 4:00 to 7:00pm (Happy Hour is 4-6pm) and bring a friend or two who wants to learn about how to Get DASH! and Use DASH!

Also, we're working on getting another local DASH Merchant as an Official Sponsor of our Get DASH! Northbay Meetup group and they've even agreed to help with Beta testing the new DashPay POS solution, so there's exciting stuff happening out here with DASH in Wine Country!

So if you're in (or near) Wine Country, come join us for the next Get DASH! Northbay Meetup!

See you guys there!

- GDASHMoney

Get DASH! Northbay
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Ok hopefully all typos have been vanquished, lol - here's the new flyer for the Get DASH! S.F. Northbay Meetup + new Handbill! :)


  • Get-DASH-Northbay-Meetup-flyer.pdf
    125.2 KB · Views: 256
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WOW! That's so awesome, thank you everyone!! :D And many thanks also to everyone in our Get DASH! S.F. Northbay Meetup group (and especially @s_patti1 and @oaxaca.) who came out to support the new meetup group, and to learn about DASH, of course!

We're just having a lot of fun out here helping to introduce DASH to our local community, and we're looking forward to doing even more exciting promotions as we are able.

Here are some pics from our second (humble beginning) meetup this last Monday:


So tell your friends in the San Francisco Bay Area that "Monday - is DASHday - in the Northbay!"

- GDASHMoney

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Blockchain Meetup 6-21-2017
19 RSVPs - aprox 22 attendees
Here is a picture of me getting a newbe set up with and explaining the basics of safety etc.
Here is the 0.1 Dash that I sent her: XiVD3bTB7onkKsuE11yGfTzRYmizbuHECq

The second picture is from a meetup in February (that's Roger Ver on the left, Charlie Shrem 4th from the left, and me next to and behind Charlie.)

Note: This post is not a contest entry. Per @mastermined request: I am documenting the fact that Dash has an unofficial representative in the Tampa Bay Blockchain space.
I've been a part of the scene here for over 3 years.
Dash Force June-July Meetup Contest Winners

Main Meetup Winner:

Wikiwako from Monterrey, Mexico wins 2.2 Dash!

Blockchain Meetup Saturday July 1, 2017

“There were 41 present at the meet up including me and a few helping hands (helpers were students also interested in Dash + the wife). I was surprised at the enthusiasm of the people regarding cryptocurrencies. Specially Dash. No marketing was necessary. It was all word of mouth between friends. Prepared a Google Forms form for registration a week before and 3 days later we had a full room. I’m now getting requests for more talks.”

“The venue was a 4 star hotel conference room. The contract for the hotel was $5,500 Mexican pesos (about $300 USD) including coffee, soft drinks and cookies for 40. The original plan was for the people to use the Dash to pay for the refreshments, but handling the payments in Dash from so many people was impossible and we quickly forgot about it. The people kept the Dash and were very grateful.”

“Also bought 50 mugs for 100 pesos each (about $5.50 USD each - urgent delivery) and gave one to each attendee, which worked well for the photos. Still have a dozen to give out.”





Wildcard Meetup Winner:

IronVape from Clearwater, FL wins .8 Dash!

Blockchain Meetup 6-21-2017 - Founded Aug 18, 2013
19 RSVPs - approx 22 attendees

Coastal Cantina & Grill


Congratulations to IronVape and Wikiwako!