Dash Price Discussion and Dash Shortterm/Longterm Price Trend Speculation

What do you think the Dash price will be end of 2022 ?

  • $30 or lower

    Votes: 7 43.8%
  • $60

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • $90

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • $120

    Votes: 2 12.5%
  • $150

    Votes: 3 18.8%
  • $180 or higher

    Votes: 1 6.3%

  • Total voters
Finally, we got the breakdown some of us had been looking for, but it is over? I don't think so, a move like that rarely doesn't also have some follow through.

22 Mar 2022 we had 4500 MNOS. Today we have 4400 MNOS. The line is rather stable for 17 months.
The masternodes seem of not selling since 17 months now, are they?

If this is the case and the masternodes are not selling then the agents remain, the stupid remain.
And as long as stupid and agents remain, there is no hope for Dash.

A proof of personhood (proof of individuality) is desperately needed.
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The masternodes seem of not selling since 8 months now, are they?

If this is the case, the agents remain, the stupid remain. And as long as stupid and agents remain, there is no hope for Dash.

A proof of personhood (proof of individuality) is desperately needed.
What would you describe as the rationale for the 1000 dash MN requirement?
The rationale of the agents is, the dash community should never be able to be governed by more than 12000 persons. (12,000,000 is the max dash coins). 12000 persons is easy to spot and kill.
funny. Can you provide your actual insight. Because I believe there are solutions that can offer the same rationale with added benefits.
Lets stay on topic.

I think the below quote from 2017 is on topic.
demo said:
Spies are spreading FUD , claiming that millions of spam proposals will occur in case the governance questions will become cheap. Spies have been instructed by their employers to destroy the DASH governance system, at all costs. And the easiest way to destroy the governance system of DASH is to make the governance questions too expensive. This is one of the reasons why DASH's dollar price increases. The employers of the spies tremble with fear when they realize that a cryptocoin will occur that will have effective governance, so they want to control it and intercept it, so they buy in order to gain voting rights and vote against whatever proposal is towards the effective governance goal. The dash community should find a way in order to spot all the masternode operators who are spies (or stupid), identify them with a number or with a nickname, spot their voting patterns and take precautions against them. But on the other hand in the name of the darkcoin tradition protect the spy's and stupid's privacy and do not expose their real names (and the names of the people who fund them in order to destroy DASH's governance). The dash community should implement ASAP a proof of individuality and pseudonym parties.

After they bought masternodes, now the agents's tactic is NOT to sell their masternodes no matter how low the price will fall, in order to keep the Dash community under their control.

The conclusion/solution remains the same, as it was back in 2017. The dash community should implement ASAP a proof of personhood.
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Am looking for comments on a dash price target of $14 within the next 12 months. Am seriously considering this scenario.
The opposite is true. The 2014-2016 generations lost much more than the 2021-2023 generations.

The 427 masternodes of the 2014-2016 generation that remain in Dash community, they lost a big opportunity to sell their Dash at a price of 1370 USD (Dash's max). But they bought their masternodes at a price far below 26 USD, so they still win.

The biggest winners of course are the 2014-2016 generation masternodes who left the Dash community, not those who remain. The agents designed the Dash protocol that way, in order to incentivize those who are not faithful to the community. And the stupids trusted the design of the agents.

To solve this and protect the stupid, in encointer they have demurrage. You are forced to spend your money, instead of keeping it.

For the Dash community to be saved, they have to merge with encointer community ASAP.
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The 427 masternodes of the 2014-2016 generation that remain in Dash community, they lost a big opportunity to sell their Dash at a price of 1370 USD (Dash's max). But they bought their masternodes at a price far below 26 USD, so they still win.
"Still win" is irrelevant. Just because someone made a better decision of when to buy in, or earned their money in a different way doesn't mean they don't feel losses. Each day, one is actively choosing to keep his invest or sell, and it is worth what it is worth on that day. So you invested at 4 dollars and now it is 26 dollars. So what? It's money. You could easily sell it all at any point and invest in something else. It doesn't mean that money is not real or does not have value. At the top, these people had much more money and purchasing power than the people who bought in later. But they chose not to sell, and lost money. They lost millions on average, while the 2018+ buyers probably lost hundreds of thousands,

Your logic relies on the fact that people "get lucky" and get "free money" so they don't care, which is ridiculous. Money is money. You can sell anytime, so your investment is worth X amount of money on any given day. How you got it is irrelevant and is antithetical to capitalism.

The early investors you're mentioning risked much more by purchasing a new and volatile, unproven asset that could have easily gone to zero over night, and when it went over $1000 the ones who kept risking and did not sell during previous pumps were the biggest winners. But by not selling they also became the biggest losers, period. They lost much, much more than 2018+ buyers by not selling.
Am looking for comments on a dash price target of $14 within the next 12 months. Am seriously considering this scenario.

Probably a contrarian indicator if you are still so bearish after a 95% drop from the 2021 top. Recently we have seen some good buying and new MNOs form, people are taking advantage of the low prices, MNO meanwhile as Demo pointed out are not selling, that's 38% that is verifiable stantionary, leaving 62% of 11.4 million coins AT THE MOST that can make the market, really too few at these prices, in case someome comes along with 100 Bitcoins (not a lot really) the price will double.

Some thoughts on Dash's generations, when a masternode collateral moves, it doesn't necessarily imply it was sold. I often see collaterals that are moved and go right back into new collaterals, some people, probably most don't even know you can revoke a MN and create a totally new one from new keys using the same collateral, so they move it instead to invalidate it and start a new one. Also, recently we've seen a lot of collateral move into the so-called HCMN nodes, this is also creating new churn.

Here is a prototype MNOwatch chart that shows the age of protx registrations on our network, this is the average days a MN has been registered on the network. You can see the trend is increasing as nodes are getting 'older'.


Here is a chart showing the age of collaterals according to the date of the transaction on chain. Note with the stair case pattern, I had to rescan the blockchain and sample it as I went to get old data because we were not capturing it in real-time during that period. This chart is highly experimental, hence not published, but I am confident in the data that follows the stair case pattern.


Finally, here are two charts showing the age of HCMN (the damned). You will notice the chart is sharply rising as no one is taking nodes down, we are just adding to them. Also notice that regardless of how we measure them, protx rego age, or collateral age, the charts are the same and that is because people are creating the collats and registering them in a quick order and so far to my knowledge no one is revoking regos and starting new ones elsewhere, so for the time being, the charts are the same.

By protx rego date


By collateral TX date.


The average age of a MN will increase when no one is moving collaterals, or when new collaterals are removed, conversely, it will decrease when old collaterals move, or several new nodes are formed.

The fact that all these charts are rising suggests nodes are fairly sticky and our churn is low. Dasher MNOs are probably focused on the longer term and continue to hold through the volatility, generally unperturbed by it.
Probably a contrarian indicator if you are still so bearish after a 95% drop from the 2021 top. Recently we have seen some good buying and new MNOs form, people are taking advantage of the low prices, MNO meanwhile as Demo pointed out are not selling, that's 38% that is verifiable stantionary, leaving 62% of 11.4 million coins AT THE MOST that can make the market, really too few at these prices, in case someome comes along with 100 Bitcoins (not a lot really) the price will double.

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What is that discrepancy between collateralized MNs and enabled ones?

I understand what you saying and I am not betting on $14, but rather assessing the possibility. I think there is a scenario where it happens e.g. a near complete lack of demand / interest. In theory the masternode count could double yet the price could tank.

With Dash Direct gone and bitrefill moving dash to the bottom of the checkout page, plus they are jacking up their prices / over charging, with no quality alternatives. And no major integrations for the past year or so.

For the countries that would benefit the most with dash adoption, I just don't see it happening. For example, what is the current situation in Venezuela?
What is that discrepancy between collateralized MNs and enabled ones?

Apathy probably, people just giving up on their investments, I expect them to return in the coming bull market.

I understand what you saying and I am not betting on $14, but rather assessing the possibility. I think there is a scenario where it happens e.g. a near complete lack of demand / interest. In theory the masternode count could double yet the price could tank.

We are coming to the bottom of the bear market, the things you point out are a symptom of that.
Apathy probably, people just giving up on their investments, I expect them to return in the coming bull market.
Those addresses hold exactly 1000 dash or 1000+ ? Perhaps some of them died without a good backup plan.
Dash now @ 25 USD and that's before a large bitcoin dump. Anyone care to modify their thesis or are we still sticking to the theory of diehard MNOs?