^ this guy gets it.
There is nothing right now to relate to the public. At all.
I fear the bus has long since left.
- nice wallet
- instant transactions
- anonymized transactions
- voting
The only thing going for DASH right now is the yield on your investment in a Master Node. As I mentioned before, that should be the selling point because there is nothing else in reality. As the character above mentions, there is nothing to tout at this time. I had suggested the investment vehicle, which I now understand is measured. Accordingly juggle the numbers if need be. Increase the price, decrease the number of them whatever, find a balance so that it generates interest and sales.
Otherwise nothing to date exists. One could go out there and tout that this interview is a result on the incredible novel idea of our coin that has voting rights built into it, or ? Or what? Instant transactions? I test pr0n sites (how unlucky me), for BTC. Payment and sign up is instant. Less time it takes for a DASH transaction to take place. So fast I don't think there a setting in mere html meta-refresh that can beat it.
Anonymous? Ouch, I see in the BTC threads most here scrutinize the movement of DASH down to the amounts times and everything else about it, that 1+1 who hosts a master node and who mays for it it and when they off-load it can all be whittled down to an email address. I hesitate to think of IP addresses. Yes. I did off-load most of my MN's the other day. Into ETH mind you. Since doubled in value. Can't complain.
I might be back. While retaining still quite a few.
Nothing is going on.
The world is moving and dash remains the same.
From my point of view it has nothing to offer other than a means of passive income. And that I would very very strongly suggest should be the primary sales pitch today. Work it out, it is just numbers. Nothing other than that is going to appeal to the masses now or in the future. It's a "well built" blue chip stock. with a tracking record and following to compliment it.
That's not enough. Bitcoin 3 or whatever you want to call it is the way we are going. "contracts" and "side chains" and other techno-babble bullshit is where it is at.
Let's be frank frank. - no one is going to adopt DASH, no one needs it. Process of BTC is quicker via any current new means, anonymization is passe no one cares. You have your local sleuths giggling at monitoring movement of lump sums and dates and times and rich lists and largest wallets and addresses all day.
No one cares.
Focus on :
- blue chip first of the first and an immense brain powered back room team
- ROI and investment vehicle - auto juggle the number to increase the value be it 10,000 / MN @ 12% p.a. with 5000 max. or whatever
there is something there, that this innovative coin, with a brainiac at the helm with brilliant and honest ideas that all work, can be a leader in testing, innovating, trying, doing, failing, succeeding, in ideas about it all - crypto currency that is. Be it voting via a coin, be it mixing via client side wallet a coin, be it remuneration for deposits for a coin. All which is now being implemented by everyone else.
DASH should be touted as an incubator of sorts. The first of the first of the first without fear or failure to succeed.
BLUE CHIP as it were. I fail to think of a cross purpose RL comparison as I scratch this all out. Hang on. Wait. say an MIT or a Berkley perhaps?
Invest in that. The whole of it all.
The s0-called "adoption" bus has long since gone.
BLUE CHIP repeat after me.
eth to the moooo...
