There is so much here I could call out and rant on, but what good would it do?
The budget fix and terpin deal are not going to be separated because the whole point is to force you to do both just to get the one you want. Force you to swallow the poison pill along with the chocolate cake, which is also a poison pill in disguise... The cake is a lie, too! This should raise an eyebrow, at least.
Evan is a brilliant coder, but he knows precisely dick about real-world use promotion. Most everyone in the corecteam can be described that way. Be mad. Don't care.
The only things that coincide with price rises are substantive examples of DASH's capacity to be used in the real world.
PR is a thing company's waste money on when they have nothing better to do. Press Releases are the way of the dinosaur. Everyone wants free advertising. The world is numb to this game. Its an addiction of silly ponzi-heads who can't get out of a pattern because they don't think.
The moment you start trying to rationalize how X might, somehow, maybe have had an effect, you're already lost. Impacts are exactly that. The last time a giant meteorite crashed into the Earth, did you have to wonder? Or was there a big explosion? Correlation != Causation anyway... You're hunting for evidence of a thing that proves nothing even if its true.
Its much simpler than you're making it. Hate me for "insulting the community" if you must fraudulently misrepresent me as doing such, but the world is watching you act like a bunch of stupid pussies with no experience in how to win.
Its not name-calling when its true. If I see a squirrel over there and I say "Hey, look! A squirrel!" I'm not calling names, I'm identifying it. Its a squirrel. DASH is mired by a bunch of morons addicted to a pattern of failure that are too afraid to break from the comfort of the pattern and go win.
The whole world sees it. Why can't you? Confirmation Bias. Echo Chamber. You're so busy convincing each other about how great you are that you refuse to listen to anything coming from outside your bubble.
Its a combination of psychological problems, not technical problems. DASH is the tool. But its people are broken. Like a clueless pothead with a flat fire, jack, tire iron, and functional spare. Still stuck on the side of the road because he's fuckin' retarded even though he's got it all... But chicks dig him because he gives them free weed, so how can he be wrong? He knows how great he is, because he gets laid and that's all that matters, right? But still can't change a damn tire...
DASH is unique, for the moment... But if you people don't pull your heads out of your asses, these ideas will be copied elsewhere. Even in an inferior manner, if capitalized upon, you'll never catch up.
IX could easily be slapped on top of BTC with no master nodes. Locks would be slower, but still faster than 180 days! 1 second, 4 seconds... Still faster than half a year! Do you yhink you can sell masternodes after that happens? Woo, 3 seconds difference, ditch the installed base for our new thing nobody understands, quick!
You think Evan won't be bribed or threatened to do this? Dur, its open source, why bother?
It is one thing to be the first mover, another to fail to be when the only thing stopping you is you...
Did nobody see The Walking Dead S6E9 on Sunday?
Faith without works is dead.
You believe. You talk about it. But you do nothing, and cut down anyone who does. The world is watching you. And the breaths that were being held are exhaling on the market as they watch you fail to take action. Again. Still. Some more... The pattern is obvious when you stop trying to see what you want to see instead of what obviouslyvis... Impacts are not hard to find. They're impacts.
Live in denial of reality just because you don't like the guy who points it out to you? If someone wanted lessons on how to snatch failure from the jaws of success, all they have to do is look at DASH. A more perfect example has never existed.
Love you man. Unless you're a girl in which case I love you more.
Toknormal - over on Bitcoin forum -- had an interesting approach, in which he's strongly against Evolution wanting to be all thing instead of a single-minded focus on the currency aspect of the DASH. I kind of agree with him and ditto every word about PR being a dinosaur.
So, with all due respect to Micheal -- after all, he has come here with his real name and his real proposal and is subjected to misunderstanding and / or mistrust while he could have waited to seal the deal while at the Satoshi Roundtable (Feb 26-28) "At a (secret :wink
Transform PR proposal is the very worst of the "old world" but it seems some people might get impressed with NASDAQ and I sold this or that company narrative and hope a similar approach would bring them money once DASH succeeds. After all, all that's needed is $6,000.00 a month (PLUS press releases, PLUS travel expenses, PLUS crisis management...) and we all can go back to rolling our thumbs and let the developers guys and PR team to create our future for us by increasing the value of our investments.
It makes me feel sad - to fall into a claptrap represented in the Three-Month Public Relations Proposal February 7 – May 6, 2016 document. Just ponder this:
9 pages proposal out of which:
1 is the cover page
4 are DASH PR related stuff pages, mostly empty talk and
4 are pages about how great we, the Transform PR people are.
I mean really... :sad: they did not even bother to show some respect to the "Client" they plan to milk for months to come...
It may be they are great and that they - if elected to be funded - will succeed. But this lack of respect toward their "Client," the utter arrogance such a document represents, the lack of concrete, "out of the box" ideas, implementations etc., simply does not bode well...