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  1. romario

    wallet unlock problem

    it actually did work for me! 14k addresses were imported flawlessly into my new v12 wallet. THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
  2. romario

    -walletnotify doesn't work with the new v.120053

    oopps sorry guys it works fine, it's just my stupidness please close this tread
  3. romario

    -walletnotify doesn't work with the new v.120053

    Hey guys I was using -walletnotify to store all incoming transactions in my database. However, after the upgrade to the latest version which doesn't support RPC in dashd, -walletnotify doesn't work anymore :( I was running dashd -walletnotify="notify.sh %s" & notify.sh file php...
  4. romario

    wallet unlock problem

    Thanks again for the binaries, my linux wallet is synced now, however dashd getinfo still shows "errors" : "EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range \nCInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type \ndash in ProcessMessages() \n" } my problem is, that I do need all these addresses in my...
  5. romario

    wallet unlock problem

    I'm running v 110223 yeah, v11 vs v12 is like 40% to 60% now, according to https://chainz.cryptoid.info/dash/#!network
  6. romario

    wallet unlock problem

    yes, on win64 now I'm trying to get my linux machine to work with crowning's binaries currently keep on receiving EXCEPTION: St12out_of_range CInv::GetCommand() : type=15 unknown type dash in ProcessMessages() but it seems to be OK while re-syncing
  7. romario

    wallet unlock problem

  8. romario

    wallet unlock problem

    thanks for the advice I would definitely do so but unfortunately im kinda linked to the addresses in my wallet.dat and since there are hundreds of them moving privs to another wallet is hardly a solution in my case
  9. romario

    wallet unlock problem

    I've downloaded it. Thanks a lot!!
  10. romario

    wallet unlock problem

    so, guys, I managed to unlock my wallet using v.11 on win64. does anyone know here can I get a pre-compiled binary v.11 for linux? https://github.com/dashpay/dash-binaries/tree/master/v11 doesn't have it
  11. romario

    wallet unlock problem

    thank you! yeah sure I have all possible backups. However there are only win binary, dash- is empty ... I believe the issue in my case could be that my wallet was created using libdb5.1. instead of recommended libdb4.8.. Odd is that a pre-compiled binary of v11 worked...
  12. romario

    wallet unlock problem

    can anyone pls advise where can I get dash v11 ?
  13. romario

    wallet unlock problem

    Looks like I'm not the only one experiencing this issue https://dashtalk.org/threads/v12-release.5888/page-14#post-63655
  14. romario

    wallet unlock problem

    I was on v0.11.2.22 before the upgrade. Can't find a download link to downgrade
  15. romario

    wallet unlock problem

    After upgrade to the most recent version 120047 I'm having the "dashd: crypter.cpp:257: bool CCryptoKeyStore::Unlock(const CKeyingMaterial&): Assertion `false' failed." error after I try to unlock my wallet. I'm running pre-compiled binary for Linux 64 tried to run with -salvagewallet, same...
  16. romario

    Reduce wallet.dat size

    Well, it has many addresses which are receiving/sending lots of tiny transactions. I'd try salvaging wallet.dat. I wonder if it's possible to load the whole wallet.dat into RAM? Like setting dbcache=1024 in dash.conf ? Would it help speeding up wallet operations?
  17. romario

    Reduce wallet.dat size

    Hey guys pls advise if there any way to reduce size of the wallet.dat file without loosing its private keys? My wallet.dat is like 300Mb and it's getting bigger every day.
  18. romario

    Transaction too large error

    Thanks! I will try it
  19. romario

    Transaction too large error

    Hey guys Hope you can help me with the issue I recently faced. My wallet balance is ~ 500 DASH, which consists of thousands of tiny incoming payments and a couple of larger transactions of 100-150 DASH each. Every time I try to send out an amount larger than 5 DASH, I have the "transaction...
  20. romario

    11.2 - Dash Release

    UdjinM6, many thanks for your help. Really appreciate it. I somehow managed to get it working with the pre-compiled binary and -salvagewallet and -rescan options. Which is a bit weird since I have libdb5.1. installed and the binary most likely compiled with libdb4.8. I also was able to unlock a...