Wally, I think he is referring to how the other manufacturers of ASIC miners have limited their supply and the numbers any one person could buy so that the mining hash rate wouldn't skyrocket and 1. cause mining investors to never be able to recoup their investment and 2. Cause their consumer base (people who buy the mining units) to give up on mining, and thus not buy anymore units.
If the hash rate today shows that you could make 10 coins a month, so you order one thinking you'll get your money back in 5 months, but by the time you receive yours, a week has gone by, and 100 people have since gone online with their delivered units, which raises the hash rate to 15GB more, lowering profit to 8 coins a month, but your's just arrived, you start mining and a week later, profit is at 6 coins, etc.... Your first month you're lucky to get 4 coins total. Next month will be even less and on and on it goes. And you can never recoup your expense of buying the miner at 56 or whatever coins (not including shipping)
Apparently this manufacturer made thousands of units and when they came online, the hashrate went up 300 GH, which killed the profits (or really pay offs) of earlier adopters from the ASIC miner companies that chose to regulate supply and demand for their customers.
So a lot of people are very angry about this.