Well I have been looking at 7970's mostly for the most hash for the buck, if you're lucky you can secure them for around .4 btc each, but they need to be wanting to unload them quickly so be ready to put into escrow asap.I already have a 1300W EVGA Gold PSU.
What GPU's for max Hash but on cheaper side?
Well I have been looking at 7970's mostly for the most hash for the buck, if you're lucky you can secure them for around .4 btc each, but they need to be wanting to unload them quickly so be ready to put into escrow asap.
I already have a 7950, 7970's are basically two 7950's in one card right?
Well you're most likely going to want to buy used hardware, newegg has gpu rig cases for about 30 and extenders are 3$ on amazon. DO NOT SKIMP ON THE PSU!
Would you be willing to put together a bill of materials that would be needed? (assuming amazon or newegg as sources)
Yeah and the 280x is essentially a little beefier 7970, hopefully they clean house and we can snag these great cards on the cheap.You mean the legendary 7990 not the 7970.
Btw before upgrading, you do know that the new R9 370 series are ready for release and meant to be really quick on memory speed, only reason AMD have delayed the release is because they have a lot of back stock of R9 280's etc. This will put the price down, might be more beneficial hash speed wise per buck to wait a few weeks and buys a load of R9 280x in a sale or try a couple of R9 370's (I am thinking of trying 1)
Case : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produ...3033&cm_re=mining_case-_-11-353-033-_-Product
PSU: http://www.amazon.com/EVGA-Supernova-Supply-Certified-110-B2-0850-V1/dp/B00KYK1CC6/ref=sr_1_14?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1430925416&sr=1-14&keywords=evga supernova (850w, it all depends on what you need, I pick up used PSU on ebay for a big discount but make sure their top tiers http://www.tomshardware.co.uk/forum/id-2547993/psu-tier-list.html)
Processor: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819116974
Ram: (depends how much you want 4gb is what I am linking) http://www.amazon.com/G-Skill-Ripjaws-F3-12800CL9D-4GBRL-1600MHz-240-Pin/dp/B002V2R8VY/ref=sr_1_16?ie=UTF8&qid=1430925990&sr=8-16&keywords=G skill ddr3 ram
Optional: Hard drive - I use windows as I like it and wolf0 binaries : 160gb http://www.amazon.com/Generic-80GB-Internal-Desktop-Drive/dp/B00A6FGZ44/ref=sr_1_45?s=pc&ie=UTF8&qid=1430926125&sr=1-45&keywords=sata hard drive
If needed to run in a closed traditional case (due to Wife or kids ) Limits to three gpu per build
Replace mobo with : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813132070R
Replace case with your choice of 7 exp with length for long cards:
Well that is going to increase the price by around 50$ if you don't count mail in rebates, I have a bit of trouble occasionally but have been able to solve it mostly through a couple reboots and plugging the monitor into that gpu until recognized.I have problems with the GPU getting recognized in the smaller 1 times PCI-e ports, advise you get a mobo with 3 or 4 full size 16 times PCI-e ports.