Well-known member
A small bug fix, I edited the code above.
The version is now v3.
The version is now v3.
Last edited:
A small bug fix, I edited the code above.
The version is now v3.
New version 4 of the code that calculates the BASE3 results. It removes the POSE_BANNED masternodes from the electorate.
It is only compatible with dashd v20 (I renamed the "grep HighPerformance$" command to "grep Evo$" as required by the v20 specs).
For backwards compatibility, use the verson 3 of this code (just rename "Evo" back to "HighPerformance").
#set -x
#Supports Evo Nodes -- BASE3 voting
#script's arguments: <mnowatch csvfile> <proposal for the 1st digit> <proposal for the 2nd digit> ..... <proposal for the nth digit>
wget -q$csvfile
[[ -f "$csvfile" ]] || exit 1
props=`echo $@|cut -f2- -d" "`
my_awk_cmd="awk -F, '"
my_awk_cmd_2ndpart="s/\n/ /g"
my_awk_cmd_3ndpart="cut -f1"
for fn in `echo $props`; do
#The semantic is ( NO_VOTE=0, ABSTAIN_VOTE=1 and YES_VOTE=2) and 4 when they didnt vote.
my_awk_cmd=$my_awk_cmd"\$3 ~ \"$fn\" {print \$1 \" 2\"} \$4 ~ \"$fn\" {print \$1 \" 0\"} \$5 ~ \"$fn\" {print \$1 \" 1\"} !/$fn/ {print \$1 \" 4\"} "
countit=`expr $countit + 2`
my_awk_cmd_2ndpart=`echo $my_awk_cmd_2ndpart|cut -f2- -d';'`
my_awk_cmdR="cat $csvfile|grep -v ',POSE_BANNED$'|cut -f1-10 -d,|grep Regular$|"$my_awk_cmd"'|sed '$my_awk_cmd_2ndpart'|grep -v '\" 4'|$my_awk_cmd_3ndpart -d' '|cut -f3 -d'\"'|sed -e 's/ //g'"
my_awk_cmdR_Inv="cat $csvfile|grep -v ',POSE_BANNED$'|cut -f1-10 -d,|grep Regular$|"$my_awk_cmd"'|sed '$my_awk_cmd_2ndpart'|$my_awk_cmd_3ndpart -d' '|cut -f3 -d'\"'|sed -e 's/ //g'|grep -v $four|grep 4"
my_awk_cmdH="cat $csvfile|grep -v ',POSE_BANNED$'|cut -f1-10 -d,|grep Evo$|"$my_awk_cmd"'|sed '$my_awk_cmd_2ndpart'|grep -v '\" 4'|$my_awk_cmd_3ndpart -d' '|cut -f3 -d'\"'|sed -e 's/ //g'"
my_awk_cmdH_Inv="cat $csvfile|grep -v ',POSE_BANNED$'|cut -f1-10 -d,|grep Evo$|"$my_awk_cmd"'|sed '$my_awk_cmd_2ndpart'|$my_awk_cmd_3ndpart -d' '|cut -f3 -d'\"'|sed -e 's/ //g'|grep -v $four|grep 4"
electorateR=`cat $csvfile|grep -v ',POSE_BANNED$'|cut -f1-10 -d,|grep Regular$|wc -l`
electorateH=`cat $csvfile|grep -v ',POSE_BANNED$'|cut -f1-10 -d,|grep Evo$|wc -l`
electorate=`echo "$electorateR + $electorateH*4"|bc -l`
echo "Electorate = $electorate potential votes (Regular and Evo MN)"
validvotesR=`eval $my_awk_cmdR |sort | wc -l`
invalidvotesR=`eval $my_awk_cmdR_Inv |sort | wc -l`
validvotesH=`eval $my_awk_cmdH |sort | wc -l`
invalidvotesH=`eval $my_awk_cmdH_Inv |sort | wc -l`
validvotes=`echo "$validvotesR + $validvotesH*4"|bc -l`
invalidvotes=`echo "$invalidvotesR + $invalidvotesH*4"|bc -l`
echo "Valid Votes = "$validvotes" "
participation=`echo "scale=2;((100 * $validvotes) / $electorate)" | bc -l`
echo "Valid Votes participation percentage = "$participation" % "
echo "Invalid Votes = "$invalidvotes" "
invparticipation=`echo "scale=2;((100 * $invalidvotes) / $electorate)" | bc -l`
echo "Invalid Votes participation percentage = "$invparticipation" % "
totalparticipation=`echo "$participation + $invparticipation"|bc -l`
echo "Total Voting participation ( both valid and invalid votes ) = "$totalparticipation" % "
allvotesRH=`echo $(eval $my_awk_cmdR)" "$(eval $my_awk_cmdH)" "$(eval $my_awk_cmdH)" "$(eval $my_awk_cmdH)" "$(eval $my_awk_cmdH)" -"|sed 's/\n//g'`
mostvotednum=`echo $allvotesRH|sed 's/ / \n/g'|grep -v -|sort|uniq -c|rev|sed -e 's/ /:/1'|rev|sort -t":" -k1 -nr|head -1`
mostvotednumtimes=`echo $mostvotednum|cut -f1 -d" "`
mostvoted=`echo $mostvotednum|cut -f2 -d" "|cut -f1 -d:`
participationmostvoted=`echo "scale=2;((100 * $mostvotednumtimes) / $validvotes)" | bc -l`
mostvoted10=`echo "ibase=3;$mostvoted" | bc`
echo "most Voted Number = $mostvoted10 (or $mostvoted base3) was voted by $mostvotednumtimes votes ( $participationmostvoted % of the valid votes )"
median=`echo $allvotesRH|sed 's/ / \n/g'|grep -v -|sort|tail -n +$(((\`echo $allvotesRH|sed 's/ / \n/g'|grep -v -|sort | wc -l\` / 2) + 1)) | head -n 1` #do I have a bug here in case of odd/even number of votes?
median10=`echo "ibase=3;$median" | bc`
echo "median Average = $median10 (or $median base3)"
meanAverage=`echo $allvotesRH|sed 's/ / \n/g'|grep -v -|sort|uniq -c|rev|cut -f2- -d" "|sed -e 's/ /:/1'|rev|sort -t":" -k1 -nr`
for dn in `echo $meanAverage`; do
multi=`echo $dn|cut -f1 -d:`
numi=`echo $dn|cut -f2 -d:`
numidec=`echo "ibase=3;$numi" | bc`
resu=`echo "($multi * $numidec)"|bc -l`
resunum=`expr $resunum + $resu`
finalavg=`echo "scale=2;( $resunum / $validvotes)" | bc -l`
echo "mean Average = "$finalavg
#echo "The Valid Votes (base3)"
#echo $allvotesRH|sed 's/ / \n/g'|grep -v -|sort
./ the_results_dashd_2024-10-03-00-52-28.html.csv encointerUBI-Digit1 encointerUBI-Digit2 encointerUBI-Range-0-242-Digit3 encointerUBI-NewRange-0-80-Digit4