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Ignore Dash: Branding as THE COIN for "Instant Confirmations"


Well-known member
PROPOSED: Fund a trial run of "Ignore Dash," a display-based ad campaign scheduled to run in May on websites within the Google Display Network. "Ignore Dash" ads can advertise any number of Dash attributes and integrations, but this run will focus on branding Dash as the coin for "Instant Confirmations."


(Note: The "Watch" button in these ads will link to a trackable landing page at Dash.org which features a short video of someone making a real, in-person purchase with InstantSend. This InstantSend-themed landing page will link to instructions on how to buy/spend as an end user, and how to integrate as a merchant.)

Why "Ignore Dash"?

For years, Dash has been ignored by much of the crypto-buying market. The "Ignore Dash" ads, then, capture attention with reverse psychology and attempt to reverse this situation.

We posit that the primary reason Dash has been largely ignored is a failure to brand ourselves appropriately. When most of us are asked what Dash is, we gush about "governance!" and "second tier of infrastructure!" and "treasury system!" and practically every other thing that Dash does well -- which is a lot of things.

But that's not what works -- you already know what works. Bitcoin? "Digital gold." Litecoin? "Silver to Bitcoin's gold." Ethereum? "Smart contracts." Monero? "Privacy." We suggest that at this time, Dash brand itself with "Instant Confirmations."

We'll say it again: Dash? "Instant Confirmations."

Who is making this proposal?

A three-way collaboration of Amanda B. Johnson (concept design & market selection), Nathan Pettijohn (strategy & production), and Pat McKenna (ad buy & testing/optimization). Mr. McKenna represented by colleague Jason Nesbitt in the team introduction video below.

What does Fernando Gutierrez, CMO of Dash Core Group, think of this campaign?

Fernando has been consulted throughout the creation of this campaign. He's expressed excitement about the boldness of the "Ignore Dash" approach, and agrees that Dash should be branded with a single, core selling point at this time.

Fernando has also offered to coordinate the creation of the custom, trackable landing page(s) at Dash.org to be the click-through destinations of the ads.

Is this campaign still viable if/when a Google ad ban happens in June?

While the first month of the "Ignore Dash" campaign is indeed slated to use the Google Display Network for distribution, we are not limited to it.

Should Google go through with its cryptocurrency ad ban in June, and not offer exemptions to proven projects like Dash, the "Ignore Dash" campaign can be distributed through other ad networks. Partner Pat McKenna has the necessary relationships with alternatives to make such a transition happen, should it become necessary.

What countries will the ads be shown in, and to whom?

Ads will be shown in the U.S. and Canada to those whose web profiles indicate that they're already
interested in cryptocurrency (using both their Google search terms and their domains visited). Better still, "Ignore Dash" ads will largely run as a "re-market" to a portion of the 5,000,000+ people who've already viewed the "What is Dash?" video, as it was uploaded and advertised by Pat McKenna in this proposal.
If "Ignore Dash" is deemed successful, we will make a future proposal to expand it to more geographical regions.

How will we know if the ads are working?

We will compare the reported engagement statistics of the "What is Dash?" video with the forthcoming engagement statistics of "Ignore Dash" ads to determine if things are moving in the right direction -- if we are gaining or losing engagement. If we are gaining, we can have confidence that a link is being formed in users' minds between Dash and "Instant Confirmations", and that the campaign should continue (either with more "Instant Confirmations" messaging for another month, moving on to another message, or both).

A performance report of the "Ignore Dash" ads -- as generated by the Google Display Network administrative tool -- will be publicly posted on this proposal's dash.org/forum thread at the end of the 30-day run.

Finally, though it would be difficult to directly credit back to this or any other campaign, a Dash price increase (a literal return on investment) is naturally the ultimate and necessary end-goal of this campaign.

What does this cost?

30 days of ads on Google Display Network websites = $92,000
Labor (layout & strategy) = $8,000
Labor (testing & optimization) = $8,000

TOTAL = 314 Dash (subtotal of $108,000 [309 Dash @ 30-day SMA of $350/Dash] + 5 Dash fee reimbursement)*

*In the event of a price decrease, we hope the buffer currently created by the 30-day SMA fills the gap. In the event of a price increase, however, the excess will either be set aside and put toward decreasing the asking price of a future campaign, and/or held in reserve to protect against a price decrease in a future campaign.


Please post any questions you might have below.

Thank you for your consideration,
Amanda, Nathan, Pat, & Jason


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gobject vote-many 9f89d011ff186237a2426ce6f44fe87f06591f1d945fe4425b08f1eb4ee8c631 funding yes
gobject vote-many 9f89d011ff186237a2426ce6f44fe87f06591f1d945fe4425b08f1eb4ee8c631 funding no

We realize that this proposal is not showing on DashCentral.org at this time. The reason for that is unknown to us, but we'll post it there as soon as the site picks it up. Thanks.
i am not a fan of reverse psychology !
“do not buy M ...”
might have worked for them , but that does not mean we need to adopt the same “dirty” (just my opinion) techniques
am really not sure on who this is supposed to work
(no offence , but i really do not get it and see the danger of a huge backfire here )
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I can see Amanda is looking at various ways to advertise, and that she is being grounded and honest about them. I will vote 'YES' for this proposal. Importantly, Amanda gets Dash over say O&M, and Amanda has a mind that seeks new horizons (the reason she transitioned to Dash from BTC).

'Instant Confirmations' brought me to Dash. It was a Drinks Vending machine video that impressed me, years back. Unconfirmed block transactions simply don't cut it, if we want to compete with VISA. For quite some time, when I was focused on BTC, the 'unconfirmed' bugged the hell out of me.

gobject vote-many 9f89d011ff186237a2426ce6f44fe87f06591f1d945fe4425b08f1eb4ee8c631 funding yes
gobject vote-many 9f89d011ff186237a2426ce6f44fe87f06591f1d945fe4425b08f1eb4ee8c631 funding no

We realize that this proposal is not showing on DashCentral.org at this time. The reason for that is unknown to us, but we'll post it there as soon as the site picks it up. Thanks.

Hey Amanda, your proposal does not seem to exist on the network.
Great idea, great team, important brand messaging. Intriguing creative.

So as not to overlap, we are running a similar brand message with a large budget:


Which point to the dashinformer.com landing page, featuring the CNN video of Joel using instant send throughout his daily life.

We have focused our delivery on:

Cryptocurrency based subreddits, achieving displays on what I believe is 99% to 100% of page loads on r/cryptocurrency r/Bitcoin and r/ethereum,

Coindesk and Cointelegraph, with direct relationships to capture 20% of their display inventory.

CCN and newsBTC, beginning soon.

You may want to exclude these domains to avoid overlap, or include them to deliver messaging in an alternate way. Whatever your strategy calls for, just letting you know what's in motion on our end. If we can be of service in any way let us know.

In regards to remarketing, Google is still fully expected to shutter service beginning in June. I would highly recommend simultaneously building a remarketing list using an alternate service so as not to lose the ability to deliver after June. We use perfect audience for our remarketing which remains accessible for crypto campaigns with vast reach across most of the web.

Of course the landing page is also a hugely important element in this equation, in part based on its ability to tag for remarketing and collect the optional email and I feel that if advertising based resources were utilized in a way that results in the building of a single email list and remarketing list, we'd be stronger for it, instead of separate segmented lists since these are important shared marketing assets. Imagine if we could combine the remarketing list we've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars building with the one that Patrick has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars building. Perhaps this is possible. If not perhaps it can happen moving forward.
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Ignore DASH is not what I want to see as a small time hodler.

Tying DASH with instant confirmations is really really good though. Back to the drawing board on how to execute.
I think the ad concept works on a couple levels. First, it's a recognition that Dash has been ignored. Let's say it right out loud. Second, that immediately forces people who have ignored Dash in the past to justify their actions, which they can't.

A significant part of marketing is trying stuff to see what works. Hey, we haven't tried this yet.

I'll vote yes.
Much as the prospect of you coming back is great, a campaign like this is already being duplicated by feedbands, costing the treasury an arm and a leg.

Strike social adds very little value and was voted out. You might want to rethink this. Ignore Dash doesnt evoke a positive emotion.
@amanda_b_johnson as you're correctly said, I see potential in this, I would try and plan to help where I can.

What I strongly disagree is with the fact that we measure the campaign success looking at the price. The price moves for much bigger forces and measuring with it you'd basically would be playing roulette.

Google offers a tool called Brand Lift. It polls the audience of the campaign once it has been running for a while to see what's Dash's brand awareness among them. Then they compare with a control group in that audience that they keep unexposed to your campaign. There are some minimum requirements in terms of investment per campaign to access to this and I'm not sure what they are for the US and Canada at the moment, but Strike Social can look into it for sure.

Web traffic (or even wallet downloads) would be another thing to look at. Still imperfect, but way better than the price.

As for comparing the engagement with Strike Social previous campaigns, I don't think you can do that either. You'll be retargeting the part of their audience that watched the video, so you are a second phase of their campaign, not a different one. Engagement will be better because your audience is already more segmented and into Dash.
Dash is still on top 10 , on coinmarketcap listing , half or more of the top 20 are tokens , not coins .

Dash was #13 when I posted the message, and now it is #12:

Dash $3.530.811.139 $440,12 $101.228.000 8.022.383 DASH 0,08%
TRON $3.521.620.080 $0,053562 $748.861.000 65.748.111.645 TRX * 4,46%

Dash is #11 when talking about coins:

Monero $ $254,58 $116.879.000 15.952.757 XMR
Dash $3.531.059.833 $440,15 $100.698.000 8.022.383 DASH 0,06%
NEM $3.467.052.000 $0,385228 $64.776.900 8.999.999.999 XEM * -1,21%
Ethereum Classic $1.906.207.058 $18,82 $253.351.000 101.291.085 ETC -0,62%

Whats the difference between a coin and a token?
And what a token coin is?
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Dash was #13 when I posted the message, and now it is #12:

Dash $3.530.811.139 $440,12 $101.228.000 8.022.383 DASH 0,08%
TRON $3.521.620.080 $0,053562 $748.861.000 65.748.111.645 TRX * 4,46%

Dash is #11 when talking about coins:

Monero $ $254,58 $116.879.000 15.952.757 XMR
Dash $3.531.059.833 $440,15 $100.698.000 8.022.383 DASH 0,06%
NEM $3.467.052.000 $0,385228 $64.776.900 8.999.999.999 XEM * -1,21%
Ethereum Classic $1.906.207.058 $18,82 $253.351.000 101.291.085 ETC -0,62%

Whats the difference between a coin and a token?
And what a token coin is?
* Not Mineable
@amanda_b_johnson as you're correctly said, I see potential in this, I would try and plan to help where I can.

What I strongly disagree is with the fact that we measure the campaign success looking at the price. The price moves for much bigger forces and measuring with it you'd basically would be playing roulette.

Google offers a tool called Brand Lift. It polls the audience of the campaign once it has been running for a while to see what's Dash's brand awareness among them. Then they compare with a control group in that audience that they keep unexposed to your campaign. There are some minimum requirements in terms of investment per campaign to access to this and I'm not sure what they are for the US and Canada at the moment, but Strike Social can look into it for sure.

Web traffic (or even wallet downloads) would be another thing to look at. Still imperfect, but way better than the price.

As for comparing the engagement with Strike Social previous campaigns, I don't think you can do that either. You'll be retargeting the part of their audience that watched the video, so you are a second phase of their campaign, not a different one. Engagement will be better because your audience is already more segmented and into Dash.

Thank you for these points about measuring, @fernando. I will speak to my team about Brand Lift, which they've mentioned to me already in the past but which I've not yet looked into. Thanks.
Ignore DASH is not what I want to see as a small time hodler.

Tying DASH with instant confirmations is really really good though. Back to the drawing board on how to execute.

Remember that marketing is not about what you, @Daedalifts, want to see -- you're already a customer! A customer so engaged that you're spending your weekend writing on an obscure internet forum about the product you love so much.

Marketing is for those who aren't yet customers. The purpose of marketing is to capture their attention and communicate how our product would make their lives better at a very reasonable price.

There is no wrong way to capture attention, just as there is no such thing as bad PR. There are only varying degrees of good.
Great idea, great team, important brand messaging. Intriguing creative.

So as not to overlap, we are running a similar brand message with a large budget:


Which point to the dashinformer.com landing page, featuring the CNN video of Joel using instant send throughout his daily life.

We have focused our delivery on:

Cryptocurrency based subreddits, achieving displays on what I believe is 99% to 100% of page loads on r/cryptocurrency r/Bitcoin and r/ethereum,

Coindesk and Cointelegraph, with direct relationships to capture 20% of their display inventory.

CCN and newsBTC, beginning soon.

You may want to exclude these domains to avoid overlap, or include them to deliver messaging in an alternate way. Whatever your strategy calls for, just letting you know what's in motion on our end. If we can be of service in any way let us know.

In regards to remarketing, Google is still fully expected to shutter service beginning in June. I would highly recommend simultaneously building a remarketing list using an alternate service so as not to lose the ability to deliver after June. We use perfect audience for our remarketing which remains accessible for crypto campaigns with vast reach across most of the web.

Of course the landing page is also a hugely important element in this equation, in part based on its ability to tag for remarketing and collect the optional email and I feel that if advertising based resources were utilized in a way that results in the building of a single email list and remarketing list, we'd be stronger for it, instead of separate segmented lists since these are important shared marketing assets. Imagine if we could combine the remarketing list we've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars building with the one that Patrick has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars building. Perhaps this is possible. If not perhaps it can happen moving forward.

I believe the message "Blockchain Payments That Send Instantly," unfortunately, does not get the point across. Why? ALL blockchain payments broadcast instantly. So is a broadcast a send? Is a send a broadcast?

We cannot afford for this type of ambiguity to exist in our messaging.

At this time, Dash's key differentiating factor is instant confirmations. The market needs to understand that Dash doesn't just send instantly (because guess what -- from a UI perspective, so does every other coin). They need to understand the practical application of an instant confirmation -- coffee handed over right at the point of sale. Or ready-to-trade-coins right after depositing on an exchange. This is why this campaign will click through to a demo video -- to demonstrate these very things.
i am not a fan of reverse psychology !
“do not buy M ...”
might have worked for them , but that does not mean we need to adopt the same “dirty” (just my opinion) techniques
am really not sure on who this is supposed to work
(no offence , but i really do not get it and see the danger of a huge backfire here )

Not too much can backfire when you're already unpopular. :)

Regarding the reverse psychology (or self-deprecating) marketing technique, you may care to check out just how many mega-brands have used it successfully over the years when they were in a situation like ours. I'm talking Lenovo, Domino's, Buick, Patagonia, The Miami Hurricanes, Lady Gaga, and more. See here and here for references.