Yes and I will say why I'm doing it - I really don't like the way iBeLink choose to go. All used software was Open Source GPL (or maybe some other open license), and now they have taken OpenSource products (Raspbian, cgminer), put them to an open platform Raspberry Pi and sold to us giving NO root access, NO source code of the mining software.
Yes - hardware design is yours and we don't asking to open your ASIC chip technology. BUT - if you use something OpenSource as a base - be honest and make the derivative OpenSource. We have payed the money - so you have to release the code. Or make your own miner software from scratch as SilverFish makers have done.
Even Microsoft with their closed-source policy and copirastic life-view are giving Administrator access to their OSes. Apple was not honest enough - and Jailbreak have come. And - yes, the court have say YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO HAVE FULL ACCESS TO YOUR DEVICE!