Use Cgwatcher by Justine Milone, set it to reset on dead/low hashing and possibly every 4-24 hrs for good measure whatever.
Useful for running multiple cards as well,
That looks really nice, but I'm using linux. I figured, ccminer should be able to run as a daemon, right?
Add a systemd service for ccminer:
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/ccminer.service
Paste the below into the file, changing username, password, and the location of ccminer (ExecStart line) to match whatever you have
# /etc/systemd/system/ccminer.service
Description=Start mining DRK
ExecStart=/home/MYUSER/builds/ccminer-1.5.42/ccminer --algo=x11 --syslog --quiet --retries=6 -o stratum+tcp:// -u MYUSER.MYMINER -p MYPASSWORD
Save it. Close the text editor.
sudo systemctl enable ccminer (If you want it to run automatically upon boot)
sudo systemctl start ccminer (To start it immediately)
I find it often takes a minute to get going, a bit slower to start than just running ccminer from a terminal.
To see what is going on:
journalctl -xe (hit q to exit)
Note that this may eventually fill up your logs (I guess --quiet does nothing? --background seems broken too)
Thanks to the below blog which I used as a starting point
I cannot guarantee the above will work, and I'm no systemD expert, but I forced various failures on my rig and it seems to be handling them nicely and automatically restarting the service when needed. My system is Arch Linux but this should work for any distro using SystemD