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Evan Duffield's vision for Dash four years ago and its relevance today.


Active member

Someone posted this in the Discord; I am assuming because they want us to work on some of the potential goals Evan mentioned in this interview four years ago. Evan mentions two things worth noting: trustless masternode shares and an advisory board. Evan is/was a brilliant person, but even he was not sure what he was creating with the Dash DAO. Even he was unsure how it might evolve. We have no idea what he would think of what we have now. Anyway, we can't take his words four years ago as gospel. We have to deliberate the way forward using the best minds we have here now.
Let's talk about "trustless masternode shares." This thing has reared its ugly head once more because it's on the Dash Incubator to-do list. This is not a trivial problem and there is no pressing need for it. There is a reason why it's not on DCG's roadmap. No competent CTO would put this on the roadmap. There are more important things to work on. It's a testament to Andy Freer's inability to think like a CTO that he wants to work on this. It kind of reminds me of Nathan's obsession with putting Dash governance on the blockchain. Nathan was another brilliant software developer who was not CTO material.
Let's talk about an advisory board. It's fitting that Evan discusses corruption at the end of his interview. If you want to see corruption, all we need is an advisory board here. We can't even find enough trustworthy, selfless individuals to populate the trust and the DIF, and you think we're going to find an advisory board that is not corruptible? Keep dreaming.
What happened with the trust protector election that just concluded is proof to me that any advisory board here would be a disaster. In the last trust protector election, we had seven candidates, and at least three of them had serious conflicts of interest to the point that it would be fair to call them "bad actors."

The trust protectors exist to look after the assets of the trust on behalf of the Dash network. The most valuable asset of the trust is Dash Core Group. You would think that people who would benefit if DCG was destroyed should not attempt to run as trust protector. Well that is exactly what happened.

It is no secret that Mark Mason and his DashForce "amigos" want marketing stripped from DCG so they can perform this function. Of course MM and DashForce are complete amateurs and have no business marketing anything. Hilawe is a moderator at Mark Mason's Discord and so we can lump him in together with the DashForce amigos. And it's no secret that Andy Freer wants the Dash protocol development stripped from DCG so he can rule over it.

I am not making this up. These three individuals actually, in their own written words, admitted that they are running for trust protector so they can destroy the most valuable asset of the trust. I think it's safe to conclude that we don't have enough decent people here to form an advisory board.
Since you like a good laugh Agnew, I made this for you. Cheers.


I am not making this up. These three individuals actually, in their own written words, admitted that they are running for trust protector so they can destroy the most valuable asset of the trust. I think it's safe to conclude that we don't have enough decent people here to form an advisory board.

What are you talking about? Dash community has no official trust protectors yet!!!
7% voting participation does not define any trust!!!

In that case @Geert , I suggest the elected trust protectors to start doing their duties (can Dash operate without trust protectrs? I think not....).
But at the same time the voting period should be extented until the participation reaches at least 25% (or even more if you say so, lets vote the numbers on it).
By extending the voting period we are safe in case Andy finally becomes a fox, because the electorate preserves its rights to expell him.

The voting period should be extented until the participation reaches at least 25% (or even more if you say so, lets vote the numbers on it).