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Recent content by SiliconDroid

  1. SiliconDroid

    Mini Crowd Fund: Dash brand placement in popular mobile VR game

    Thanks for your consideration of the idea, yes I will be carrying out this DASH brand placement for MechZ game and publishing the game shortly, any further funding is appreciated but not required for the work to be finished. I'm now a little invested in DASH myself (on top of this funding)...
  2. SiliconDroid

    Mini Crowd Fund: Dash brand placement in popular mobile VR game

    Billboards now all atlased into one main texture, procedural placement of them now occurs in all city maps. A typical map will contain 24 ... 32 of these, random types of the 5 available. Note1: brightness of above billboard has been tweaked up since that screenshot. Note2: with enough...
  3. SiliconDroid

    Mini Crowd Fund: Dash brand placement in popular mobile VR game

    Been busy painting the outside of a real house, that job now finished (thankfully), can now spend all my time finishing MechZ (yay). I have now completed all 5 billboard textures for city maps, 2 posted above and these new 3: Next (tonight) will dress commercial buildings with 3D signage...
  4. SiliconDroid

    Mini Crowd Fund: Dash brand placement in popular mobile VR game

    123rf.com is a good site, slightly lower prices and similar selection, but I already have credits for shutterstock. Made first production quality billboard texture for city maps:
  5. SiliconDroid

    Mini Crowd Fund: Dash brand placement in popular mobile VR game

    Sure thing, the 3D models are just large building signage and will have no associated bitmap textures though. Here's a mockup of a billboard texture for ground level in city maps (5 billboard types planned). Web address color will be adjusted slightly. The photo is something i already have...
  6. SiliconDroid

    Mini Crowd Fund: Dash brand placement in popular mobile VR game

    Hand optimized low poly logo model, 140 triangles:
  7. SiliconDroid

    Mini Crowd Fund: Dash brand placement in popular mobile VR game

    Thanks to those who have funded so far! Started on 3D signage for city areas. It has to be really low poly for mobile phone VR, but I insist on maximum quality, even when player gets close: I took logo vector SVG, made it a spline and then hand optimized vertices, then extruded, just 240 in...
  8. SiliconDroid

    Mini Crowd Fund: Dash brand placement in popular mobile VR game

    Many thanks to first funder who donated Đ 0.01. I can now Guarantee the game will have Dash branding in it.
  9. SiliconDroid

    Mini Crowd Fund: Dash brand placement in popular mobile VR game

    OK, good ideas. I will stick with just product placement, and technical condensed infographics on terminal screens about real Dash mechanism as it exists now. My dash address for donations is below, I will be able to put a proportional amount of work time into the GFX/Modelling depending on...
  10. SiliconDroid

    Mini Crowd Fund: Dash brand placement in popular mobile VR game

    The lab interior maps have various terminals and signage prospects, I made a mock up Dash terminal display in this scene:
  11. SiliconDroid

    Mini Crowd Fund: Dash brand placement in popular mobile VR game

    Here's the city procedural lay out, Dash signage (various 3D models) can be added to random subset of the larger business zone buildings. City also has various billboard signage, seen here with placeholder art:
  12. SiliconDroid

    Mini Crowd Fund: Dash brand placement in popular mobile VR game

    Heres a development video, testing the open city area, a procedurally generated city, everything is destructible:
  13. SiliconDroid

    Mini Crowd Fund: Dash brand placement in popular mobile VR game

    Thanks, it would get Dash branding in front of many eyeballs, and for quite a time per gaming session, my users tend to spend ~10 ... 30 mins per session *in* the game world.
  14. SiliconDroid

    Mini Crowd Fund: Dash brand placement in popular mobile VR game

    Thanks for linking my game. I only just learned that I would have to stake dash (to be burned) in order to submit proposal, makes perfect sense to prevent proposal spam. And the $ price of Dash has shot up since I wrote my proposal (I should have specified budget in $). That's mighty generous...