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"Send X[FIAT Amount] worth of Dash" - wallet option?



Since FIAT is still the reigning king, I was wondering what the community thought of a wallet option that more easily allowed an end user to visualize their transactions as fiat?

The amount could be managed with a service call to somewhere or other every few minutes and be a good enough approximation for most people wanting to utilize that sort of service

Sample Use Cases:

Optional Modified "Send" screen:
Send {amount} {currency type} to {Receiver}
"Send {3} {Dollars} to {AddressXYZ}
Confirmation: "You are about to send 0.000001 DASH to {AddressXYZ}"

Alternative (lazier) Implementation:
Set up a configuration for which currency (or more than one if supported) you want the DASH amount to be translated to, and have a dynamic area under the 'send/receive' boxes that translates it on the fly.

Good idea, even just a rough estimate of what you're sending in a choice of perhaps 10 fiat currencies and also the price in gold would provide a reference point to other markets.
But would having an addon like this make the wallet more insecure?
If used as option 2, purely from a display perspective, I would imagine not?

In either case the end user would have to confirm the amount, in option 2 they would simply have an easy visual representation.

There could be some sort of certificate protection or digital signature on the part of the incoming response if we were worried about dns hijacking. If the latest result set isn't at least 5 minutes old, show nothing since stale data is also an issue in that regard.