Pre-proposal: Dash conference - Venezuela

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On Thursday, August 30, on “Jirahara B” room at Jirahara´s Hotel was held the 4th meeting of Dash Barquisimeto´s communit, where attendees could enjoy the presentation entitled "DASH: solution for your daily payments" directed by Eng. José David Rojas, leader of the twilight city´s community.


The talk began with examples of different electronic payment on the traditional money system, highlighting the control that banks have over our savings, allowing differentiating the conventional financial practices and cryptocurrencies based on blockchain technology, which allows reliability, security and anonymity, promoting its use in many areas besides the financial one, once the fundamental principle of cryptocurrencies and its brief history has been defined, he proposes a developed vision of cryptoactives and invites users to discover the benefits of this system in daily life.the speaker talk about the different cryptocurrencies and says there´s thousands of cryptocurrency projects and mentioned the main qualities of Dash-Digital Cash, the speed of the transactions, security and network structure, being the Masternodes and they´re decentralized governance what allows to carry out this type of events, which generate spaces to achieve a greater impact on the cryptoactives.


After the theoretical part of the meeting, Msc. Marisela Bravo, co-founder of the DASH Barquisimeto community, trained attendees in the use of the DASH WALLET, where they could clear their doubts, from making a simple transaction, to the security protocol to protect the money available in it. At Cocuy´s bar restaurant of the mentioned hotel in the city, attendees could by using their wallets, demonstrate the advantages of using DASH digital


El día Jueves 30 de Agosto se llevó a cabo el 4to Meetup de la comunidad Dash Barquisimeto, la sede del evento fue el salón Jirahara B del hotel Jirahara, donde los asistentes pudieron disfrutar de la ponencia charla titulada "DASH: solución para tus pagos diarios" dirigida por el Ing. José David Rojas, líder de la comunidad de la ciudad crepuscular.


La charla dió inicio con ejemplos de diferentes sistemas de pagos electrónicos pertenecientes al esquema de dinero tradicional, resaltando el control que tienen las entidades bancarias sobre los ahorros personales, permitiendo diferenciar el uso de las criptomonedas a las prácticas financieras convencionales, esta fundamentada en la tecnología blockchain, la cual permite confiabilidad, seguridad y anonimato, propiciando su empleo en muchas áreas además de la financiera, una vez definido el principio fundamental de las criptomonedas y su breve historia. Plantea una visión desarrollada de los criptoactivos e invita a los usuarios, mas allá de un método de ahorro a descubrir los beneficios de este sistema en la vida diaria. Basado en lo anterior, el conferencista hizo alusión a los miles de proyectos de criptomonedas , destacando las principales cualidades de Dash- Digital Cash, la rapidez de sus transacciones, la seguridad y su estructura de red, siendo los Masternodos y su gobernanza descentralizada lo que permiten llevar a cabo este tipo de eventos, que generan espacios para lograr un mayor impacto de los criptoactivos.

Posterior a la parte teórica de la reunión, la Lic. Marisela Bravo, cofundadora de la comunidad dash Barquisimeto, adiestró a los asistentes en el uso de la DASH WALLET, donde pudieron despejar sus dudas, desde hacer una transacción, hasta el protocolo de seguridad adecuado para proteger el dinero disponible en la billetera.En el restaurant Cocuy bar del mencionado hotel de la ciudad, los asistentes pudieron mediante el uso de sus billeteras, evidenciar las ventajas del uso de las criptomonedas, siendo esta un opción de valor agregado en comparación con el sistema de pagos tradicional

8th Journalists workshop

On August 24th 2018, our 8th journalist workshop, entitled

“Dash Digital Cash and other cryptocurrencies for journalist”

was held at La Viga hall in the Centro Cultural Chacao

Our protocol team received the journalists attending the journalists' workshop, upon arrival, the journalists received a welcoming coffee break and interacted with each other.

The journalists entered the room to start the workshop, our communication team started the workshop explaining the topics and participants to the activity, the founder of Dash Caracas, Eugenia Alcalá, the sponsors of the 11th conference, Kripto Mobile, and two case of success of entrepreneurs.

The representative of the sponsor of the 11th conference comments on the alliance between the brand Kripto Mobile and Dash, and offers details about the new device with pre-installed Dash wallet that will be presented during the 11th conference.


"The first time I made a transaction with Dash, I said it was something wonderful, its speed makes it special"

Andrea Coll - @kriptomobile


The spokesperson of the foundation "Huellas de bondad" explains to journalists the work of the foundation and how Dash has allowed them to help many Venezuelans in difficult situation.


"When Dash is passed down to many generations, he will leave something in the world, and that is that he is supporting many foundations, such as Huellas de bondad, such as Habla, among others"

Joseline Porto - @fundhuellasbb

Gustavo González, creator of "Azúcar Canela y Clavito", comments to journalists his experience as an entrepreneur using Dash as a payment method inside and outside the city Dash


"We have gradually added to our production chain, we already pay with cryptocurrencies to the supplier of the tomatoes".

Gustavo González - @azucarcanelayclavito

After the journalists' workshop, different media interviewed the founder of Dash Venezuela, Eugenia Alcalá and the sponsors of the 11th Conference, Kripto Mobile.



11th Dash Caracas Conference with José Manuel Da Silva

On August 25th 2018, our 11th conference, entitled
"Marketing of basic products and services in cryptocurrencies: New business models"
was held in the Centro Cultural Chacao


9:00 a.m.
Thanks to the work of our Logistic Staff and the service provided by our Registration Team, the registration began, we welcomed 132 people.

Also, they received help from the Support Team, who assisted the in
downloading the Dash Wallets, and other technical questions they asked.



10:00 a.m.
Our moderator, Nathalia Acosta opened our event.

10:30 a.m.
Begins the conference:
"Dash Digital Cash and its opportunities in Venezuela"

by Eugenia Alcalá, founder of Dash Caracas and Dash Venezuela


"What we want to achieve is that each Venezuelan knows what blockchain technology is, what Dash is and how to use it in their daily life"

Eugenia Alcalá - @DashCaracas


11:20 a.m.
After the presentation of the founder of the community, Juan José Cañas, representative of Uphold in Venezuela, and one of the sponsors of the conference makes his presentation to the attendees


"Venezuela is the country with the highest number of registered users in Uphold, therefore, this is an important market for us"

Juan José Cañas - @upholdinc


After the presentation of the sponsor, the speaker made his presentation

"Marketing of basic products and services in cryptocurrencies: New business models"
by José Manuel Da Silva (Twitter: @jdasilva77)
Public accountant, Co founder of Dash Maracay, President of the Chamber of Industry of the State of Aragua


"2% of our customers use Dash as a form of payment, we hope to take it to more than 50%"

José Manuel Da Silva - @jdasilva77


12:20 pm

After the presentation, Francisco Soares, spokesperson of the NGO Regala una Sonrisa, held a session of laughter yoga, also highlighted the work of the organization thanks to donations in Dash




Next to the participation of the NGO, Kripto Mobile, sponsor of the 11th conference, presented to those present the KRIP device, the first phone with a Dash wallet pre-installed in the Venezuelan market


"The global brands are seeing us as an opportunity"

Rolando Weill - @kriptomoble


12:45 p.m.
Our moderator conducted an open Q&A Session, answered by the following panelists:
José Manuel Da Silva (Twitter: @jdasilva77): Public accountant, Co founder of Dash Maracay, President of the Chamber of Industry of the State of Aragua and speaker of the preceding conference.
Cristhian Díaz (Twitter: @ActivDigitales): IT, specialist in cybersecurity and cryptoactives.

Eugenia Alcalá Sucre (Twitter: @dashcaracas): Founder of Dash Caracas, focus on entrepreneurship.



1:00 p.m.
Eugenia Alcalá (@DashCaracas), explains what will happen in the afternoon, in our special activity called Dash City.



1:00 p.m.
After the conference, the Entrepreneurship Team, along with the Logistics Staff, help more than 25 entrepreneurs set up their stands, in order to participate in the festival called Dash City and received 132 people who had been waiting in line to participate of this activity.


At Dash City, people received a Dash giveaway of 0.0166, and they were able to spend it buying services or products offered by the entrepreneurs (who accepted only Dash) that included food, beverages, clothes, accessories, art, technical support, tourism, non profit organizations, and more.


Every time they buyed something, the transactions are registered in our database


After the conference, different media interviewed the founder of Dash Caracas, Eugenia Alcalá, our sponsors and the speaker of the 11th Conference.


Entrepreneurs, general public and businessmen, clarified their doubts about Dash and how to use it in our interactive tables, more than 35 people were received.



You can find the rest of the photos of this event here:

We would like to thank the MNOs and other members of the Dash community who supported us through donations and loans to develop this conference. To our sponsors, Kripto Mobile and Uphold.

And special thanks to all the Dash Caracas, Dash Venezuela Teams and the rest of the communities, who have worked with passion and professionalism, doing an amazing job!!!




Total attendees: 132

Total Journalists at workshop: 12

Total Journalist at Conference: 17

Total entrepreneurships at Dash City: 26

Total Transactions: 938

Total members of team Dash 50
8th Journalists workshop

On August 24th 2018, our 8th journalist workshop, entitled

“Dash Digital Cash and other cryptocurrencies for journalist”

was held at La Viga hall in the Centro Cultural Chacao

Our protocol team received the journalists attending the journalists' workshop, upon arrival, the journalists received a welcoming coffee break and interacted with each other.

The journalists entered the room to start the workshop, our communication team started the workshop explaining the topics and participants to the activity, the founder of Dash Caracas, Eugenia Alcalá, the sponsors of the 11th conference, Kripto Mobile, and two case of success of entrepreneurs.

The representative of the sponsor of the 11th conference comments on the alliance between the brand Kripto Mobile and Dash, and offers details about the new device with pre-installed Dash wallet that will be presented during the 11th conference.


"The first time I made a transaction with Dash, I said it was something wonderful, its speed makes it special"

Andrea Coll - @kriptomobile


The spokesperson of the foundation "Huellas de bondad" explains to journalists the work of the foundation and how Dash has allowed them to help many Venezuelans in difficult situation.


"When Dash is passed down to many generations, he will leave something in the world, and that is that he is supporting many foundations, such as Huellas de bondad, such as Habla, among others"

Joseline Porto - @fundhuellasbb

Gustavo González, creator of "Azúcar Canela y Clavito", comments to journalists his experience as an entrepreneur using Dash as a payment method inside and outside the city Dash


"We have gradually added to our production chain, we already pay with cryptocurrencies to the supplier of the tomatoes".

Gustavo González - @azucarcanelayclavito

After the journalists' workshop, different media interviewed the founder of Dash Venezuela, Eugenia Alcalá and the sponsors of the 11th Conference, Kripto Mobile.



11th Dash Caracas Conference with José Manuel Da Silva

On August 25th 2018, our 11th conference, entitled
"Marketing of basic products and services in cryptocurrencies: New business models"
was held in the Centro Cultural Chacao


9:00 a.m.
Thanks to the work of our Logistic Staff and the service provided by our Registration Team, the registration began, we welcomed 132 people.

Also, they received help from the Support Team, who assisted the in
downloading the Dash Wallets, and other technical questions they asked.



10:00 a.m.
Our moderator, Nathalia Acosta opened our event.

10:30 a.m.
Begins the conference:
"Dash Digital Cash and its opportunities in Venezuela"

by Eugenia Alcalá, founder of Dash Caracas and Dash Venezuela


"What we want to achieve is that each Venezuelan knows what blockchain technology is, what Dash is and how to use it in their daily life"

Eugenia Alcalá - @DashCaracas


11:20 a.m.
After the presentation of the founder of the community, Juan José Cañas, representative of Uphold in Venezuela, and one of the sponsors of the conference makes his presentation to the attendees


"Venezuela is the country with the highest number of registered users in Uphold, therefore, this is an important market for us"

Juan José Cañas - @upholdinc


After the presentation of the sponsor, the speaker made his presentation

"Marketing of basic products and services in cryptocurrencies: New business models"
by José Manuel Da Silva (Twitter: @jdasilva77)
Public accountant, Co founder of Dash Maracay, President of the Chamber of Industry of the State of Aragua


"2% of our customers use Dash as a form of payment, we hope to take it to more than 50%"

José Manuel Da Silva - @jdasilva77


12:20 pm

After the presentation, Francisco Soares, spokesperson of the NGO Regala una Sonrisa, held a session of laughter yoga, also highlighted the work of the organization thanks to donations in Dash




Next to the participation of the NGO, Kripto Mobile, sponsor of the 11th conference, presented to those present the KRIP device, the first phone with a Dash wallet pre-installed in the Venezuelan market


"The global brands are seeing us as an opportunity"

Rolando Weill - @kriptomoble


12:45 p.m.
Our moderator conducted an open Q&A Session, answered by the following panelists:
José Manuel Da Silva (Twitter: @jdasilva77): Public accountant, Co founder of Dash Maracay, President of the Chamber of Industry of the State of Aragua and speaker of the preceding conference.
Cristhian Díaz (Twitter: @ActivDigitales): IT, specialist in cybersecurity and cryptoactives.

Eugenia Alcalá Sucre (Twitter: @dashcaracas): Founder of Dash Caracas, focus on entrepreneurship.



1:00 p.m.
Eugenia Alcalá (@DashCaracas), explains what will happen in the afternoon, in our special activity called Dash City.



1:00 p.m.
After the conference, the Entrepreneurship Team, along with the Logistics Staff, help more than 25 entrepreneurs set up their stands, in order to participate in the festival called Dash City and received 132 people who had been waiting in line to participate of this activity.


At Dash City, people received a Dash giveaway of 0.0166, and they were able to spend it buying services or products offered by the entrepreneurs (who accepted only Dash) that included food, beverages, clothes, accessories, art, technical support, tourism, non profit organizations, and more.


Every time they buyed something, the transactions are registered in our database


After the conference, different media interviewed the founder of Dash Caracas, Eugenia Alcalá, our sponsors and the speaker of the 11th Conference.


Entrepreneurs, general public and businessmen, clarified their doubts about Dash and how to use it in our interactive tables, more than 35 people were received.



You can find the rest of the photos of this event here:

We would like to thank the MNOs and other members of the Dash community who supported us through donations and loans to develop this conference. To our sponsors, Kripto Mobile and Uphold.

And special thanks to all the Dash Caracas, Dash Venezuela Teams and the rest of the communities, who have worked with passion and professionalism, doing an amazing job!!!




Total attendees: 132

Total Journalists at workshop: 12

Total Journalist at Conference: 17

Total entrepreneurships at Dash City: 26

Total Transactions: 938

Total members of team Dash 50
Keep killing it down there! Very informative post.
8th Journalists workshop

On August 24th 2018, our 8th journalist workshop, entitled

“Dash Digital Cash and other cryptocurrencies for journalist”

was held at La Viga hall in the Centro Cultural Chacao

Our protocol team received the journalists attending the journalists' workshop, upon arrival, the journalists received a welcoming coffee break and interacted with each other.

The journalists entered the room to start the workshop, our communication team started the workshop explaining the topics and participants to the activity, the founder of Dash Caracas, Eugenia Alcalá, the sponsors of the 11th conference, Kripto Mobile, and two case of success of entrepreneurs.

The representative of the sponsor of the 11th conference comments on the alliance between the brand Kripto Mobile and Dash, and offers details about the new device with pre-installed Dash wallet that will be presented during the 11th conference.


"The first time I made a transaction with Dash, I said it was something wonderful, its speed makes it special"

Andrea Coll - @kriptomobile


The spokesperson of the foundation "Huellas de bondad" explains to journalists the work of the foundation and how Dash has allowed them to help many Venezuelans in difficult situation.


"When Dash is passed down to many generations, he will leave something in the world, and that is that he is supporting many foundations, such as Huellas de bondad, such as Habla, among others"

Joseline Porto - @fundhuellasbb

Gustavo González, creator of "Azúcar Canela y Clavito", comments to journalists his experience as an entrepreneur using Dash as a payment method inside and outside the city Dash


"We have gradually added to our production chain, we already pay with cryptocurrencies to the supplier of the tomatoes".

Gustavo González - @azucarcanelayclavito

After the journalists' workshop, different media interviewed the founder of Dash Venezuela, Eugenia Alcalá and the sponsors of the 11th Conference, Kripto Mobile.



11th Dash Caracas Conference with José Manuel Da Silva

On August 25th 2018, our 11th conference, entitled
"Marketing of basic products and services in cryptocurrencies: New business models"
was held in the Centro Cultural Chacao


9:00 a.m.
Thanks to the work of our Logistic Staff and the service provided by our Registration Team, the registration began, we welcomed 132 people.

Also, they received help from the Support Team, who assisted the in
downloading the Dash Wallets, and other technical questions they asked.



10:00 a.m.
Our moderator, Nathalia Acosta opened our event.

10:30 a.m.
Begins the conference:
"Dash Digital Cash and its opportunities in Venezuela"

by Eugenia Alcalá, founder of Dash Caracas and Dash Venezuela


"What we want to achieve is that each Venezuelan knows what blockchain technology is, what Dash is and how to use it in their daily life"

Eugenia Alcalá - @DashCaracas


11:20 a.m.
After the presentation of the founder of the community, Juan José Cañas, representative of Uphold in Venezuela, and one of the sponsors of the conference makes his presentation to the attendees


"Venezuela is the country with the highest number of registered users in Uphold, therefore, this is an important market for us"

Juan José Cañas - @upholdinc


After the presentation of the sponsor, the speaker made his presentation

"Marketing of basic products and services in cryptocurrencies: New business models"
by José Manuel Da Silva (Twitter: @jdasilva77)
Public accountant, Co founder of Dash Maracay, President of the Chamber of Industry of the State of Aragua


"2% of our customers use Dash as a form of payment, we hope to take it to more than 50%"

José Manuel Da Silva - @jdasilva77


12:20 pm

After the presentation, Francisco Soares, spokesperson of the NGO Regala una Sonrisa, held a session of laughter yoga, also highlighted the work of the organization thanks to donations in Dash




Next to the participation of the NGO, Kripto Mobile, sponsor of the 11th conference, presented to those present the KRIP device, the first phone with a Dash wallet pre-installed in the Venezuelan market


"The global brands are seeing us as an opportunity"

Rolando Weill - @kriptomoble


12:45 p.m.
Our moderator conducted an open Q&A Session, answered by the following panelists:
José Manuel Da Silva (Twitter: @jdasilva77): Public accountant, Co founder of Dash Maracay, President of the Chamber of Industry of the State of Aragua and speaker of the preceding conference.
Cristhian Díaz (Twitter: @ActivDigitales): IT, specialist in cybersecurity and cryptoactives.

Eugenia Alcalá Sucre (Twitter: @dashcaracas): Founder of Dash Caracas, focus on entrepreneurship.



1:00 p.m.
Eugenia Alcalá (@DashCaracas), explains what will happen in the afternoon, in our special activity called Dash City.



1:00 p.m.
After the conference, the Entrepreneurship Team, along with the Logistics Staff, help more than 25 entrepreneurs set up their stands, in order to participate in the festival called Dash City and received 132 people who had been waiting in line to participate of this activity.


At Dash City, people received a Dash giveaway of 0.0166, and they were able to spend it buying services or products offered by the entrepreneurs (who accepted only Dash) that included food, beverages, clothes, accessories, art, technical support, tourism, non profit organizations, and more.


Every time they buyed something, the transactions are registered in our database


After the conference, different media interviewed the founder of Dash Caracas, Eugenia Alcalá, our sponsors and the speaker of the 11th Conference.


Entrepreneurs, general public and businessmen, clarified their doubts about Dash and how to use it in our interactive tables, more than 35 people were received.



You can find the rest of the photos of this event here:

We would like to thank the MNOs and other members of the Dash community who supported us through donations and loans to develop this conference. To our sponsors, Kripto Mobile and Uphold.

And special thanks to all the Dash Caracas, Dash Venezuela Teams and the rest of the communities, who have worked with passion and professionalism, doing an amazing job!!!




Total attendees: 132

Total Journalists at workshop: 12

Total Journalist at Conference: 17

Total entrepreneurships at Dash City: 26

Total Transactions: 938

Total members of team Dash 50
Marvelous achievement as well as brilliant report.
Keep up the good work
El día Martes 11 de Septiembre se llevó a cabo la reunión # 46 del club de emprendedores, auspiciado por FEDECAMARAS Lara y donde la comunidad perteneciente a DASH Venezuela de la ciudad de Barquisimeto unió sus esfuerzos con Startup Venezuela, para dictar la ponencia denominada “el arte de cocrear nuevos futuros” la sede del evento fue la cámara inmobiliaria del estado Lara.

La charla dió inicio con ejemplos de diferentes empresas donde la resistencia al cambio provocó su fracaso, pues el esquema de negocio de antaño no es totalmente efectivo hoy en día, esto para dar apertura al marco principal de la ponencia, dirigido a motivar al emprendedor a desarrollar sus ideas y lograr con éxito su negocio deseado, apoyándose en las nuevas herramientas disponibles para tal fin, una de ellas es el uso de criptomonedas y especialmente de DASH dinero digital, el cual se denominó el criptactivo de los emprendedores venezolanos por sus principales cualidades, la rapidez de sus transacciones, la asistencia técnica, la seguridad y su estructura de red, siendo los Masternodos y su gobernanza descentralizada lo que permiten que exista DASH Venezuela, la cual junto con los comunidades locales motiva, adiestra y asesora al emprendedor en el impulso sus empresas siendo parte de este ecosistema en continuo crecimiento

Posterior a la parte teórica de la reunión, el Ing. Lewy viloria, parte del equipo de DASH Barquisimeto adiestró a los asistentes en el uso de la DASH WALLET, donde se despejaron dudas, desde hacer una transacción, hasta el protocolo de seguridad adecuado para proteger el dinero disponible en la billetera. Una vez terminada la ponencia en la sede mencionada, se realizó una feria de emprendedores, donde los asistentes pudieron adquirir productos mediante el uso de sus billeteras virtuales, evidenciando las ventajas del uso de las criptomonedas, siendo esta una opción de valor agregado en comparación con el sistema de pagos tradicional.


On Tuesday, September 11, was held the # 46 meeting of the FEDECAMARAS LARA entrepreneur´s club, where DASH Barquisimeto joined forces with Startup Venezuela, to deliver a conference entitled "The art of co-creating new futures ", the event was on the real estate chamber of Lara.


The conference started with examples of different companies where the resistance to change caused their failure, because the business model of yesteryear is not fully effective, opening to the main framework of the conference, aimed at motivating the entrepreneur to develop their ideas and achieve their desired business, relying on the new tools available for this purpose, one of them is the use of cryptocurrencies and especially DASH digital money, which is called the crypt of Venezuelan entrepreneurs for their main qualities, the technical assistance, the speed of the transactions, security and network structure, being the Masternodes and they´re decentralized governance what allows to DASH Venezuela with their local communities motivate, train and advise the entrepreneurs and their companies of being part to this ecosystem in continuous growth


After the theoretical part of the meeting, DASH Barquisimeto team, trained attendees in the use of the DASH WALLET, where they could clear their doubts, from making a simple transaction, to the security protocol to protect the money available in it. Once the presentation was completed, an entrepreneurs fair was held, where attendees were able to purchase products through the use of their digital wallets, demonstrating the advantages of using DASH digital money as a value- added option compared to the traditional payment system.


Total attendees: 53

Total entrepreneurships on the fair: 4

Total Transactions: 83

Total of open wallets: 42


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Countrywide massive adoption strategy
USD 54,288.00
for opening 4,350 new wallets monthly
that is 12 USD per person

Dash Caracas was the first Dash Community in Venezuela, and since its foundation the Dash phenomenon in our country has been huge and without precedents.

Dash Venezuela is an organization that works tirelessly to make Venezuela the first Nation of Dash, It helped us all Dash leaders in the formation of their communities, where we work in an environment of collaboration and mutual support making Dash the most popular . Cryptocurrency in Venezuela.

We are 29 active communities in Venezuela, and we are going to open 4350 new wallets Monthly in meetups and workshops, where we speak to Venezuelans about how dash is the most suitable way to overcome the economic crisis, when using it as common currency around the whole country.

In three months, more than 12,000 Venezuelans will meet and talk to their relatives, neighbors and friends about the advantage of using dash in their purchases.

Venezuela has a population estimated at 40 million citizens .The Allied Communities of Venezuela are concentrated in the most important populations of the country, instructing more people in the use of Dash as an alternative for the exchange of value

The meetings and Workshops, of the allied communities, strive to educate key people of different communities, to promote a "Waterfall effect” , where citizens encourage people and businesses to use Dash

You can find everything about DASH Venezuela here:


  1. Cripto UCV

  2. RedProductiva Merida

  3. DASH Barquisimeto

  4. DASH Baruta

  5. DASH Barlovento

  6. DASH Barinas

  7. DASH Cabimas

  8. DASH Cagua

  9. DASH Carora

  10. DASH Costas de Aragua

  11. DASH Guarenas-Guatire

  12. DASH Higuerote

  13. DASH La Guaira

  14. DASH Libertador

  15. DASH Los Teques

  16. DASH Maracaibo

  17. DASH Maracay

  18. DASH Monagas

  19. DASH Puerto La Cruz

  20. DASH San Antonio

  21. DASH San Felipe

  22. DASH Turmero

  23. DASH Valencia

  24. DASH Valera-Trujillo

  25. DASH Valle de la Pascua

  26. DASH Bolívar

  27. DASH Táchira

  28. DASH Yaracuy

Here you can see our detailed budget:

Propuestas Comunidades Aliadas de Dash Venezuela _ 3 meses - Hojas de cálculo de Google (2).png

Propuestas Comunidades Aliadas de Dash Venezuela _ 3 meses - Hojas de cálculo de Google (1).png


  • Propuestas Comunidades Aliadas de Dash Venezuela _ 3 meses - Hojas de cálculo de Google.png
    Propuestas Comunidades Aliadas de Dash Venezuela _ 3 meses - Hojas de cálculo de Google.png
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Hello everyone, we're very excited with the proposal for the 29 communities of Venezuela. Since replicating the information achieved from Dash Venezuela requires effort, support and union of all the communities that grow in the country.
Proof of this is the combination of effort and work realized this weekend by Dash Los Teques and Dash San Antonio in the fourth event of Entrepreneurs of San Antonio de los Altos Mirandinos, city in the state Miranda, Venezuela, where more than 60 entrepreneurs participated and an influx of over 500 assistants was achieved.



There we accomplished alliance with some entrepreneurs that accept Dash and we offered products, courtesy by Dash Los Teques so people that downloaded the wallet would pass by Dash's stand to receive information.
We accomplished that over 1000 came over, 25 wallets downloaded and 60 transactions, a list of people interested was generated, among them several merchants, importers and exporters.



With all of this said, our proposal is very noble and attractive and it would fill us with huge enthusiasm if it can be approved.
Countrywide massive adoption strategy
USD 54,288.00
for opening 4,350 new wallets monthly
that is 12 USD per person

Dash Caracas was the first Dash Community in Venezuela, and since its foundation the Dash phenomenon in our country has been huge and without precedents.

Dash Venezuela is an organization that works tirelessly to make Venezuela the first Nation of Dash, It helped us all Dash leaders in the formation of their communities, where we work in an environment of collaboration and mutual support making Dash the most popular . Cryptocurrency in Venezuela.

We are 29 active communities in Venezuela, and we are going to open 4350 new wallets Monthly in meetups and workshops, where we speak to Venezuelans about how dash is the most suitable way to overcome the economic crisis, when using it as common currency around the whole country.

In three months, more than 12,000 Venezuelans will meet and talk to their relatives, neighbors and friends about the advantage of using dash in their purchases.

Venezuela has a population estimated at 40 million citizens .The Allied Communities of Venezuela are concentrated in the most important populations of the country, instructing more people in the use of Dash as an alternative for the exchange of value

The meetings and Workshops, of the allied communities, strive to educate key people of different communities, to promote a "Waterfall effect” , where citizens encourage people and businesses to use Dash

You can find everything about DASH Venezuela here:


  1. Cripto UCV

  2. RedProductiva Merida

  3. DASH Barquisimeto

  4. DASH Baruta

  5. DASH Barlovento

  6. DASH Barinas

  7. DASH Cabimas

  8. DASH Cagua

  9. DASH Carora

  10. DASH Costas de Aragua

  11. DASH Guarenas-Guatire

  12. DASH Higuerote

  13. DASH La Guaira

  14. DASH Libertador

  15. DASH Los Teques

  16. DASH Maracaibo

  17. DASH Maracay

  18. DASH Monagas

  19. DASH Puerto La Cruz

  20. DASH San Antonio

  21. DASH San Felipe

  22. DASH Turmero

  23. DASH Valencia

  24. DASH Valera-Trujillo

  25. DASH Valle de la Pascua

  26. DASH Bolívar

  27. DASH Táchira

  28. DASH Yaracuy

Here you can see our detailed budget:

View attachment 8668

View attachment 8667

28 communities serving 4350 people per month ... a proposal with a lot of value for Dash ..!
this is great.
El día Martes 11 de Septiembre se llevó a cabo la reunión # 46 del club de emprendedores, auspiciado por FEDECAMARAS Lara y donde la comunidad perteneciente a DASH Venezuela de la ciudad de Barquisimeto unió sus esfuerzos con Startup Venezuela, para dictar la ponencia denominada “el arte de cocrear nuevos futuros” la sede del evento fue la cámara inmobiliaria del estado Lara.
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La charla dió inicio con ejemplos de diferentes empresas donde la resistencia al cambio provocó su fracaso, pues el esquema de negocio de antaño no es totalmente efectivo hoy en día, esto para dar apertura al marco principal de la ponencia, dirigido a motivar al emprendedor a desarrollar sus ideas y lograr con éxito su negocio deseado, apoyándose en las nuevas herramientas disponibles para tal fin, una de ellas es el uso de criptomonedas y especialmente de DASH dinero digital, el cual se denominó el criptactivo de los emprendedores venezolanos por sus principales cualidades, la rapidez de sus transacciones, la asistencia técnica, la seguridad y su estructura de red, siendo los Masternodos y su gobernanza descentralizada lo que permiten que exista DASH Venezuela, la cual junto con los comunidades locales motiva, adiestra y asesora al emprendedor en el impulso sus empresas siendo parte de este ecosistema en continuo crecimiento
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Posterior a la parte teórica de la reunión, el Ing. Lewy viloria, parte del equipo de DASH Barquisimeto adiestró a los asistentes en el uso de la DASH WALLET, donde se despejaron dudas, desde hacer una transacción, hasta el protocolo de seguridad adecuado para proteger el dinero disponible en la billetera. Una vez terminada la ponencia en la sede mencionada, se realizó una feria de emprendedores, donde los asistentes pudieron adquirir productos mediante el uso de sus billeteras virtuales, evidenciando las ventajas del uso de las criptomonedas, siendo esta una opción de valor agregado en comparación con el sistema de pagos tradicional.

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On Tuesday, September 11, was held the # 46 meeting of the FEDECAMARAS LARA entrepreneur´s club, where DASH Barquisimeto joined forces with Startup Venezuela, to deliver a conference entitled "The art of co-creating new futures ", the event was on the real estate chamber of Lara.

View attachment 8478
The conference started with examples of different companies where the resistance to change caused their failure, because the business model of yesteryear is not fully effective, opening to the main framework of the conference, aimed at motivating the entrepreneur to develop their ideas and achieve their desired business, relying on the new tools available for this purpose, one of them is the use of cryptocurrencies and especially DASH digital money, which is called the crypt of Venezuelan entrepreneurs for their main qualities, the technical assistance, the speed of the transactions, security and network structure, being the Masternodes and they´re decentralized governance what allows to DASH Venezuela with their local communities motivate, train and advise the entrepreneurs and their companies of being part to this ecosystem in continuous growth

View attachment 8480
After the theoretical part of the meeting, DASH Barquisimeto team, trained attendees in the use of the DASH WALLET, where they could clear their doubts, from making a simple transaction, to the security protocol to protect the money available in it. Once the presentation was completed, an entrepreneurs fair was held, where attendees were able to purchase products through the use of their digital wallets, demonstrating the advantages of using DASH digital money as a value- added option compared to the traditional payment system.


Total attendees: 53

Total entrepreneurships on the fair: 4

Total Transactions: 83

Total of open wallets: 42
On Thursday, August 30, on “Jirahara B” room at Jirahara´s Hotel was held the 4th meeting of Dash Barquisimeto´s communit, where attendees could enjoy the presentation entitled "DASH: solution for your daily payments" directed by Eng. José David Rojas, leader of the twilight city´s community.

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The talk began with examples of different electronic payment on the traditional money system, highlighting the control that banks have over our savings, allowing differentiating the conventional financial practices and cryptocurrencies based on blockchain technology, which allows reliability, security and anonymity, promoting its use in many areas besides the financial one, once the fundamental principle of cryptocurrencies and its brief history has been defined, he proposes a developed vision of cryptoactives and invites users to discover the benefits of this system in daily life.the speaker talk about the different cryptocurrencies and says there´s thousands of cryptocurrency projects and mentioned the main qualities of Dash-Digital Cash, the speed of the transactions, security and network structure, being the Masternodes and they´re decentralized governance what allows to carry out this type of events, which generate spaces to achieve a greater impact on the cryptoactives.

View attachment 8409

After the theoretical part of the meeting, Msc. Marisela Bravo, co-founder of the DASH Barquisimeto community, trained attendees in the use of the DASH WALLET, where they could clear their doubts, from making a simple transaction, to the security protocol to protect the money available in it. At Cocuy´s bar restaurant of the mentioned hotel in the city, attendees could by using their wallets, demonstrate the advantages of using DASH digital

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El día Jueves 30 de Agosto se llevó a cabo el 4to Meetup de la comunidad Dash Barquisimeto, la sede del evento fue el salón Jirahara B del hotel Jirahara, donde los asistentes pudieron disfrutar de la ponencia charla titulada "DASH: solución para tus pagos diarios" dirigida por el Ing. José David Rojas, líder de la comunidad de la ciudad crepuscular.

View attachment 8407

La charla dió inicio con ejemplos de diferentes sistemas de pagos electrónicos pertenecientes al esquema de dinero tradicional, resaltando el control que tienen las entidades bancarias sobre los ahorros personales, permitiendo diferenciar el uso de las criptomonedas a las prácticas financieras convencionales, esta fundamentada en la tecnología blockchain, la cual permite confiabilidad, seguridad y anonimato, propiciando su empleo en muchas áreas además de la financiera, una vez definido el principio fundamental de las criptomonedas y su breve historia. Plantea una visión desarrollada de los criptoactivos e invita a los usuarios, mas allá de un método de ahorro a descubrir los beneficios de este sistema en la vida diaria. Basado en lo anterior, el conferencista hizo alusión a los miles de proyectos de criptomonedas , destacando las principales cualidades de Dash- Digital Cash, la rapidez de sus transacciones, la seguridad y su estructura de red, siendo los Masternodos y su gobernanza descentralizada lo que permiten llevar a cabo este tipo de eventos, que generan espacios para lograr un mayor impacto de los criptoactivos.
View attachment 8410

Posterior a la parte teórica de la reunión, la Lic. Marisela Bravo, cofundadora de la comunidad dash Barquisimeto, adiestró a los asistentes en el uso de la DASH WALLET, donde pudieron despejar sus dudas, desde hacer una transacción, hasta el protocolo de seguridad adecuado para proteger el dinero disponible en la billetera.En el restaurant Cocuy bar del mencionado hotel de la ciudad, los asistentes pudieron mediante el uso de sus billeteras, evidenciar las ventajas del uso de las criptomonedas, siendo esta un opción de valor agregado en comparación con el sistema de pagos tradicional

View attachment 8408
Do you know Alexis Lugo, from Dash Venezuela?


Also known as @Jahlexis_Tafari, Lugo is the coordinator of the Communities on the Board Venezuela program, and we realize that we are learning. Education and the massive adoption of Dash Dinero Digital in the South American country.

Do you want to give us your support? This is the link to our proposal to help communities grow throughout the country.
We are Dash Coasts of Aragua - Venezuela
We are 29 allied communities that faithfully believe in this Project, called Dash Digital Cash.

Our growth has been massive, unique and higher to that of any country.
We believe that we deserve the opportunity to continue forward for all the time devoted to this project.

We also have the vision and mission to make Venezuela the first Dash Nation and that is achieved with confidence, time, dedication and love.
We know that we are facing a crisis that our founder, Eugenia Alcalá calls, "perfect breeding ground" and that broth is more than ready to adapt Dash in their day to day.

I believe that this year we have shown that we are all united as a machine full of power, joy and enthusiasm to continue providing this knowledge of Dash Digital Cash to the 40 million inhabitants of Venezuela.

Support Venezuela, we believe and support this project called "Dash Digital Cash"
Hello community, we want to contribute our experience during these last 8 months of the Dash_Maracaibo community and share with you very interesting facts.

Here you can see some of the events we have done

Venezuela has almost 40 million inhabitants, achieving impact in at least 10% of that population it s difficult, we want to change a business dynamic in a country with a situation extreme, the advantages of using blockchain are not public domain, it is information that must be duplicated, it is disruptive and for most it represents a learning curve that can be postponed.

Communities are the means to reach the rest of the country and take advantage of the impact generated in the center

This can only be done if we are organized and that is what 29 communities make allied to the vision of DashVenezuela. We have many challenges to overcome, communication with our audiences, communication with the forum (in a language that we do not handle the majority), the study of new information for many, the impact of our strategies and the focus they have, but we are here telling you (in our bad English), that there are people working in Venezuela to build adoption, that we believe in Dash and that is the most relevant value for the success of any blockchain initiative.

If you support us, you can see our work with greater attention, you may not do it and we may continue to do with passion what we have already done, but here we are many, dedicating our precious time and we hope it is worthwhile for our country.

This is the proposal

Many of our events are advising companies in the use of Dash and in particular we want to share the achievement of soon including a supermarkets chain in our city, which we hope to attend, since they have between 5 stores 700 employees to attend and tell them about Dash .


"Super Tiendas Enne" is also an important piece as it shows two other chains that are waiting for us to make these training sessions to adapt the use of Dash on their platform and accept Dash.

Dash Venezuela participated in the great Dash Colombia Business Fair held in the Plaza Mayor of the city of Medellin, Colombia.

Our founder, Eugenia Alcalá, presented her theme: "A Case of Success" in the presence of several speakers from different countries who also use Dash Dinero Digital "Our vision in Dash Venezuela is to teach the adoption and responsible use of the cryptocurrency, we always encourage the person who uses the currency to do it ethically"



He also explained that in Venezuela there have been more than 4 thousand transactions in the different Dash City that have been carried out "At the biggest fair, we had 90 entrepreneurs making transfers with Dash"



We thank the community of @dashmedellin for giving us the opportunity to participate in this important event
Dash Venezuela held an encounter with the Dash Medellín community


Our founder of Dash Venezuela, Eugenia Alcalá, held a meeting with the Dash Medellín community in Colombia. In this meeting, our founder explained the adoption system of Dash as a payment system and the benefits it offers.


Participants were able to download their digital wallets and discover and know how this cryptocurrency works



Our founder of Dash Venezuela, Eugenia Alcalá, participated in a videoconference at the @TexasBitcoin Conference to explain the success of this crypto in the country.
