Pose Banned. bad-protx-operator-payee


Hello! I am trying to recover my node from Pose Banned to Enabled again. I try protx update_service, but output says "bad-protx-operator-payee".
How can I fix that?
Thank you.
Hello! I am trying to recover my node from Pose Banned to Enabled again. I try protx update_service, but output says "bad-protx-operator-payee".
How can I fix that?
Thank you.

If you have 0% of your masternode rewards going to an operator (meaning all the rewards go to the masternode owner), then you can use "" with the operatorPayoutAddress part. It will just be a placeholder then for the feeSourceAddress.

protx update_service proTxHash ipAndPort operatorKey operatorPayoutAddress feeSourceAddress
protx update_service proTxHash ipAndPort operatorKey "" feeSourceAddress


Source : https://docs.dash.org/en/stable/masternodes/maintenance.html#updating-masternode-information
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If you have 0% of your masternode rewards going to an operator (meaning all the rewards go to the masternode owner), then you can use "" with the operatorPayoutAddress part. It will just be a placeholder then for the feeSourceAddress.

protx update_service proTxHash ipAndPort operatorKey operatorPayoutAddress feeSourceAddress
protx update_service proTxHash ipAndPort operatorKey "" feeSourceAddress


Source : https://docs.dash.org/en/stable/masternodes/maintenance.html#updating-masternode-information
Thanks a lot!