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Well-known member
Blockchains, they're great! Someday the whole world will be run on them, they'll bring the kids to school and everything! Ok, the hype gets a bit much sometimes but it's no secret that they can dramatically improve the efficiency of an awful lot of things but that means they'll need an awful lot of capacity and it's no secret how that will be achieved, parallelism.

If a road is congested you can try to address it in many ways, make bigger vehicles (bigger blocks), increase the speed limit (faster blocks) but at some point your only option is to add more lanes. Bitcoin has hit that point and it's hit it hard, at this stage a capacity increase is an absolute necessity and the solution is going to change the whole cryptocurrency environment.

A bold claim! But not one made lightly, the solution involves applying both Bitcoins security and its established market to another chain and if that can work for one chain then it can be applied to may more. On top of that Bitcoin isn't the only project working towards that aim, it has by far the best chance of establishing a standard method but other projects could get there first and in doing so have a good chance of pushing Bitcoin aside. This is a turning point for cryptocurrency and it's likely to happen sometime this year.

So where does that leave Dash? It could leave Dash in an awkward position, those other chains can specialise and given time fill just about every niche imaginable but Dash has a couple of aces up its sleeve. Firstly it can use whatever method Bitcoin uses and continue to innovate faster, find solutions to issues as they arise and stay a few steps ahead and secondly it has a whole host of options available at the second tier that aren't available to Bitcoin. It may even have an entirely different approach to fixing scalability, adding more lanes involves getting lots of blockchains to work together and that wont be a simple task. In a few years we may be seeing the same kind of scaling arguments over interoperability as we're seeing today over transaction capacity and I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if the obvious solution to that problem is something Dash is already using today.
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