P2Pool [P2Pool] drk.nicepool.net:7903


New member
P2pool node DRK mining address
Point your miners on drk.nicepool.net:7903
Low fees
Our fees will always be on the lower side. They will remain competitive at all times and will never exceed 1%.
We aim for 99.99% a.k.a. "four-nines" availability of our pools. Our servers are updated on a daily basis to ensure your miners run on the right fork. Any downtime due to software-related problems such as unsuccessful hardforks etc. will be advertised on our site.
Superfast internet connection
Ping time from your miners to our servers is crucial and will determine your efficiency on the p2pool network. Our servers are located in Europe and benefit from an extremely fast internet connection.
Improved security
In addition to the unmatched security of the p2pool network, our servers are equipped with hardware DDoS protection.
Great support
We understand that as our clients, you deserve the best service ! We take your requests very seriously, please feel free to drop us a line on our official @nicepoolnet twitter.