Needed amount of Dash for the masternode


I heard that the amount of the dash will be different to run a node. Is this true? If so, what is the new needed amount, and will old masternodes with 1000 dash work?
Thank you.
I heard that the amount of the dash will be different to run a node. Is this true? If so, what is the new needed amount, and will old masternodes with 1000 dash work?
Thank you.
There is a new class of Masternode, 1K masternodes still running core, the 4K will begin by running core in anticipation of becoming Platform nodes when that is released. When Platform is released, they will become 1/4 core node, 3/4 Platform node.
There is a new class of Masternode, 1K masternodes still running core, the 4K will begin by running core in anticipation of becoming Platform nodes when that is released. When Platform is released, they will become 1/4 core node, 3/4 Platform node.

I suspect 4K nodes will be Platform nodes from the start, running both the normal Core chain and the Platform sidechain. Only the MN reward logic changes for the 4K HPM nodes between v19 activation and v20 activation, from 4x MN Core rewards with v19 (after activation) to 1/4 rewards from Core and 3/4 rewards from Platform with v20 (after activation).

So with v19 we should see the introduction of 4K Platform nodes, to be fully activated a few months later due to the hard fork.

I do wonder if this change anything with regards to peoples's motivation to start a 4K HPM right from the very start, now that those 4K HPM's receive 4x MN payments with v19 (after activation). Would it be financially beneficial to start a 4K HPM with v19, or wait for v20 with the final MN reward logic ?

Depends i guess if those 4x MN rewards that 4K HPM nodes receive from Core, cover the extra costs of higher hardware requirements associated with running Dash Platform. We know the 1/4 rewards from Core and 3/4 rewards from Platform process with v20 covers it, but i am not sure if the 4x MN rewards with v19 also covers it.
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