Mixing on mydashwallet.org went wrong


New member

I made some transactions uning mydashwallet. I used the mixing function a few times and all worked fine.
But then the fee of the mydashwallet transaction was too low and did not get confirmed for a few days. When it became confirmed, the DASH were booked on the mixing address of the wallet but never arrived on the output wallet. The website says mixing status is unknown.
What can I do now? I already wrote the mydashwallet support and send them all data but I did not get an answer :/
Is there any way to get my money back?

The Dash blockchain experienced a blockchain halt, which most likely also affected mydashwallet (a third party).
See : https://www.dash.org/forum/index.ph...-0-to-address-recent-issue.53743/#post-234703

In general during a blockchain halt it is best not to transact and best not to perform mixing, untill the network is stable again.
You could ask mydashwallet if they have upgraded to Dash Core v19.1

By now the Dash network has been declared as stable by Dash Core Group, but i don't know if you were perhaps mixing when the Dash blockchain was unstable. You could even have been mixing (through mydashwallet) on the wrong chain. Only mydashwallet can give you info on that.