ICE Total Gaming - London - Dash Presentation Today 7th Feb


Well-known member
Foundation Member
Masternode Owner/Operator
ICE Total Gaming
7-8-9th Feb

@kot / Robert Dash presentation
Today 14:00 UTC 7th Feb

Robert Wiecko / kot from Dash is available at the Coinfirm booth all days

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Why are the planes on the left landing on otoh's island ? LOL They're missing London, hence will be late for the show! Seriously, though, is there any live updates? Will there be a video?

Actually, they all look like they're headed for Normandy, is it an invasion?
Why are the planes on the left landing on otoh's island ? LOL They're missing London, hence will be late for the show! Seriously, though, is there any live updates? Will there be a video?

Actually, they all look like they're headed for Normandy, is it an invasion?

not sure about video and such
i believe kot will be posting pics and whatever he has eventually

i was wondering if these black planes will raise 'attack'/invasion questions :rolleyes:
and no they are not - only because me as a german made this does not mean there is any 'attack' anywhere involved ;)
happy planes flying all around is the bottom line here
Sorry, I couldn't resist the joke, and kind of meaning US invasion of Normandy anyway. My Uncle (Onkel Gunter) was captured by the Americans as he was in a machine gun nest. He was certain the Americans would kill him, but they didn't (he was only 16) I think the Americans saw these young boys staring up at them, and too heart, to be honest) Anyway, in POW camp, he said he had some of the funnest times, LOL, with the Americans. I think a part of him is sad he never moved here (to America) One time, the Americans invited him to go out drinking (he was a POW, lol) and they got him so drunk he was half passed out, and they took him back to his tent, and just rolled him out of the jeep in front of the tent, LOL. He laughs when he tells the story :) What a life, eh? He's still with us too! I love him! He must be 90 years old now! Or very close to it!

I love having a huge family! :D

"London Calling"

(i am posting pm's from slack)

Kot with CEO of Coinfirm


kot is still super busy so he will post an update eventually , but lets have him Finnish conference first

Presentation videos ?
yes there will be a video available at some point :rolleyes:
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Hello Everyone,

I just returned from London. It was an EXTREMELY exhausting but still great learning experience. The ICE conference was fantastic and HUGE. Together with Coinfirm we have met people from all over the world and many of them were interested in crypto-currencies and blockchain technology in general. Many have heard about Bitcoin, few of them about Dash. There was a great interest in blockchain presentation block (although we were placed in different block - this one was for sponsors). During the conference we have had an opportunity to educate many of people about Dash.
I have made some very interesting connections and learned a lot about the gaming and gambling industry. Here are some of my notes and conclusions taken from the conference:

  • Online gaming/gambling industry is focused on their core business and they don't care too much about payments. They simply use partners to process payments (payment processors, credit card operators etc.) or to integrate payment services into their websites. Fortunately majority of payment processors were in London too :) - close to our section.
  • When we were talking to the companies about blockchain-based payments, EVERY TIME the very first concern raised during our conversations was AML and compliance. Coinfirm presence was really helpful at these moments. Thanks to their involvement, we have made some interesting connections and I hope they will evolve into partnerships soon.
  • Business don't care about things like InstantSend, PrivateSend etc. We should not even try to speak this language to the business. They simply don't care. They care about the numbers - profits, increased number of users, cost reductions etc. Our marketing materials have to be prepared in a way that will be understandable for the business customer. Our current materials are good for developers and crypto-geeks but not for the financial industry.
  • We should not always look for the cheapest possible option with stand/booth. In comparison to the other stands around, our table was invisible - it was even so small that they were not able to mark it on the floor map :) .
  • I think that we should invest in good marketing materials like big banners, walls, stands, monitors with videos (we have had one in London and it worked really good), good handouts, flyers etc.
  • When we are going for any conference in the future, there is an absolute need to send min 2-3 people there. I was there alone this time and even with support of Coinfirm guys it was impossible to handle everything. E.g. when I was visiting payment processor stands, some Chinese guy from big Hong Kong -based company visited our booth and expressed big interest in Dash. He left business card but I had no chance to talk to him in person. Besides of this - it is simply very exhausting to handle everything by one person during so big event.
  • In case when the event duration is more than one day, I suggest to consider meal reimbursements for the Dash representatives. The cost of meals in London was high.

General comment: presence in London was an eye-opener for me. I think we have to be present not only on the Bitcoin conferences but use any chance to show ourselves on the events similar to this one. We can learn a lot about different business needs of our potential clients and start to be recognized outside crypto space.
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+ some photos from the conference. Majority of them were made before the gates were opened. So there was no crowd yet :)



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and few more :)

As you could see, there was even one company offering Bitcoin ATMs there. They were from Poland! ... But unfortunatelly not interested in Dash integration (I am sure I will convince them later ;) )


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That's awesome @kot! I definitely agree on meal expense reimbursement, per diem, or something. Some places are *crazy* expensive!
And also my presentation at ICE 2017:

The stand with the microphone was so small that I had to lean to be heard :)

sorry had to pull that video (terrible sound)
i will upload a new version in a couple of hours

Kot is back ;)

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Nice work @kot! Thanks for representing Dash at the conference.

- Online gaming/gambling industry is focused on their core business and they don't care too much about payments. They simply use partners to process payments (payment processors, credit card operators etc.) or to integrate payment services into their websites. Fortunately majority of payment processors were in London too :) - close to our section.
- When we were talking to the companies about blockchain-based payments, EVERY TIME the very first concern raised during our conversations was AML and compliance. Coinfirm presence was really helpful at these moments. Thanks to their involvement, we have made some interesting connections and I hope they will evolve into partnerships soon.
- Business don't care about things like InstantSend, PrivateSend etc. We should not even try to speak this language to the business. They simply don't care. They care about the numbers - profits, increased number of users, cost reductions etc. Our marketing materials have to be prepared in a way that will be understandable for the business customer. Our current materials are good for developers and crypto-geeks but not for the financial industry.
- We should not always look for the cheapest possible option with stand/booth. In comparison to the other stands around, our table was invisible - it was even so small that they were not able to mark it on the floor map :) .
- I think that we should invest in good marketing materials like big banners, walls, stands, monitors with videos (we have had one in London and it worked really good), good handouts, flyers etc.
- When we are going for any conference in the future, there is an absolute need to send min 2-3 people there. I was there alone this time and even with support of Coinfirm guys it was impossible to handle everything. E.g. when I was visiting payment processor stands, some Chinese guy from big Hong Kong -based company visited our booth and expressed big interest in Dash. He left business card but I had no chance to talk to him in person. Besides of this - it is simply very exhausting to handle everything by one person during so big event.
- In case when the event duration is more than one day, I suggest to consider meal reimbursements for the Dash representatives. The cost of meals in London was high.

General comment: presence in London was an eye-opener for me. I think we have to be present not only on the Bitcoin conferences but use any chance to show ourselves on the events similar to this one. We can learn a lot about different business needs of our potential clients and start to be recognized outside crypto space.

These are some really important insights, thanks for sharing the post-assessment.

About the cheap vs. expensive booth, I agree that ideally we should like to have a strong presence at conferences, but if it's going to impact funding to other development projects and we have to choose, I would vote to prioritize the latter. Sending 2-3 people and feeding them, at a cheap booth, would be preferable to sending just one starving person at a premium booth. :)
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