- Online gaming/gambling industry is focused on their core business and they don't care too much about payments. They simply use partners to process payments (payment processors, credit card operators etc.) or to integrate payment services into their websites. Fortunately majority of payment processors were in London too

- close to our section.
- When we were talking to the companies about blockchain-based payments, EVERY TIME the very first concern raised during our conversations was AML and compliance. Coinfirm presence was really helpful at these moments. Thanks to their involvement, we have made some interesting connections and I hope they will evolve into partnerships soon.
- Business don't care about things like InstantSend, PrivateSend etc. We should not even try to speak this language to the business. They simply don't care. They care about the numbers - profits, increased number of users, cost reductions etc. Our marketing materials have to be prepared in a way that will be understandable for the business customer. Our current materials are good for developers and crypto-geeks but not for the financial industry.
- We should not always look for the cheapest possible option with stand/booth. In comparison to the other stands around, our table was invisible - it was even so small that they were not able to mark it on the floor map

- I think that we should invest in good marketing materials like big banners, walls, stands, monitors with videos (we have had one in London and it worked really good), good handouts, flyers etc.
- When we are going for any conference in the future, there is an absolute need to send min 2-3 people there. I was there alone this time and even with support of Coinfirm guys it was impossible to handle everything. E.g. when I was visiting payment processor stands, some Chinese guy from big Hong Kong -based company visited our booth and expressed big interest in Dash. He left business card but I had no chance to talk to him in person. Besides of this - it is simply very exhausting to handle everything by one person during so big event.
- In case when the event duration is more than one day, I suggest to consider meal reimbursements for the Dash representatives. The cost of meals in London was high.
General comment: presence in London was an eye-opener for me. I think we have to be present not only on the Bitcoin conferences but use any chance to show ourselves on the events similar to this one. We can learn a lot about different business needs of our potential clients and start to be recognized outside crypto space.