How To Encrypt A USB Drive? (Cold Storage)


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How To Encrypt A USB Drive? (Cold Storage)

A simple tutorial explaining how to install VeraCrypt – The tutorial was created and contributed by Ping (Blog: http://w363zoq3ylux5rf5.onion/blog/owner/ping).

Lets start – First, go to the link here and select the version you want to use and download it. Now open a terminal and go to the directory where you downloaded the file and extract it:

tar -xzvf veracrypt-1.0f.1-setup.tar.gz

(Note: Navigate to the folder where you saved the tar.gz file)

Next, run the following command to install Veracrypt: sh veracrypt-1.0f.1-setup.tar.gz

Or double click on the file.

Now enter 1 and press enter and say yes to the user agreement, once finished you will should find Veracrypt in your menu – if not you may run it by entering veracrypt in the command line.

In the window that will appear click on the option “Create Volume”:

To the next image, select “Create a volume within a partition / drive ” and click “Next”:

At this point we will select the first choice “Standard VeraCrypt volume”, to create a normal volume. So we click “Next”

(i will cover making a hidden volume in another tutorial.)

In the next step click on “Select Device”. In this part we will choose a USB device that you have plugged in to your computer. After that click on “Next”.

(Note: all the data on the USB will be destroyed so make sure you don’t have any information on it!)

Make sure “Never save history” is checked:

In this step we must choose the encryption algorithm and the hash algorithm. We can choose between AES, Serpent, Twofish etc. So, we can leave the default options and we click “Next”. For more info on algorithms and hash algorithm you may look at the documentation here.

Next, it will ask you for the password, this should be between 40-60 characters long. I am not going to go into depth because you can easily find a lot of info about how to create strong passwords. So just enter your password and click next:

Next, we will select our file system. We can leave the recommend option (Filesystem type: FAT) as it is readable in all major operating systems:

On the Volume Format screen, you’ll need to move your mouse around to generate some random data, i recommend doing that for about 30 seconds. While just moving your mouse is sufficient you could always use a Wacom tablet and draw a lot of dicks everywhere. Once you’ve generated enough random data, hit the Format button:

Now, it might take a while for the process to finish so please be patient:

When its done, you will see this screen letting you know that the volume creation has been successfully created:

Next, click Ok and exit the wizard. Now choose one of the slots and click “select drive” at the bottom and choose the USB you just formatted:

Next, click mount and type in your password as well and your veracrypt admin password. Once you have entered everything in you will see it in your file manager or double click on the volume:

That’s it! You have now encrypted a USB drive using Veracrypt. All you have to do now is wait for the feds to arrest you and see if it works!

This tutorial is listed in the Security Tutorials section.
I'm going to be selling hardware encrypted pen drives for DRK soon.

I hoped to have a product available sooner but its tricky to find a good value one that supports Linux. Most are Mac & PC.
No logo for security reasons :D

I'm really having trouble deciding which range to offer. Cheap and cheerful (still secure) or robust and expensive like the Aegis range.

I am not a tech guy and new to crypto currencies.
A very basic question:
How do I cold store the Dash-Qt wallet? Just by putting it on a USB-drive?
Is there any way to restore the wallet (f.e. seed) in case it got lost/destroyed?
Any help would be appreciated!

I am not a tech guy and new to crypto currencies.
A very basic question:
How do I cold store the Dash-Qt wallet? Just by putting it on a USB-drive?
Is there any way to restore the wallet (f.e. seed) in case it got lost/destroyed?
Any help would be appreciated!
  • You will make a backup of the "wallet.dat" file: simply copy that file into encrypted containers/usb/external drives/cds/cloud storage... always encrypted.
  • Careful with passwords. It's of no use to have backups if you cannot remember the password to decrypt it!
  • It's advisable to make several (at least more than one) copies of the wallet, saved in different medias, stored in different locations for better safety (in case there's a problem with one of the medias, there are still spare ones).
  • For a better organisation, have these backups renamed in a standard format, with the date, identification, etc (e.g. wallet.dat.hotWallet-2015Jul08).
  • Also, always have your DASH core client closed (not running!) before manipulating its "wallet.dat".
Now, from time to time, especially after darkSending, or after moving part of your DASH balance (in case of change addresses, for example), you must make new updated backups (now named, for instance, wallet.dat.hotWallet-2015Aug08).

IMPORTANT: never delete private keys (wallet.dats). Keep them in your backups in "layers" organised by date, etc.

At least, that's how I do it.
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I am not a tech guy and new to crypto currencies.
A very basic question:
How do I cold store the Dash-Qt wallet? Just by putting it on a USB-drive?
Is there any way to restore the wallet (f.e. seed) in case it got lost/destroyed?
Any help would be appreciated!
We have no seed (HD wallet) implemented yet. If you are going to make a real cold wallet i.e. you not going to use this address/private key anywhere else and only use it in that particular wallet to keep your coins safe, you can create BIP38 encrypted paper wallet instead and just send coins there (try small amounts first!).

I am not a tech guy and new to crypto currencies.
A very basic question:
How do I cold store the Dash-Qt wallet? Just by putting it on a USB-drive?
Is there any way to restore the wallet (f.e. seed) in case it got lost/destroyed?
Any help would be appreciated!
All of these suggestions on this thread are very good to apply. There's also another way: dump your private key and store it in a safe place.
Send all your coins to one or two addresses. Disconnect from the internet. Dump your private key(s). Print out the private key(s) on paper. Keep this record in a safe box or bank deposit box, where only you or someone you trust can have access to. Remember your coins are stored on the block chain, and the private keys are the secret numbers that allow your coins to be spent. Here's a video to show how to dump and import your private keys:
I offer the help, to your forgotten password for BTC Wallet.dat

Also I can give you my script, under a condition not to use him in the illegal purposes.

Donations for my script I ask 1-BTC. A half of the sum at once, a half after your success.

In more detail here