• Forum has been upgraded, all links, images, etc are as they were. Please see Official Announcements for more information

How does v.012.1 impact budget proposals ?


Well-known member
Specifically with regards to treshold % and setting up budget proposals over longer time periods ?
I remember v.0.12.1 has contracts now ? Do contracts have higher tresholds ?

I would like more details about how v0.12.1 currently changes things with regards to budget proposals.

Thanks in advance.
i may have overlooked this part in the official announcement :

Please note that all existing multi-month budgets will not migrate to the new version. For proposal owners with payments remaining, you will need to submit a replacement proposal on the new budget system. We plan to run the new budgeting system with the same functionality as 12.0 for a couple of months before proposing any changes to the network.
